Jan 7, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles, Ron's Complete Archive
Passionate LOVE of God is the source of LIFE abundant and eternal in the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven. All design and order of life in God’s kingdom begins with love and is held together in order by love. All growth of the kingdom of heaven on earth is by the...
Jan 2, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles
Jesus, as God’s pattern Son, placed before us by the Father so we might likewise become even as He was on the earth, humanity becoming as purposed by God, a spiritually mature creation. That is to say that His body of people, the remnant of God, is progressively and...
Jan 1, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles, Ron's Complete Archive
This is the beginning season of extremes beyond anything experienced in recent history. Through much tribulation we must enter the reality of the kingdom of God and awaken to who we are and Who lives in us. Christ Jesus lives in us to rule and reign by loving the...