Extraordinary Love and Power to Break Free
God is now releasing extraordinary love and power into the hearts and lives of humble servants who are becoming sons for the extreme transformation of the world. I have never before heard God speak with such a tone of desperate pleading. God is not at all desperate within Himself, but the plight of His people is desperate. He is pleading for you and me to BREAK FREE!
Many if not most Christians have been limited in serious bondage within their own hearts and minds. Errant religious training and godless secular education have blocked their ability to hear and receive the current release of love and power to transform the world.
The deep rumbling in the hearts of many who have felt sidelined and useless is a God given desire to arise in mature sonship and demonstrate the awesome love and power of Christ Jesus. Even those who have been on the big platforms of “miracle working” ministries are being touched with inner rumblings of dissatisfaction with the status quo. God is pleading for us to not only dispose of our old religious methods and ways but also the NEW religious ways and methods we may have formed in seeking to leave the old.
Serious adversity will prepare a portion of the masses of people to hear the reality of the kingdom of God. The reality of the kingdom will wipe away their religion and godless secular belief systems. The manifesting of Christ Jesus in His prepared people is the GREAT HOPE of the world. It is the end of all other belief systems and the beginning of the fullness of truth in love healing and filling the hearts of the people. (Col 1:27) (Joshua 2:2).
The dark night of failure of the nations will destroy the false hopes of religion and godless secularism. Many people will begin to receive ears to hear the glorious truth of love, power, and wisdom coming forth in the daybreak of the kingdom of God on earth.
The fresh morning is already arising in the Spirit in the hearts of the maturing sons of God. It is already a new day in the hearts of the Spirit people who have broken free to soar in the heavenlies with God in the fresh morning of the season of the arising kingdom.
The Father’s plead is for His people to quickly throw off past religious and secular coverings and mindsets and to receive extraordinary LOVE and POWER to produce the reality of the works of Christ.
In moving out of our past into releasing the REAL love and power of Christ, we will see many people turn to God in Christ by the Holy Spirit.
Preaching and teaching about the kingdom of God without the living demonstration of love and power will never convince people to turn from their past ways to the kingdom of God way.
Pray with the boldness of the faith of Christ that is within you and watch the reality of God demonstrating His extraordinary kingdom to the people around you. Many will be amazed at what God will do in those with ears to hear and hearts to receive the love and power of God to change the world in this day of the Lord.
Demonstrating the miraculous love and power of God will change the entire world one person or one gathering at the time.
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father (John 14:12).
Ron McGatlin