Kingdom Transformation – From Religion To Relationship
In God’s presence we are changed by His love.
To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27).
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33).
For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17).
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By Ron McGatlin and OTHERS

A SMALL SPARK The smallest spark of fire can grow into a massive forest fire that turns cities into ashes. Without the first small spark, there can be no fires of destruction. Without the first small spark of a thought, word, idea, or vision, there can be no great heavenly structures in life on earth. And without the wind of the Spirit, the small spark will not grow and become a full-grown reality. Like a small spark, a thought can become a growing idea that becomes a vision that can become a massive wave or structure that changes the landscape of the world…

Love is advancing in the hearts of the people of God across the world. Many of us are experiencing falling in love with God in His manifest presence with us and in us. His word is more alive and satisfying to us as fresh spiritual truth and wisdom flow into our hearts. The greater light of love opens us to new depths as Spirit realities are more clearly revealed. Our in-love relationship with God can be parabolically compared to a human natural love relationship. Consider a natural human relationship between a godly man and woman in comparison with our relationship with God. When a young woman and a young man meet, there can be a spark of exciting life…

Miracles In March – A Water Walking Season! – Angie Stolba
STEPPING OUT OF THE BOAT AND STEPPING INTO YOUR DESTINTY Truly, This is and will be a Water Walking Season for many! The door is open and the opportunity is quickly presenting itself. However, it will require a change. It will require action. It will require a step into the unknown. With comfort and familiarity now set aside, you will need to step out of the boat! I’VE GOT YOU! NOW TAKE THE FIRST STEP! I hear the Lord saying, “Trust Me to see miracles in this new month of March! Even as Peter had to take the first step and get out of the boat, so I am calling you to do the same!

This Is Your Time to See Turnarounds – Kathi Pelton
Recently, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about how I had been praying. Again, I was entering my daily prayer times with thanksgiving, but as I began to pray for different people and situations, I began to shift from a posture of thanksgiving to a posture of carrying a burden for something that needed to happen or come to pass. I left my posture of thanksgiving and began praying from a posture of burden.

Heaven’s Invasion – Lisa Enebeli
The landscape of the world is changing in such a way it will be unrecognizable to those who lived in the world before this change of epic proportions. There are massive earth moving shifts taking place behind the scenes which are going to change the landscape above ground for the better beyond all we could ask, think or even imagine. There are no words to describe the kingdom of God activity happening on earth right now. No one has seen what is coming, no one can plan it out, prophesy it, or even prepare for it, for this is a God plan not a man’s plan.

What does it really mean to be in love with God? Most believers are convinced that God loves everyone in the world and cares deeply for them and the world. That is absolutely true. He really has good plans and desires for all mankind. But that does not mean that everyone is in love with God. Only the ones who LOVE God back as He loves us are truly in love with God. Being in love is a relationship and requires two in love with each other. Being in love with God is the key to abundant life. The most fruitful, rewarding, and peaceful life on earth begins with falling in love with God. Many awesome promises from God in the Bible are only for those who love Him.

Bring Down the Rain – Kim Potter
There was a season in my life when God began to bless me beyond my imagination. It was an amazing time. A few months into the season, I asked God why He had blessed me so abundantly—especially when there were many people I knew who prayed more, knew more Scripture, and were, quite honestly, better Christians. He replied, “Because you worshiped Me.” On that day, I knew without a doubt that God had a special place in His heart for worshipers.

“I AM LIVING PROOF” Premiering nationwide on March 9,10,12 in a cinema near you. Mario Murillo
The reactions coming in from those who have experienced “I Am Living Proof” firsthand are nothing short of jaw-dropping. Audiences are left deeply moved, inspired, and profoundly challenged by what they’re witnessing on the screen. In this exclusive video, you’ll see the raw, unfiltered emotions of people whose lives have been forever altered by this powerful documentary. Their stories of faith, healing, and the miraculous prove that this is no ordinary film – it’s a transformative encounter that will shake you to your very core…

KeyNote 2025—The Hinge of History – David Orton
When I wrote my book Snakes in the Temple: Unmasking Idolatry in Today’s Church (2004) I made the statement that the period 1950–2025 serves as a hinge of history on which swings a door into the greatest advance of the kingdom of God since the first advent. This hinge into a new era is being heralded in no uncertain terms by the new Trump presidency of 2025, but not in the way many conservatives are imagining. As a transactional politician Trump has hit the hot buttons of the Christian and populist right and is giving them their policy morsels from the table, which is good and appropriate. Nevertheless, the real political agenda behind this presidency that is surging ahead is that of technocracy, government by the technocratic elite, which is nothing less than the recrudescence of Plato’s political doctrine of government by philosopher-kings…

A Great Divide in the Valley of Decision – Rachel Miranda Emerson
The Lord showed me a time frame that will begin to take place from the month of March onward. Here is what I saw and heard on December 28, 2024 in an ecstatic prophetic encounter: A Grand Entrance It Will Be! I could see what looked like a great divide. I saw an army clothed for battle on one side and another massive group of people on the other side. There was a gap. A gap is a wide space, opening, or a split. In this gap, a red carpet was rolled out, right down the middle. Then I heard, “YES! A grand entrance—and a grand entrance it will be!” As I was watching the scene unfold, I heard,…
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HOLY GHOST INVASION (Holy Ghost Ship) – By Ron McGatlin
Originally published in January 2014, this prophetic article is even more meaningful today than when it was first published. We are currently seeing further fulfillment and greater significance of this prophetic word in this season of world transformation. This extreme world-changing move of God will not be on the national news media. For the most part the traditional church systems and large denominations will not be aware of this mostly unseen mighty move of God. Unlike previous moves it will not be recognized as a separate identity or stream or denomination but will flow unseen to affect every heart of every person who is willing and obedient to…

Wow! This is one of those times! When I asked God what he wanted to say to His people in this article, He first gave me the title only. To put it mildly, I was astonished. He did not elaborate further at that time. I was not ready to ask Him for more because it seemed too big and too awesome to hear suddenly. I felt that I needed some time and space just to be ready to hear. I know if I hear, I must move with it as he leads and that can have major repercussions in my life and relationships. He said THE SPARK, and not “a spark” and He said ignite THE WORLD not a part or portion…

Can there be truly spiritual family love experiences of gatherings with Christ Jesus as Head in this world today? The restoration of apostles and apostolic kingdom networks and gatherings are important areas of concern that are in the process of being understood. The natural minds of most people immediately erroneously consider networks to imply structure and organization. The term apostolic is erroneously construed as an office of authority within the church system. Major restructuring of the order of God on earth from heaven…

What does the big shift look like? God’s goal for the ministry of the church. The love of Christ flowing from a pure heart is the most powerful world-changing force. The primary goal is not a bigger group, more activities or better services, it is not even benevolent acts, nor greater prosperity, and not even more and better evangelism, neither is it healing or emotional healing and deliverance. All of these and more are the results of the goal of the “ekklesia” (assembly of called out ones). The goal is Christ formed by the Holy Spirit in a people becoming His character and His nature in the world producing the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

In this current season, God is revealing more about Himself, His heaven, and creation. The deeper revealing of Spirit reality is correcting and expanding man’s view of what the Bible is really saying about the “end times.” God’s universal laws, regarding the workings of Spirit and natural or physical creation, never change. However, our view of the things of God continues to be adjusted, especially in this latter portion of the “end of the age” and in the beginning portion of the next age.


God’s Big Story VIDEO – Joseph Mattera
https://youtu.be/MaEtjSqrSRI This is one of the most precise and accurately scriptural overview presentations of the real kingdom of God that I have every viewed. If you desire some clarification of the biblical reality of the kingdom of God in your life and the world...
Kingdom of God Books – By Ron McGatlin – Free Download pdf
*Kingdom Growth Guides - *Overcoming Life On A Small Planet - *The Seventh Millennium - *The Basileia Letters Volumes 1&2 - *I Saw The Smithton Outpouring - *End of This Age - *A Modern-Day Parable - *Kingdom Business Transformation - *Kingdom Basics, God's...
The Message of the Kingdom – By Wade E Taylor
Jesus began His ministry with these words: “…The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent you, and believe the Gospel.” Mark 1:15 His next words were to two fishermen, while they were working at their trade. “And Jesus said to them, Come you after...
The Sound of Transformation – Ron McGatlin
In the 90's, I spent over a year alone in my log cabin in the piney woods area of East Texas. The Lord was with me in a very personal way and was my only constant companion. About sunrise most mornings I walked the short distance from my cabin to what I called my...
Church In The Kingdom Age – By Ron McGatlin
The greatest and most glorious expression of church is the soon coming Bride of Christ, New Jerusalem, kingdom age church. The major shift from the "church or man emphasis age church" to the "kingdom or God emphasis age church" is perhaps the most exciting event since...
"Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Mtt 6:10 The Scriptures promise a golden era of human history. An era when the kingdom comes to earth - when all men will live in peace and justice. Despite the marring of sin, man (male and female),...
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