In This Issue
1. Powerful Victorious Life in Jesus, Yeshua
2. The War
3. News Headlines
- Powerful Victorious Life in Jesus, Yeshua
Ron McGatlin
No longer are God’s people to prepare for failure in disaster but to prepare for VICTORY in YESHUA Savior, Healer, Deliverer, Christ Jesus, Lord and King.
I awakened this morning Sunday July 17, 2016 to hear God speaking wisdom and understanding of the end times in which we have been chosen to live as the “Israel of God” in the victory of the power of Christ Jesus, Yeshua.
God is unraveling the tangled mystery of current world disorder and the reordering of the world to His own precious heavenly kingdom. The secrets of understanding and transforming the world in turmoil are to be found in biblical history “His-story” of Abraham and Isaac verses Ishmael on into Esau trading the blessing for self-gratification and Jacob becoming Israel. Then through Joseph, Moses, and finally Joshua the clear type of Yeshua Messiah who is called Jesus the Christ.
The blessing of God is upon Abram who became Abraham, God’s chosen father of many nations. Abraham’s seed is beyond numbering as the stars in the sky. Isaac, the promised son of the seed of Abraham, was to be born through Sarah.
Abraham in doubt after many years of waiting for the son of promise to be born, birthed Ishmael by Hagar, an Egyptian bondservant.
Later Sarah did give birth to Isaac the promised son after which Ishmael was cast out of the inheritance of Abraham. However, God promised that He would make a great nation of Ishmael also.
Isaac received the inheritance of Abraham and passed it on to Jacob who became Israel, the chosen of God. Ishmael grew up in the wilderness and became as a wild donkey that no man could tame or control. Genesis 16:12NIV: “He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”
Israel is the linage through which the Jewish people grew as God’s chosen people, the inheritors of the blessings of God through Abraham and the birth nation for Yeshua, the Messiah, Christ Jesus, the Son of Jehovah, the one true God of all creation.
Ishmael is the linage through which the Arabian peoples who were outside the inheritance of Abraham came to be many nations. To this day the Arab nations strongly claim and covet the blessings of Abraham that were given to the Jewish people through Isaac. They strongly believe that the blessing is truly theirs and has been taken by the Jews. In general the Arab people have been trained throughout history to hate and to seek, to kill, and destroy the Jews.
The Plain and Simple Truth of Today
Yeshua Messiah, Jesus Christ is the pure and complete blessing of God for ALL peoples, the Jew, the Arab, and the Gentile. All people can only become one under the blessing of God Almighty through Yeshua the Messiah, Jesus the Christ.
In Christ there is neither Jew nor Arab or Gentile. In Christ there is one people restored to the original created state of man in Adam before the fall. The blessings of God in Christ include the blessings of Abraham and more.
The Blessing of God including the blessings through Abraham are fully available to all people who are in Christ Jesus, Messiah Yeshua. The full blessings of God are not in those outside of Christ, Yeshua. The way for the Arab or anyone else to receive the full blessing of Abraham and more is to receive Christ Jesus, Yeshua Messiah.
Being in Christ is purely a relationship and NOT a religion. All the religions of the world are about seeking the blessings of God through some other way apart from Yeshua, Christ Jesus the Messiah, Lord and King of this world.
Religions of the world are another gospel of seeking to obtain the blessings of God found only through Christ Jesus, Yeshua.
Religions are of the nature of either Ishmael or Esau.
Ishmael was cast out from the blessings of Abraham and the Spirit promises of God. Instead God blessed Ishmael and his mother Hagar with natural blessings including being multiplied to become a great nation. Through the generations Ishmael’s descendants developed many eastern religions to replace the true Spirit blessing of Abraham from which they had been cast out.
Esau, the firstborn son of Isaac, was in the linage of the blessings of Abraham. However, Esau traded the Spirit blessings for self-gratification of his strong appetites for natural things above spiritual things. This concept after the order of Esau substituted strong self-sufficiency and enlarged appetites of self-gratification for the true ways of God in many western religions. These religions elevate man apart from dependency upon the Spirit of Christ. They are usually mixed with a portion of truth from the linage of the blessing and thereby become very cunning deceptions that have enticed many from the Spirit life of God in Christ Jesus, Yeshua.
All the wars, conflicts, and disorders of the world revolve around or they are rooted in the conflict of the true blessings of God in Christ Jesus and the striving to obtain the blessings apart from Christ Jesus, which are anti-Christ systems of beliefs or religions.
The Spiritual “Israel of God” and the “New Jerusalem”
The true blessing of God are imparted to the true “Israel of God” which is all human beings that are in Christ Jesus, Messiah Yeshua, those in whom Christ Jesus now lives by the Spirit of God. These are a new creation, who in Christ are become faithful saints of the linage of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel.
All mankind including those of the linage of Ishmael can become the “Israel of God” in Yeshua, Christ Jesus.
Galatians 6:15-16AMP: “For neither is circumcision anything [of any importance], nor uncircumcision, but [only] a new creation [which is the result of a new birth—a spiritual transformation—a new nature in Christ Jesus]. Peace and mercy to those who ·follow [walk/live by] this rule—and to ·all of God’s people [ the Israel of God; either: (1) Jewish Christians or (2) the church as the “new Israel”].
The “New Jerusalem” is the spiritual ruling city of the “Israel of God,” the kingdom of God on earth. It is the Bride of Christ adorned for her Husband being formed (coming down) from heaven on earth now in this season. It is God with His people described in Revelation 21.
All mankind that are not of the Spirit of Christ are of the spirit of anti-Christ. Those who are not of Christ are in this day inflamed with massive fear that becomes violent hatred and are totally driven to stop the coming forth of the “Israel of God” and the “New Jerusalem” of the kingdom of God on earth.
The people who seek to be neutral are being pressed by the divided world to become on one side of the conflict or the other. Past attempts at neutral secularism are failing and becoming battlegrounds for godly verses ungodly, that which is of Christ and that which is of anti-Christ.
The Anti-Christ Kingdom
The “New World Order” is a design of the anti-Christ people to replace the kingdom of God rule of love, righteousness, peace, and joy with another godless humanistic kingdom under the spirit of anti-Christ.
Much of the warring opposition to the NWO is from the order of Esau, a diversion from the true linage of Abraham but not by the Spirit of Yeshua Messiah, Christ Jesus. The Esau like agenda is fighting the NWO to protect its enlarged appetites of self-gratification. Thus to some degree joining with the followers of Christ/Yeshua against a common enemy.
Much of the linage of Ishmael is being used to wage violent war and even more powerful subversive war for the minds of the people to alter their psyche to war against Yeshua, Christ Jesus, and His rule on earth in and through His people.
Two words “REAL” and “RELATIONSHIP” Turn to God with your whole heart.
Get completely real with God and forget religious fantasies. Get to know God intimately through the Holy Spirit. Seek with all that is in you to know God in the Sprit. Know that He loves and desires personal communion with you even more than you do. Get into the Bible and ask Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you. Seek out kingdom teachers and watch videos of real words and works of God. God is moving miraculously and powerfully preparing a people to rule and reign on earth.
Hear and follow the unction of Spirit of God; pray until it is real in your heart. Do not faint or fall away when desperate times come upon you. Seek Him and the things of heaven even more. No matter what the circumstances are trust Him and find that place of His JOY within you at all times. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Allow God to purify your heart and life. Love, love, love Him. Share love and impart joy to the people next to you or that you encounter in your daily walk. Allow the boldness of Spirit God to flow from you to proclaim the love and truth of Jesus at all times.
The resources and LOVE of God are endless and are fully available to those who love Him. You are always victorious in Yeshua, Christ Jesus. Eventually all the world will be purified and will bow before the Lord. Praise God and give Him glory and be thankful at all times. Bask in His love forever more.
Much love and victory,
Ron McGatlin
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- The War
Clay Sikes
A war is raging as opposing forces stand in violent opposition to each other. While abundantly evident in the natural (world events), the spiritual scene is a bit subtler (individual struggles). Yet, inquire of those on the front lines of spiritual warfare and you will hear of life and death struggles, of attacks so brutal as to offer little in past comparison. Hell is ‘all out’ to make its presence known ‘on earth as it is in hell.’ The natural is but a prophetic reflection of the spiritual. Hate divides, separates, and energizes evil – its ultimate end is death! The division happening in the natural reveals itself as oppression in the spiritual. This violent oppression is targeted and laced with hopelessness and despair, as many front-liners stand as “prisoners of hope;” a hope anchored so deep that physical circumstances cannot detour the path. What is being withstood is without compare, as many have faced death in many forms, but like a granite rock withstanding crashing waves, remain immovable by the sheer power of God in them.
Where is this war leading? What are the solutions? What is the outcome?
This war is leading us to victory; perhaps the sweetest ever. The solutions can only be found in following Kingdom mandates that all begin and end with peace, righteousness, and joy in the Holy Ghost – the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Political correctness, false narratives, and Christian exaggeration will no longer control, as the light of evidentiary truth is rising above dark lies.
The question of “outcome” is not a one sentence answer; deserving and needing prophetic insight to understand. I will begin by quoting Arthur Burt and Graham Cook. “God allows in His wisdom, what He could have prevented in His power.” And yes, it is fair to say that those of who have withstood and continue withstanding are engaged in a war of life-changing, purpose filled, destiny igniting events. Be encouraged! To all soldiers, there is purpose in this war! Learn how to fight; learn how to win and stand your ground; learn how to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Transition mighty warrior – is God not sending you? Judges Chapter 6 awakens transition from (weak human to mighty man of God).
You are already what you need to be. You have what you have always sought – the power and authority to bring Kingdom evidence to earth as it is in heaven. The war has ‘awakened’ us to the mighty warrior residing within. It has awakened a sleeping giant and unleased a force to be reckoned with – men and women who know that “It is not I who lives, but Christ in me.” The war has produced a deep inner abiding where Isiah 26:3 is the rule rather than the exception. This ‘inner force’ of dependent relationship has become a refuge and strength for every mighty warrior, as all strength emanates from relationship between man and his God. The war gets more intense; the man goes deeper into His God. The continuum of intensity eventually producing continued dependence that evolves into continued ABIDING. The level of hellish opposition is directly proportionate to eventual Kingdom value.
There is a war going on as the Kingdom of God deepens its expression on earth as it is in heaven. As the light of Kingdom invades and displaces darkness, darkness seeks any and all places to hide (in us) – unforgiveness, lust, selfishness, greediness, love of money, jealousy, covetousness, bitterness, and one of today’s biggest giants – lack of trust for God. Circumstance upon circumstance come to invade and expose darkness that may lie deep within. Be soft, pliable, and moldable in His hand as often what offends the greatest is exactly what God has sent to expose us (to us). The front end of offense is often revelation for us about us, but only a soft and pliable saint will bow to this truth. Finding the light of truth is often the result of exposing the darkness of a lie.
War is the catalyst for change. It changes the world, it changes nations, and most importantly, it changes people. These changes are often unfavorable, yet when tyranny, murder, genocide, and oppression are eliminated, the outcome is decidedly favorable. This spiritual war is no different with the exception of the certainty of the outcome – victory and advancement of the Kingdom. See your victory and His purpose within the framework of this war. The battle is won and is not yours to fight. See through the eyes of Joshua and not through the eyes of Moses, who said, “One day, some day, just not today.” Take the land; it is yours to take as the victory has been decided and you won. Do not remain penned in a life of uncertainty, where the outcome of the battle is unknown; your trust shaken and peace taken.
Arise mighty warrior, the battle was won by the shed blood at Calvary, and words of Jesus – “I have come to give you life, and give it more abundantly.” This is not a victory to be achieved, but rather a victory that has already been achieved – walk it out. Walk it out with great confidence that you bear no burden in this fight; simply walk it out! Accept your freedom from the process needed to prepare you for the greatest victory ever imagined. Trust that all things are indeed working together for your good; and do not fear evil reports. Stand up and proclaim (agree) with confidence what the Holy Ghost within you is saying – your victory has already been achieved. REST!
Clay Sikes
3. News Headlines
Melania Trump Speechwriter Apologizes for Plagiarism Accusations: “My Mistake!” – 7/20/2016 Days before His Death, Baton Rouge Officer Posted This Important, Heartfelt Message on Facebook – 7/20/2016 |
Woman evangelist killed by Islamists while street preaching – 7/20/2016 Eunice Olawale, 41, was stabbed and cut to death by a band of Islamists in a suburb of Abuja, Nigeria on July 9th while proclaiming Jesus in the streets. “My wife loved Jesus so very much.” She had been preaching Christ on the streets for six years, following in the footsteps of her evangelist mother. A Muslim leader and five other Muslims have been arrested. Full Article » |
News From British Isles, Ireland, Europe and Worldwide – 7/20/2016 Theresa May: faith is ‘part of who I am’ – Theresa May our new PM – New Cabinet members – URC to allow same-sex marriages – Early warnings of serious diseases – Russia: 7,000 churches fast and pray about law – South Sudan: ceasefire in capital – Venezuela: army deployed -IS numbers drop, but now around the world – And More> Full Article » |
Exiled at Home: Russia’s Believers Cry Out to God over Law Banning Christian Talk – 7/20/2016 The law is intended to limit the spread of terrorism and extremism, but church leaders say it punishes religious evangelization outside of the church. Under the law, foreign missionaries will not be allowed to speak at a church unless they have a work permit. Furthermore, any discussion about God with non-believers would be considered missionary activity punishable by law. Full Article » |
DO ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER? – 7/20/2016 Or is it just those with a white cop on the other end of the gun that matter? (Ron’s Commentary: If you believe that black lives matter, please watch the following factual video and ask God to help us to see the true work the enemy is doing in America to divide and conquer you and I and our nation. Full Article » |
God hides 18 Muslim converts under His wing, protects them from attack – 7/20/2016 “During the worship service two women and a man prophesied in the Spirit to vacate the present shelter soon and move to another place” The Holy Spirit was leading them, they obeyed and left the house where they stayed. The next day fanatics under a religious leader came to that house with bombs and guns late at night and entered inside to kill everybody at that house. Full Article » |
The Great Falling Away Continues as Pastors Praise Open Marriages – 7/19/2016 I couldn’t believe it when I heard Mo’Nique and her husband on the program called “The Preachers.” Mo’Nique was quite open about her open marriage with her husband. She was the one who suggested the unconventional relationship from the start of their marriage. Even more shocking is the fact that the pastor of the Church in Baltimore commended the idea and never rebuked it. Full Article » |
Crackdown in China: House church members in China have been threatened with legal action if they continue to allow their children to attend church services. – 7/18/2016 A local government office in China’s central Guizhou province delivered the ultimatum to parents attending Huaqiu Church. Parents were told that their children would be barred from college and military programs if they allowed them to attend services. China’s legislation already dictates that children under the age of 18 may not receive any religious education. Full Article » |
What You’ll Want to Know about GOP VP Pick, “Born-Again” Mike Pence – 7/18/2016 While Pence grew up in a Catholic family in Indiana, he converted to evangelical Christianity through the influence of a nondenominational fellowship group in 1978, while a freshman at Indiana’s Hanover College. One of Pence’s former slogans is that he’s “a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order”-and “he loves his family, his state, and his God.” Full Article » |
Praise over Politics: GOP Convention Kicks Off with Prayer – 7/18/2016 “I call on the name of Jesus because I believe prayer changes things, but more importantly prayer changes hearts and so I believe we have to rise above partisan politics, petty debates and arguments and we have to unite as the American people.” GOP convention week started with praise. Thousands of Christians descended on the city praying for revival in America. Full Article » |
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