Mar 26, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
From our perspective the beauty of a sacrificed life is not in the laying down and letting go of the life that is being sacrificed. The beauty for us is in the treasure that has been found to be worthy of the sacrifice of life – the perfect pearl of His life. A man...
Mar 19, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
Our fight is not with other people, especially not with our husbands or wives. God has given us the ability to love one another. It is certainly not with God. God loves us and is for us, not against us And really it is not even with the devil. The devil is defeated....
Mar 13, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
The world around us goes on day by day as if tomorrow will be much like today and yesterday. Even those who sense coming change and potentially hard times of severe difficulty seem to be considering future plans as if the things of natural life will be somewhat the...
Mar 5, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
An explosion of God’s love and empowerment awaits those who arise from the tomb of fear and doubt. Bold as a lion is the son that knows his Father’s love and blessing. Even in times of great turmoil and swift judgments falling upon a wayward world the love...