EKKLESIA- The Government of Heaven on Earth!

by James Becton

The greatest shift and breakthrough we’re in right now is moving from “church, as we know it, to Ekklesia, which by the way, is NOT a new way of doing church”! Ekklesia is not only the called out ones, but it is the called out of the called out, those who have been chosen and separated unto the Kingdom to enact and establish the Assembly on Mount Zion as Sons of God! JESUS SAID, “The good seed are the sons of the kingdom…” Here are some differences as we see the kingdom established in the earth: (He. 12:22).

1) Church is a “pastoral leadership model “, mercy and maintenance driven; Ekklesia is an “apostolic leadership model”, that is, apostolic team-ministry made up of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers with saints being equipped and empowered to fulfill the “ministry of the saints…. The saints ministry is to serve, help, support and fulfill their calling and purpose in the earth. (Eph. 4:11,12; I. Co. 16:15-17; I. Peter 4:10).

2) Church as we know it, is “membership minded”, with performance and programs as the goal; Ekklesia is “sonship minded”, that is, identifying and equipping sons as who they are, not just what they do. Sons function out of a position of being, while members who do not know who they are, are orphans. Orphans are bent on doing, feeling esteem and power when they can perform acts of ministry, yet feel rejected and unapproved when they do not get to do there thing. Anointing and gifting is always subject to sonship!

3) Church is all about “gifts and ministries!” Ekklesia is about character and governance! If you are gifted and can minister, your character is often overlooked; in Ekklesia, integrity and being authentic is valued, and even if you don’t minister your gift, you are secure in being a son and knowing whose you are! Gifts are needed to function but character is needed to sustain function and grace! Without the order of Fathers and sons in the kingdom, gifts will operate many times to display personalities and be performance-oriented! Ministries are for serving, gifts are for function!

4) Church as we know it, centers around the “house of the Lord” or the physical building. Everything is centered around “services, programs, attendance, special events, etc.! Ekklesia is centered around the “kingdom”, being a “habitation of God in the Spirit”, a people being built up as a holy temple in the Lord, and seeing the body of Christ edified and established, being built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone… (Eph. 2:20-22). When the Church “gathers” together they can be in one place but not necessarily assembled! To be an “assembly” we must be “fitly joined together…” (I. Peter 2:5-9).

5) Church is promoted by pastors to be a “covering” for all believers, as the pastor is the shepherd to the sheep! Ps. 23:1- The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want or lack…” In all actuality, pastors are to serve and under gird the flock “as under-shepherds, not lording over the sheep, but being examples to the flock.” Many saints go to church but have no accountability because the pastors are unaccountable. There is not many times, any relational authority. Submission is not “one-way” it is being mutually accountable. Let the younger submit to the elder. (I. Peter1:1-5).

Ekklesia promotes “Christ as being the head of the body”, the Church and Christ the Apostle, Bishop, and Shepherd of our souls and the High Priest of our confession. Apostles and pastors in Ekklesia do not “cover” as INSTEAD of Christ, but bring “Alignment” to the sons of God as a kingdom of priests and can teach, train, confirm, raise up and release all saints and mantle ministries with an apostolic/Prophetic Alignment! This brings kingdom order to the Ekklesia, which is what Jesus Christ founded and built upon the authority of the Father who sent Him!!! (Heb. 3:1: I. Peter 2:25.

James Becton

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