The true value and significance of life is the breath of God within us. Abundance of righteousness, peace, and joy flows from Spirit God within. The living well of Spirit God flows rivers of living waters of Spirit love and life filling our souls and bodies to overflowing and out to the world around us. (John 4:13-14) (John 7:38). A scorched and thirsty world awaits the fresh breezes and soft rain of living water refreshing the earth.

The inner expression of God within us does not come from the world around us. The life in us is not driven by that which is outside us. The world around us is to be transformed to the love, power, and peace of God by the overflowing rivers of living water from Spirit God within us flowing out to the world.

The breath of God within us is expressed outward to bring God’s order to the world around us. Thus the world becomes the kingdom of God on earth. Our speech whether spoken or written has the power of God to change the atmosphere and the world around us. The family, tribe, or nation that flows the breath and the living water of Spirit God flows the life of transforming power and light to the world.

Natural human beings without Christ Jesus live from what they receive from the world around them. What they see, hear, or experience in the world around them becomes what and who they are.

Believing That God Exists Is Not Enough

The devil and his followers believe in God. They know He exists, but they exalt self or Satan above the one true God. All religionists hold fast to a belief in one God or another; usually they worship created things or the works of their own hands. Even atheists hate the God they don’t believe exists.

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” John 1:12. Receiving and believing is the source of everlasting life and the RIGHT TO BECOME sons and daughters of God ruling and reigning on earth now in this life. The phrase “right to become” implies there is a process of more involved.

Believing is the first step in coming to God. Beyond believing is personally knowing God, and beyond knowing God is loving Him. Knowing the one true God and loving Him with our whole hearts in the real life of the Spirit and the way to life abundantly now and forever. The sweet and gentle but ALL POWERFUL love of God becomes who we are. The world around us is to be transformed by His love into the blessed reality of the kingdom of God on earth.

We are more than conquerors in Christ who loves us. (Rom 8:37). Yet many things change in the time of severe storms of life. Other people’s wars may come into our cities and wreak havoc among the people. Fire storms may leave the land bare and fine homes as ashes. Hurricanes or cyclones blow in from the sea and life does not go on as usual. There is threatening danger on all sides and many lose their lives.

Yet there is peace in those who not only believe in God but know Him and love Him with their whole hearts and lives.

Plainly speaking, our life in love with God does not consist of natural circumstances on earth but is seated, anchored, and consists in God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. We live and abide in Him at the throne of heaven in an everlasting love relationship. (Eph 2:6) Truly death is overcome in victory, and whether we live long on earth or die young in battle, we are the Lord’s and abide in Him forever. (Rom 14:8). Perfect love casts out fear, and peace prevails in the hearts and lives of the sons and daughters in love with the One True God. (1 John 4:18).

Natural Human Beings without God

In those pleasant times when the waves are gentle in soft warm breezes and the people are prospering in their way and all seems well, even the natural human beings could feel at peace. However, because of inner strife there is usually no real peace within them. Fear of a coming storm or worry of life situations and stress of striving for more than they already have often robs them of truly experiencing the existing good times.

The natural human being without the one true God within them are often overcome with fear and dread. They find no peace but crippling fear stealing their life while they yet live. Even after they live through the storm, they may live every day in fearful expectation of the next storm that might come. Even in the good times, they find no real peace and joy in life. Their only temporary satisfaction is seeking pleasure in satisfying carnal appetites and in competition always seeking to be number one over others. Some seek to create a false sense of pleasure by tricking their minds with chemicals and alcohol into a state of false ecstasy for a short time of feelings of peace.

A family, tribe, or nation cannot survive and prosper in a full measure of continuing life, without knowing and loving God. Without God, success is always temporary. There may be a rapid rise to wealth and good fortune, especially in those who have a bit of God or who attempt to borrow the concepts of God’s kingdom principles, but do not truly know and love God. However, there will always be a sudden fall of great failure. That which they have built and gathered will be given to another who will manage it for God or temporarily hold it for those who love God who He can trust to use the assets according to His will and plan. (Prov 13:22).

Western Nations of Today

In the past few centuries the western nations have done a good job of believing in God and also trusting in God as much as they knew how. However, they as nations have failed thus far to take the next steps of truly KNOWING and LOVING GOD.

The great prosperity of western nations in leading the world is already being tried in the storms of life and being found wanting. God in His love and desire for a people will do with His called nations as He has done with Israel throughout history. Israel has gone into captivity and been destroyed as a nation multiple times when the people have turned away from God and not moved on to their next step. Always a remnant is saved and purified to restart the nation again. So it will be for America and the western nations if there is not a last minute turning to God in truly knowing and loving Him which leads to obedience through love to His kingdom ways.

God will have a kingdom people who know Him intimately and love Him with their whole hearts and with all of their strength.

As the storms intensify, a people are being formed who are falling in love with God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit in His manifest presence among and within His people. The light of the true gospel of the kingdom of God is coming forth in Christ within and upon His people. Heaven has come to earth in those who have truly come to know God and desperately love Him with a burning desire for Him and His presence.

It is not about the good things of this life that result from becoming one with Him. It is completely about a passion that consumes our hearts with love for our magnificent God who loves us and abides in us and us in Him. It is more than the natural being can endure to just be in the consuming flood of His passionate love. Truly this is beyond anything we could ask or think. All the world dims in the reality of His all-consuming love.

Yes, the storms will come, and the earth along with the first and second heavens will shake with the purging of all that lifts itself against God, the all-consuming fire of love. All of our past grievances or painful rejections by people along with all pain from the loss of that which we may have cared for on earth are washed away in the ecstasy of His magnificent beautiful love.

God is planting in many people now in this time an intense reality of His love. He is consuming us as He pours Himself and His explosive eternal power of pure holy love into us becoming who we are and who we shall ever be. We are in His hands.

His love endures forever,

Ron McGatlin

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