Apr 28, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles, Ron's Complete Archive
A new day of supernatural faith, hope, and love that is far beyond natural understanding is shining the pure holy light of God into a world of darkness. The light of God is arising in the hearts and lives of a people called to a destiny of overcoming the darkness of...
Apr 28, 2016 | Archives Digest, Open Heaven Digest
In This Issue 1. A New Day – Light Dissolving Darkness 2. EXPLOSIONS OF JOY – Part Two 3. News Headlines SUBSCRIBE OpenHeaven.com Digest A New Day – Light Dissolving Darkness By Ron McGatlin A new day of supernatural faith, hope, and love that is far beyond...
Apr 28, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles
(For Part One Click Here) Would you love to bring joy and healing and salvation to groups of hurting wounded people? Deep in your heart, have you ever had a desire to be used by The Father in this area of the ministry? What then, is needed to pursue such a course in...
Apr 22, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles, Ron's Complete Archive
Much of the western world has adjusted to bondage that gradually overtook them in the name of freedom. A false freedom of indulgence in carnality free from spiritual truth, love and righteousness has stolen the sanity of the confused once sound minds of the people....
Apr 21, 2016 | Archives Digest, Open Heaven Digest
In This Issue 1. WE ARE AGAIN LIVING IN “BIBLE DAYS”. 2. EXPLOSIONS OF JOY – Part One 3. News Headlines SUBSCRIBE OpenHeaven.com Digest WE ARE AGAIN LIVING IN “BIBLE DAYS” By Ron McGatlin Much of the western world has adjusted to bondage that gradually overtook...
Apr 21, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles
“Weeping may endure for a night but, joy comes in the morning.” PS. 30:5 IT IS MORNING! It is early morning but, it is definitely morning. It is time for the true church to live in the supernatural. We were born to live in the supernatural. At the present time, we are...
Apr 14, 2016 | Archives Digest, Open Heaven Digest
In This Issue 1. “By My Spirit” Says the Lord. 2. The Return to the Garden 3. News Headlines SUBSCRIBE OpenHeaven.com Digest “By My Spirit” Says the Lord. By Ron McGatlin “By My Spirit you are becoming kings and priests to rule and reign from heaven on earth, kings to...
Apr 14, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles, Ron's Complete Archive
“By My Spirit you are becoming kings and priests to rule and reign from heaven on earth, kings to reign in natural creation on earth and Priests to intercede for earth and bring the substance of heaven to earth.” “I have called through many seasons for My kingdom to...
Apr 14, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles, Ron's Complete Archive
The people of God have long ago forgotten who they are and where they came from. However, God’s provision is not lacking. Christ Jesus by the cross and through His resurrection life in His people by the Holy Spirit is all that is needed to return to the life on earth...
Apr 1, 2016 | Archives Digest, Open Heaven Digest
In This Issue 1. The Next Move of God 2. The Journey into Remembering 3. News Headlines SUBSCRIBE OpenHeaven.com Dige 1. The Next Move of God By Ron McGatlin A deep Spirit inner life is being formed out of the love of God in the hearts and lives of the people of God....