May 25, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles, Ron's Complete Archive
Beyond supernatural there awaits a heavenly love passion that lifts those who find it into a mountain top ecstasy of peace in fresh pristine righteousness and pools of crystal clear love with rippling waves of joy unspeakable in a fruitful land known as Spirit...
May 25, 2016 | Archives Digest, Open Heaven Digest
In This Issue 1. Walking in Spirit Reality 2. United States of America – You Are Entering a New Page of History! 3. News Headlines SUBSCRIBE Digest Walking in Spirit Reality By Ron McGatlin Beyond supernatural there awaits a heavenly love passion...
May 19, 2016 | Archives Digest, Open Heaven Digest
In This Issue 1. America Arise in the Power of Love and Faith 2. Will You Walk In Your God-given Authority Today? 3. News Headlines SUBSCRIBE Digest America Arise in the Power of Love and Faith By Ron McGatlin Faith without love can become religious...
May 18, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles, Ron's Complete Archive
Faith without love can become religious tyranny that leads to hopeless strife. Love without faith can become fluffy weakness that leads to hopeless passivity. Love and Faith in and from God is power to order the world in righteousness, peace, and joy, the true hope...
May 14, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles, Ron's Complete Archive
Living the “American Dream” has affected many people in the western world with a deep spiritual slumber. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has planted the promise of redemption of this world. Christ Jesus, the promised Messiah, has planted the people of God on...
May 12, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles, Ron's Complete Archive
The underground rumble of the greatest awakening ever is beginning to surface. At the same time the great shaking of the things of this world that God has not built has begun. A great purging and cleansing of the world has begun at the house of God. (1 Peter 4:17)....
May 12, 2016 | Archives Digest, Open Heaven Digest
In This Issue 1. It’s About The Kingdom of God 2. EXPLOSIONS OF JOY – Part Three 3. News Headlines SUBSCRIBE Digest It’s About the Kingdom of God By Ron McGatlin The underground rumble of the greatest awakening ever is beginning to surface. At the...
May 12, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles
HEALING IS THE SIGN OF THE FULFILLMENT OF THE KINGDOM COMING IN POWER Jesus Himself tells us this in the answer given to John “The Immerser” (John The Baptist). “Are You the One who was to come, or should we keep on expecting a different one? And Jesus replied...
May 5, 2016 | Archives Digest, Open Heaven Digest
In This Issue 1. God Divided Light From Darkness 2. SHE IS GETTING READY! 3. News Headlines SUBSCRIBE Digest God Divided Light From Darkness By Ron McGatlin This morning as I settled in my recliner with my laptop computer, a cup of coffee, and a couple...
May 5, 2016 | Archived Articles, Articles
SHE IS GETTING READY! APRIL – MAY 2016 “THE OPRY’ AIN’T OVER TILL THE FAT LADY SINGS”–-BUT–SHE IS GETTING READY! It doesn’t matter whether you are Christian , Jew, atheist, Democrat or Republican, a supporter of Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or...