Oct 28, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
God is bringing people together in holy gatherings, solemn assemblies of great spiritual depth. In God’s presence heaven is opening to the gathering of His chosen people. Father God and Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit are present in and among His people. Holy angels...
Oct 22, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles, Recent Articles
God is preparing you and me along with many others for major changes in the depths of our inner being. The major turmoil and unrest that confronts and attacks our lives in this day is a trumpet call for the coming King of Glory with His mighty armies manifesting to...
Oct 15, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
Most of us are much too familiar with computer crashes or lock ups where things stop working and nothing we can do will fix it. The only thing we can do is a forced shutdown and hope the computer will fix itself on start up. Often it does, and sometimes it goes back...
Oct 7, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
God desires that you and I enter and sustain a flow of eternity in the fluid stream of temporal life. A temporal life without God’s eternal purpose at its core is an empty life. It is the eternal that gives temporal life meaning and purpose. There are two ways that...