For some time now many of God’s people have been expecting another great move of God. Prophets have been proclaiming it, often with an accompanying statement something like this, “A great move is coming that will bring great transformation, but we don’t know what it will look like.” Some have heard clearly by the Spirit that this move would not be like past moves that came like a wave and then later ebbed away. Each move seemed to drift back where it had come from. However, each wave left its mark upon the world. A fresh layer of restored truth and change was left with the people of God.

The Next Move is Here Now

This anticipated awesome move of God that will never end has begun. It is here like a mustard seed not like a stick of dynamite. It is very small and mostly underground but growing steadily mostly out of sight like yeast in dough. It is totally consuming lives and changing everyone who it invades.

However, this everlasting move of God that will not end looks so very different from previous moves that most people are not yet seeing it. They do not recognize the small beginnings of this great move of God largely because they thought it would be similar to the past moves of revivals and outpourings.

It is very hard, if not impossible, to adequately describe this move of God to others. It seems that it must be experienced rather than just hearing about it. When someone attempts to tell others, they usually don’t seem to get it. Often they feel like and may say something like, “Oh yes, I experienced that at (some time or place), and it was really great.” Yet they are still looking for more of God and dealing with strife, limitations, and such in their lives. And, yes, we may have had a fleeting moment or taste of this. Yet, it was not totally consuming and everlasting as it is in this work of God that has come upon us.

This invasion of God’s love into the hearts of his people is devastating to our past secular and religious ways. There no longer remains a desire for receiving more of God. We are completely satisfied in His continuing presence. Our lives are completely given away to Him, and truly we are not our own in any way.

It seems people cannot know that they do not have it until after they get it. Then they know it was never like this before.

Simply we are translated to a different place, and we are no longer where we were or where we have ever been before, and there is no way back to where we were before.

Beyond Passover and Pentecost is Tabernacles

Beyond Passover’s wonderful salvation revivals, beyond Pentecost’s glorious charismatic Holy Ghost revivals and outpourings, is Tabernacles’ – God within and among His people.

Passover’s revivals were characterized by God’s mercy and grace, the cross, the ascension, and being born again.

Pentecost’s charismatic Holy Ghost outpourings were characterized by God’s power, healing, deliverance, hearing God, and the resurrection life of Christ in the Holy Ghost.

Tabernacles, the move of God that will never end, is now coming upon the earth. It is characterized by God within and among us. His presence within us and among us is pure, holy, all-consuming love beyond explanation and description. Our past life is dissolved in the fire of His love consuming us. In an instant we are changed and are fully aware that it is Christ now living in us by the Holy Spirit in this new place where we abide. Pure holy love tabernacles or abides in and with us changing everything.

Relationships change, situations change, what we could not do before now seems to do itself. God’s love is power flowing into and out from us dissolving walls and limitations. Barriers and boundaries are dissolved effortlessly. Our hearts and minds are cleansed as love dissolves every need that once drove us. All strife, bitterness, fear, and any other negative emotion or stress is dissolved in the power of His love. In the unavoidable interactions with the abrasive and tragic fallen world around us, we are strengthened to endure and come through unscathed in His love.

This move of God is completely from God inside of us. This is not a platform or pulpit move. It is a Spirit move inside the hearts of God’s people that is totally changing us from within.

In the past moves, we may have thought that we were in great shape with God and even did great works displaying natural and supernatural gifts ministering powerfully to the people. However, in this new move, only after this pure, holy, all-consuming love came in and cleansed us did we realize that we had been still contaminated with stuff. When we became cleansed in His love, we sensed the absence of all need in our lives. This was the first time we saw what had been remaining in us. After the stuff that had caused strife, disorder, and weakness amongst the people left, we were able to then see that it had been there and love had washed it away.

Our hearts are melted with the realization of His perfect love for us and in us. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we are totally washed clean by His purifying love. His pure holy love gushes into our spirits, souls, and bodies. We are captive in His love.

False or outdated established structures within our hearts and lives are dissolved instantly. Man-made structures of religious, social, and political order around us will also be eventually dissolved in this never-ending move of God’s all powerful love. His pure, holy, all-consuming love is transforming His people to transform the world into the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. The perfect law of love fulfills all law and all prophecy. All these structures will pass away, but His love and His kingdom will never end.

In this pure move of love, trust and faith are abundant – the heavens are truly opened as we truly experience what it means to live and walk in the Spirit. Access is opened to enter spiritual heaven and commute there and back receiving of the resources of heaven to fulfill the work of establishing God’s kingdom on earth in the hearts of His people first and then into all aspects of the created world. All things are possible to the pure holy sons of God abiding in Christ and Christ in us as one.

The word and the reality of God’s kingdom on earth are further opened and unveiled to us. Mysteries are revealed as our spiritual senses are fully opened to experience the reality of life in the Spirit with God continuously.

All pretension and veils are removed from our hearts and lives. We can only speak the truth in love. We can only do and say what we see and experience God doing. Our minds are at perfect peace and function with greater clarity of understanding that derives its life from the one source of the wisdom from heaven.

Brothers and sisters, we are in this world at this time in the providence of God to become a part of the great move of God that will never end – the move of His love transforming us and eventually this world to His pure, holy, kingdom of heaven on earth.

Be consumed and lose your lives now for the sake of the love of God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit and the gospel of His kingdom. Truly when we seek only His kingdom, all things are added to us far beyond what we may have thought that meant in the past. As we seek His kingdom, heaven is opened to us in this season of the ushering in of this great move of God on earth that will never end. There will truly be no ebb.

He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it. (Mat 10:39)

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. (Mark 8:35)

Love never fails, and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin

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