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December 29, 2017 at 12:35 pm #7642
Participant1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (ASV)
“But you are a chosen race who serve as Priests for The Kingdom, a holy people, a redeemed assembly; you should proclaim the praises of him who called you from darkness into his excellent light.” (AN)
The open door is here and his royal priesthood has been positioned like John to hear the war trumpet call,”Come up here, for I will show you the things to come.”
Rev 4:1 will manifest in those who are hungering and thirsting for his presence. They will hear the “war trumpet” of the spirit calling them upward. That upward call is the call to be one with our High Priest Jesus who is ever living to make intercession for us.
He desires us to be Royal Priesthood and a Holy Nation. 2018 is going to bring forth in power this Royal Priesthood to function together on the earth as never before.
Great gatherings of his mature sons and daughters are going to spring up spontaneously by the Lord as he says, “I need you in this city to pray, or I need you in that city or town to pray.”
They will gather together by the spirit of Jesus our true “intercessor and only mediator” between the Father and us. God’s will is going to be released in power and demonstration through full grown apostolic and prophetic people in tune with the Holy Spirit’s true desires.
Intercession of the highest level of the Kingdom is about to come forth which will cause cities to repent and call on the name of the Lord. God is going to bring order out of all the confusion that is in the land at this moment in time.
A divine alignment has come, a realigning of God’s people has come so He can place the body of Christ together as He desires and needs with each part supplying what the other need.
An army of prophetic intercessors are being gathered now with the psalmist, minstrels and dancers to open up the heavens for the Open door to manifest on earth as it is heaven.
He is going to bring his people to the “up here” heavenly place of being seated with him so he can show the things that are to come on the earth. He is going to speak his prophetic word, give open visions, night visions, of what he wants done in individuals, families, neighborhoods, cities and towns.
This upward call will bring the deepest intimacy we have ever known with the Lord. Truly they will see that there is a people who will be one with the Lord in His outworking on the earth.
Times of great fasting and transformational intercessory prayer will come forth in 2018 as He gathers his intercessory/worship army together as in Joel chapter 2 spontaneously. This call to fast and pray will cause his body to separate themselves unto the lord for his holy purposes.
This fasting and prayer will shake and transform cities, regions and nations with the glory of God. It will cause those in authority, even worldly leaders to shake and tremble by the presence of the Lord that will be revealed in their midst .
The wheel within a wheel is taking shape and form in 2018 and will come forth as Ezekiel prophesied. A people so in tune with the movements of heaven that they will transform the earth with the glory of God.
January will be a very important month of 2018 because a “new and deeper foundation” of being in Christ and Christ in us will become a kingdom reality never seen on the earth before is being laid for a tremendous harvest to come forth.
There will be a harvest in the church first that will bring people out of intellectual salvation to the reality of the kingdom of God Gospel Jesus preached.
Many are going to come out of the traditions, the old religious system and order and embrace the Kingdom of God message. Great miracles are going to be done in their lives that will set them free to hear, see, and possess the Kingdom of God in their hearts as Jesus came to give them.
An outpouring of greater grace is coming in 2018. Where sin abounds grace will MUCH MORE ABOUND. We are going to see the manifestation of the “grace to it, grace to it” for the hands that started this work in us is going to finish us in power and glory.
Where there was failure and stumbling in their walk with God will come victory and maturity by a supernatural outpouring of the Spirit that is going to start being released in January 2018 that will accelerate the finishing work of the Lord in those that will receive it.
There is going to be a transformational shift in the youth and teens and young adults in 2018. Those that seem far away are going to come near. The Lord has sent his messenger into the highway and byways with a compelling word to “Come for all things are now ready.”
The youth, teens, and young adults are going to be the first ones to heed the call. As they say “Yes Lord” God is going to mature them into full grown sons and daughters in an instant. They are going to be set in divine order in the house of God and they will be in the forefront of what the Lord desires to do on the earth.
God is going to send them out to transform the cities and nations of the world as he fills them with his glory. His glory will be seen upon them like no one has ever seen before. They are His glory bringers. They will bring signs, wonders, healing, and miracles to places no one would ever go.
They will be full of tattoos, piercings, but they will be a mighty army of the Lord that will reach their generation in the power and glory of the Lord. They have suffered much at the hands of the enemy. Now the Lord has come to deliver them from their oppressors and raise them up like David’s might men to transform the earth.
They will be a worshipful and prayerful generation. They will love to seek God’s face. They will love to pray. They will love to listen for his voice. They will love to declare his kingdom, his words and they will prophesy in power in glory the word of the Lord.
They will be fearless. They will not turn back. They will not thrust another with a sword or a wrong word. They will love each other as Jesus loves them. They will bring unity where there has been division and harmony where there has been chaos.
The Lord is with them. The Lord is in them and out of the mouth of babes and sucklings God has ordained praise.
The Lord’s intercessory army is being positioned now to go strategic places to open the heavens so the open door will be made manifest to bring all this about.
They will hear his voice. They will come and follow him. They will be true disciples. The heavens will not be like brass, for they will repent for themselves and this nation and I will move powerfully in their midst. 2nd Chronicles 7:14 will be their battle cry.
An open heaven has come. The promise to the Philadelphia church in Revelation is here for the maturing sons and daughters of God. He has opened a door no man can shut! He has called us up. The day of the horizontal church age has ended and the vertical Kingdom age has come in our midst.
Arise and shine! The light has come! The Glory of the Lord shall be seen upon us!
Henry Falcone
Flame of Fire- Awakening Kingdom Messengers
This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
January 2, 2018 at 10:37 pm #7703Anonymous
Inactive<i>Awakened at 2 am, looking up at the stars in wonder, my Heavenly Father </i><i>was speaking to me for at least an hour. It felt like He was uploading and </i><i>downloading His word both into my mind and my heart at the same time. </i><i>I thought about Jacob’s ladder with angels descending and ascending </i><i>as He spoke to me about generations of sons. (Genesis 28:11,12)</i>
And there is a time for everything under the son, a time to wander and a time to gather,
A time to wonder and a time to bind up the wounds.
He, He, He is the Great Shepherd and the Great Shepherd King! The Son of Jesse,The firstborn of many, the author and finisher of our faith,
The Alpha and Omega, and the Aleph and the Tav.
It is a time to bind up the wounds and gather the sons from many nations.
Yea, they shall cleave to you as brothers locking arms for battle.
They shall run and not be weary, they will run and not faint.
And these sons will not withdraw from your presence in the day of battle.
They will cheer one another on in victorious shouts of praise,
To your glory, O Lord! Their banners held high majestically,
Declaring the nations as your glorious inheritance.
This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
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