Jesus Himself tells us this in the answer given to John “The Immerser” (John The Baptist). “Are You the One who was to come, or should we keep on expecting a different one?
And Jesus replied to them, Go and report to John what you hear and see;
the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed (by healing), the deaf hear, the dead are raised up and the poor have good news (the gospel) preached to them. And blessed is He who takes no offense at Me, and is not hindered at seeing the truth,” Matthew 11:3-6 Amplified.
The blind being healed had not happened until Jesus came. This was definitely a sign of the Messiah’s arrival. Healing Evangelist T. L. Osborne tells of preaching in a South American country when an interesting miracle happened. A mother brought a baby to Brother Osborne for healing prayer. When the blanket was pulled back, the baby had no eyes or no eye sockets. There was just bone where eyes should have been. Brother Osborne prayed and instantly that baby had eyes, eye sockets, eye lashes and eye brows. What a beautiful example of the “blind shall see”, and of the love of God.
In Malachi, the last book of the Old Covenant, and the last chapter, God
gives us this promise, “But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My Name, shall The Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams,
and you shall go forth and gambol (jump about) like calves released from the stall and shall leap for joy,” Malachi 4:2. Amplified.
It is as though our Father God wanted that to be there for us through the whole three hundred years that would have no fresh Word from Him until Jesus, The Messiah was born. It is a promise that He is keeping.
There was a precious saint who ministered in Texas during the horse and buggy days named Clara Grace. She was given this vision of the End Times by the Lord. She saw a large valley surrounded by mountains. In this valley were many people who were living under a dark cloud. As she watched, different ones here and there began to stand up and be full of light. The Lord said, “These are my Full Grown Sons”. A cloud came down from heaven and took all of these up to heaven to be taught for three days and three nights. At the end of this time, these were brought back and began to teach and to lift up the others. Finally, the valley was filled with a mighty army and the black cloud was gone. Then, the mountains parted and The Sun of Righteousness arose with healing in His wings.
As this Explosion of Joy grows, thousands will be raised from the dead. They will immediately begin to recount the Heavenly scenes that they have witnessed. They will tell of the beauty of Our King Jesus and of the glory of the Throne of God and of the love of the Father. Everyone will be enthralled by the descriptions that they hear and by the light of glory that will accompany the telling. This will further
embolden the body of Christ to greater and greater exploits. Every time that we pray for someone and they are healed, we are proving once again that Jesus is Lord and that He has been raised from the dead.
There are several books that record the healing ministry of John G. Lake. The healings, miracles, and teachings that are given in those books will build your faith and encourage you to do the works of Jesus. Dr Lake talks about the three levels of the Christian Life. The highest of these is walking with God in Divine Life. These books will accomplish an amazing transformation inside of you. They will make you
want to drop everything that you are doing and worship God in study of the Word and prayer and communion with Jesus and the Father.
They will, if heeded, cause you to be communing with the Holy Spirit all during the day and even when you are asleep at night. They will help you to realize that you are actually a King that is reigning with Christ and that you have been given the authority to do what He says you should do. This will open your understanding of God.
Dr. Lake tells about a time when many were dying of the plague in South Africa. An English ship that was carrying medical supplies and equipment on board docked near Dr. Lake’s mission. The doctors contacted John Lake and asked why he seemed to be immune to the plague. He put some of the foam from the mouth of the dying on his hand to show what would happen. As the doctors watched the microscope the foam that was teeming with germs on Lake’s hand, they saw the germs instantly dying and disappearing.
This kind of thing, this union with God, will become commonplace in the
days ahead as those who walk closely with God begin to arise.
Everything in the body of Christ that has been weakened or lost through the centuries will be restored in great power in these last days.
Determine that you will be totally sold out to God. Decide now that nothing is worth more than being filled to overflowing with the Holy Ghost and power.
The plan of the enemy is to kill, steal and destroy as many people as possible because he knows that his time is short. The plan of our Father is to fill the earth with His healing power which will bring salvation to millions upon millions of precious souls and will be a living testament to the powerful love of God our Father. Some of our ancestors were men who would “run to the battle” during warfare. God is looking for such warriors for today. He is looking for those men and women who will run to the battle and who believe His Word. These are like David’s Mighty Men of Valor. These are the ones who will be the Sons of Light. These will say that if God says it, then He will surely do it. His Word is living. It is Yea and Amen. Be one of these warriors. Joy unspeakable and full of glory is waiting for you from the gracious hand of your Heavenly Father.
Rosaleen Hager