Jun 4, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
The most precious commodity on earth is love expressed in pure holy relationships with God and with His holy people, our brothers and sisters in Christ by the Holy Spirit. There is no greater life on earth than abiding in God through Christ Jesus and God abiding in...
May 28, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
(Note: I believe this is an important word of understanding the times we are in. It is a bit long but please set aside the time to read in carefully and to watch the video link included. Brother Ron) The voices of modern day prophets may seem to be contradicting each...
May 21, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
The civilized educated citizens of western “Christian” nations have in recent generations lost touch with the source of their freedom. Many take the liberty in which they have lived for granted. As if personal freedom and liberty have always been and will always be...
May 7, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
In this moment of history, God is reordering and restoring His plan and purposes into gatherings of His kingdom seeking people. The places of gathering are like spots on earth that are restored to the Garden of Eden way of life, God’s “garden spots.” These purified...
Apr 28, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
Perhaps the greatest deception since Eve was tricked into eating the forbidden fruit has taken place in the United States of America and in much of the rest of the world. Once the most powerful nation on earth that stood against tyranny in the world and provided the...
Apr 23, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
You have come to this world for such a time as this. Our godly forefathers (the modern patriarchs of God) were planted with the seed of Christ Jesus in the soil of their hearts and grew into fruitful plants bearing a harvest of many seeds. We are the fruit and the...
Apr 9, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
God is a consuming fire of LOVE. Beyond all natural human knowledge and experience is the Spirit reality of all power, all knowledge, all authority, all wisdom, and all understanding embodied in the boiling, surging fire of love in the heart of God. All creation, all...
Apr 2, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
Let all that has breath praise the Lord! God is breathing heavenly life upon His holy people. Those who love Him with their whole hearts are coming through the wilderness to the glory of His abiding presence. As natural breath is to the life of the natural body, so...
Mar 26, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
From our perspective the beauty of a sacrificed life is not in the laying down and letting go of the life that is being sacrificed. The beauty for us is in the treasure that has been found to be worthy of the sacrifice of life – the perfect pearl of His life. A man...
Mar 19, 2015 | Archived Articles, Articles
Our fight is not with other people, especially not with our husbands or wives. God has given us the ability to love one another. It is certainly not with God. God loves us and is for us, not against us And really it is not even with the devil. The devil is defeated....