Feb 25, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
Today, in this writing and by a flaming sword in the mouth of many prophets, God wants to ignite an explosion of joyful powerful life beyond measure, passion and strength aflame with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Forget your circumstances and your woes and lift...
Feb 18, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
UNDERSTANDING As a boy I experienced the troubled feelings of a nation at all-out war. Though there have been many wars since, World War ll was the last full-out war our nation has experienced. WW2 was a war that affected every person of our nation. As nation after...
Feb 11, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
Spiritual supernatural life is being poured out to prepare the children of God for the season of worldwide change coming upon us in this day of the Lord. Supernatural interaction with Spirit God and holy angels is a portion of abundant life resources from heaven...
Feb 5, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
For some time now many of God’s people have been expecting another great move of God. Prophets have been proclaiming it, often with an accompanying statement something like this, “A great move is coming that will bring great transformation, but we don’t know what it...