Jun 25, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
The supernatural works of Christ Jesus are manifesting on earth from heaven in His purified holy people. QUIETLY THE SUPERNATURAL REALITY FROM HEAVEN HAS FLOWED INTO THE HEARTS OF GOD’S HIDDEN PEOPLE – HIS PEOPLE OF PURE HOLY LOVE, BROKEN IN THE WILDERNESS AND...
Jun 18, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
The best way to overcome a negative is with a positive. Evil is ungodliness or the lack of godliness. To effectively battle evil, embrace godliness. Godliness comes as we draw near to God. Evil ungodliness comes as we move away from God. These are expressions of...
Jun 11, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
God will have a witness of His glory on Planet Earth. All heaven will strengthen the person, the people, the nation that will arise and stand as a pure and holy light of the glory of God. A Word to My Kingdom People My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. Love My...
Jun 4, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
The most precious commodity on earth is love expressed in pure holy relationships with God and with His holy people, our brothers and sisters in Christ by the Holy Spirit. There is no greater life on earth than abiding in God through Christ Jesus and God abiding in...