The return to the Garden of Eden reality is now within all in whom Christ dwells by the Holy Spirit. The world will be transformed by that which dwells in the people of God. A restored world of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit is planted in the spirit and heart of His people. The Spirit DNA is growing the new Garden of Eden Spirit reality in the hearts of His purified people to be planted into the world.
Beyond supernatural there awaits a heavenly love passion that lifts those who find it into a mountain of peace in fresh pristine righteousness and pools of crystal clear love with rippling waves of joy unspeakable in a fruitful land known as Garden of Eden Spirit Reality.
Only a step away from natural reality, just one step through an increasingly thinned separating membrane is the heavenly Spirit reality. The reality of Spirit heaven that has come to earth to tabernacle in and with mankind.
Spirit reality is more real than natural reality. All physical existence was created by Spirit. (Heb 11:3). Spirit God created a perfect natural world and placed it in the care of perfect innocent mankind made in the image and likeness of God in a wondrously designed earthly body. (Gen 1:26). Mankind was placed in a perfect environment of a living natural Garden of Eden to tend it and oversee it. (Gen 2:8-15).
A Perfect Natural Presentation of Spirit Reality
Everything was alive with the perfect order of God’s love. All grew and prospered continuously renewing and restoring and replacing itself with everlasting life. Every living thing had its seed within itself and every system of life functioned perfectly in its place in harmony with and in support of every other part of the living world. Love brought perfect balance and order in the Garden of Eden. All things moved together in perfect harmony of obedience by love.
The perfect picture was lost when the attendant overseer of the created world broke the perfect order of oneness of Spirit God reality. Everlasting became temporal as death entered. The way of man into Spirit reality was blocked. (Gen 3: 1-26) (Gen 3:24).
All life and natural elements suffered in the tension between life and death, light and darkness throughout the natural world. Contention entered the world. Perfect balance of all things that was maintained in the perfect order of love in oneness with God was lost when mankind partook of the forbidden fruit of deciding good and evil for himself apart from God. (Gen 3:17-19).
When the fullness of time came, God sent forth His only begotten Son to suffer and die to reopen the way for mankind to again enter into oneness with God and His perfect order. (Gal 4:4-7). The Son of God came to redeem and restore the perfect natural reality of the world.
All Contention melts in Love. Perfect balance is achieved in perfect love.
When the crucified Son of God was resurrected, all of the everlasting life of every living thing and every system of order was potentially resurrected from the curse of death to the fullness of perfect life and order of Spirit reality. It was and is potential only in the sense that it required the agreement of mankind, who was and is the God-given overseer with legal rights to the order of life on the planet.
The fullness of this completed resurrection and restoration of all things is at hand.
It has waited only for the attendant overseers of the created world, mankind, to step through the now thinned spiritual membrane into Spirit reality and become the matured Sons of God. Mankind will again fully represent Spirit God and order the world in full accordance with the perfect plan, purpose, and design of Almighty God.
The battle is fierce, only because the people of God have been asleep to whom and what dwells in them and thereby who they really are.
Pull out all the stops and proclaim the Spirit reality of the kingdom of God that is within you. Let perfect Love have His way in and through you. He has overcome the world. (Rom 8:16-17). In Christ we are children of God, Spirit Sons of God, and joint heirs with Christ Jesus to all of the God-given love, power, and authority needed to bring forth the perfect plan and will of God in this world.
Allow the flame of God to set your soul on fire with love for God! Do whatever you have to do to be in His presence and to hear clearly His voice loving you and drawing you to come fully to Him. Make friends and spend time with loving Spirit-filled people. Select close friends who are on fire with the love of God. Do not become close with the religious naysayers or those pretending to be believers with no real evidence of Spirit God in their lives.
Seek God with your whole heart. Make your life all about God. Read the Bible, pray, seek to be filled with the Spirit of God. Read books about the fullness of the Spirit and the miraculous works of God.
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength,’ Mark 12:30.
Seek the kingdom of God with your whole heart. Truly make God number one priority in your life.
Don’t believe the lie of the devil that says you do not have time for feasting on God and His word.
If we fill our hearts with God, the things of this life that once consumed our time and affection will fade away and will not be missed in the light of the glory of God filing our lives.
Multitudes of us moving in full obedience and empowerment of God can release myriads of powerful angels to work with us to turn the world around in a very short amount of time. The Garden of Eden is before us and a charred wasteland behind us. There will be nothing to turn back to, and Spirit reality is before us.
Lift up your eyes to the high places from whence your help comes. (Psalm 121:1). Set your affection on things above and not on things on the earth. (Col 3:1-2). It is from the Spirit God of heaven that we receive the strength, power, and authority to become the New Jerusalem, Garden of Eden of Spirit God within us and with us.
Father God, in the name of Jesus, we call upon you to let your fire fall upon us and within us to fill us with your burning love that consumes us. Take my spirit, soul, and body for your dwelling place on earth.
Father, let the passion of your love fill my life with your life. Open the flood gates of your love and power to restore your way of life to the world in and through me.
God, I am yours alone. There is nothing or no one in my life before you; do with me as you please. I will praise you as long as there is breath in me. Only I ask, please God, may your presence never pass from me.
My heart breaks for you – tears of your love flood my soul. My Father, let your majesty and glory be fully known and seen in this world of Spirit reality. Thank you, Jesus. We worship you now and forevermore. Amen!
Ron McGatlin