In This Issue
1. Love Erasing Lines of Separation
3. News Headlines
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1. Love Erasing Lines of Separation
By Ron McGatlin

A new season of tangible love is currently opening before the people of His kingdom. The all-consuming love of God is being released as a blanket upon the sons and daughters of God. A magnetic-like force is drawing together those who in past seasons became distant because of differences, much like two magnets with opposite polarity toward one another are drawn together by an invisible force.
There was a past season when the lack of love caused separation between believers with different parts of the whole plan of God. Like two magnets with the same poles toward one another, it seemed an invisible force made it impossible to cling together.
Religion worked as a force to drive apart the different parts of the Body. In part this was caused by each assuming that others should be exactly like them and serve the same purpose or occupy the same space in God’s plan. Different qualities are needed to fulfill the different purposes or jobs needed in the Body.
Love relationship with God without religion is now causing the differences that once divided us to draw us together in the greater light of the kingdom of God. The pure holy love of God is erasing the lines we have drawn between one another.
All of the different parts are needed to form the whole. The thing that is not needed is our self-focused, fallen world, religious ideas and legalistic ways of seeking God’s approval of our traditions of man and doctrines of demons.
The shift from our self-ordained religious correctness to the pure holy love of God is allowing us to see our need for one another in order to become the complete whole.
The Greater Light of Love
There is now a greater light of love shining into us. That light reflects back to God and out to others around us. We are beginning to see clearly in the increased light that the brother or sister that is a bit different is not trying to take our space with his or her part but are seeking their place connected next to us.
We are no longer fighting to hold onto our place and do not fear losing it to that which we previously saw as a different ideology or theology. It may have been really only a different gifting or part that we did not have. We truly needed that part to be joined next to ours. (1 Cor 12: 12-30). We are members of His Body. (1 Cor 6:15).
Separation Leads toward Death
The sustenance of God’s life given to each part is to flow life to the joined different part next to it. The whole body sustains life as the parts join and flow life to the others. (Eph 4:15-16).
Separation produce dryness that leads toward death. The disjointed Body had become as dry bones in a valley of powerlessness, lifelessness, and death.
The reconnecting that we are sensing is the beginning of THE VALLEY OF DRY BONES COMING TOGETHER. YES, THESE DRY BONES CAN LIVE. (Eze 37:1-3).
First the bones come together; then comes the sinews that tie the bones together. Next comes the muscles and the organs and finally the skin. Then and only then is the breath of life blown into the body. The once dry bones become the fullness of a living mature Body of Christ fully and properly joined together with Christ Jesus as King and Head of the exceedingly great army of God. (Eze 37:7-10).
The kingdom comes together and is held together in perfect order by LOVE. The precious all-powerful, all-consuming, pure holy love of God in Christ Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life of the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven.
“Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! 5 Thus says the Lord God to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. 6 I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord, Eze 37:4-6.”’”
“Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live, Eze37:9.”’”
I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army, Eze 37:10.
Father God, we open our spiritual eyes to see and our spiritual ears to hear the rattling of the dry bones coming together in this the beginning of the forming of an exceedingly great army of Your kingdom people. We receive Your Spirit breath of Your life of love. We open our mouths and prophesy Your words of Spirit Life coming to the dry bones to come together and become Your exceedingly great army of sons and daughters, perfectly joined and ordered as Your dwelling place on earth. Your kingdom come, and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You, Father! Thank You, Jesus! Amen! And Amen!
A Work of Love by Spirit God
Joining together with others is not a job that we are to do for God. Trying to forge connections into a living working Body is not our job. Unity movements with good intentions to bring together the church as a cohesive unit have all failed miserably over time, and they will continue to do the same forever. Simply that is like the old saying of getting the cart before the horse.
The all-consuming love of God is the horse that pulls the cart of a fully connected and properly functioning Body to bring forth the fullness of the kingdom of God on earth. Our job involves leaving the past efforts to “work for God” and allowing God to work on and in us and then through us by His love, power, and wisdom. (Phil 2:13).
Love is the greatest key to the kingdom of God. God is love. (1 John 4:7) (Mat 22 37-40).
We can never understand love until it possess us. It is not so much our having or possessing love as it is love possessing us.
Many believe they have God because they received Him into their hearts. Most will also readily confess that they love God and acknowledge that God loves them. Yet the fullness of the real kingdom eludes them. (Mat 7:21-23).
The true people of God’s kingdom are people who are possessed by God’s Love. God has or possesses us. We are possessed by Love and are not our own; we have been bought with a price. (1 Cor 6:19-20). Any attempt to be our own person is robbing God of His possession and will not bring anything of unity or the love of God into this world.
Independence from God is to rebel against the true King and Lord of all. It is usurping or stealing God’s possession, AND THAT WILL NEVER TURN OUT WELL.
False or Evil Alternate Kingdoms
Aligning completely with or giving yourself to any other system or person who is not a part of the real kingdom of God is robbing God and inviting delusion and separation from the kingdom of God life. (1 Cor 6:15-17). Many if not most systems of life in the fallen world are alternate ungodly systems that all fail in time. Mankind has tried again and again to establish eternal systems of life apart from God. Each and every one of the many efforts have failed.
Only the kingdom of God that is birthed in love, works by love, and is sustained by love WILL NEVER FAIL. All kingdom of God systems of creation and existence originate from God in love. The history of man is a journey to find pure holy love, the key of all life.
Fully aligning with the kingdom of God brings us into perfect alignment with all things of God, and all things are added to us. Misalignment with the kingdom of God produces difficulty and eventually death and not life.
Choose you this day whom you will serve!
Choose Love and His kingdom and be drawn to connect with one another to form the true Body of Christ. Jesus is the King on earth and is the unity of love and harmony in the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
Ron McGatlin
By Duane Stewart
Psalms 22:28-31, “For the kingdom is the Lord’s: And He is the Governor among the nations. All they that be fat [all the great ones – typing those who are in Christ] upon the earth shall eat and worship; all they that go down to the dust shall bow [carnal natured one’s shall finally recognize the Christ, head and body] before Him: And none can keep alive his own soul [death will complete its work without receiving Christ].
A seed [remember the law of the seed – every seed brings forth after its own kind] shall serve Him; It shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation [His matured seed]. They shall come, and shall declare His righteousness [the Christ nature] unto a people that shall be born [birthed into salvation], that He hath done this [it is finished – sacrifice has been accomplished on the cross and is still available to complete man’s full salvation].”
In considering that which God has purposed from the very beginning of His eternal purpose, consideration must be given to a present day generation being birthed into Christ’ likeness and image.
Throughout the ages, God’s seasons have come and gone with each age progressively making up a creation that shall fulfill that purpose. Thus, in this our day, a day has come for the harvest of the planted seed to be gathered.
In this gathering, God’s first order in His harvest is gathering in the first-fruits man-child. What and who are these first-fruits? Are they not that part of the harvest that matures into Christ image and His nature first? Yes, a people coming together in such unity of mind being expressed such as the world has never seen.
This is the birthing of a many member man-child into God’s throne room order of authority. Those who shall know this birthing, into throne room authority as delegated from God, they shall prepare the people of the world for the time of gathering the remainder of the harvest.
This present day first-fruits birthing is now upon us, taking place even as Jesus spoke of it to Nicodemus. John 3:3, “Jesus answered and said unto Nicodemus, verily, verily, I say unto you, except a man be born again [from above by divine power], he cannot see [the actual perception of the object shown] the kingdom of God.”
This time of perception has now come upon the pure church, the woman destined to birth the man-child. This woman, the true church, is even now in travail and increasing pain to deliver the coming man-child.
Take note that this man-child’s birthing is a people who manifest the throne room authority of God. A man-child birthed in the image and nature of Christ to prepare the world for the establishing of the kingdom of God on earth.
Rev. 12:5, “And she [the true church] brought forth a man child, who was [is about] to rule all nations with a rod [scepter] of iron and her child was caught up [anointed to dwell in the throne room order of God’s authority] unto God and to His throne [a realm, a way of life].”
Two thousand years ago, man’s history arrived to a season in God’s seven-day plan in making for Himself a creation in which to dwell. That is, a generation with spiritual maturity and authority in which He becomes their God and they become His people, meaning a people in which He inhabits.
This generation was not to remain a natural people only born of the earth, as were the children of Israel. Nay, these Israelites were but types and shadows of a greater coming kingdom, they were not nor could they be the fullness of God’s purpose. God’s kingdom is a greater kingdom, a people born from above, a people born again and purposed to manifest the kingdom of God in all the earth.
Thus, the birthing of His man-child, a throne room anointed people, both Jews and Gentiles who are borne again from above, having come to the time of their season.
Phil. 3:20-21, “For our conversation [citizenship] is [exist even now] in heaven; from whence we look for the Savior also, the Lord Jesus Christ [has He not already come to us as Savior – did He not say, it is finished]: Who shall change [transform, change the fashion of – by the renewing of our minds] our vile body, that it may be fashioned like [to be conformed] unto His glorious body, according to the working [the ultimate purpose] whereby He is able even to subdue [subject] all things unto Himself.”
Herein this people are citizens of and dwellers of another world, an order of government in which we have both rights and responsibilities. Remember, we are His handiwork, a new creation of God and ordained to walk after the order of God’s new creation.
Eph. 2:19, “Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners [of God’s throne room order], but fellow citizens [our seat of government is of the heavens, Christ mind-set] with the saints, and of the household of God [way of life].”
These heavens are also that which dwells within believing and receiving vessels, the truly born again ones.
This is a way of life made possible because God so loved us that He gave us Jesus Christ, the supreme sacrifice, who paid the debt for all humanity.
The question now is, are you willing to believe on and receive Him?
Just what is it that we receive when accepting this sacrifice?
Available to man is a complete new life but, when and how?
Remember Jesus said in John 19:30, “When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said, it is finished: and He bowed His head, and gave up the ghost [sent forth His spirit].”
“It is finished,” declares that all things necessary for fallen man’s redemption is done and complete. All the debt is paid for and those receiving the sacrifice are now free. Free from dwelling in obedience to a corrupt world to now dwell in the throne room of God, that is, living in another world typed by heaven.
By faith, “all things” are available. Are you willing to live in these “all things”?
These “all things” are ours therefore let us receive and manifest them through faith.
Eph. 1:18-19, “The eyes of your understanding having been enlightened that you may know [without effort, to understand] what is the hope of His calling [to the Sonship order; Eph. 1:4-5; our acceptance as sons in the beloved Son], and what is the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according to the working [energy, strength] of His mighty power.”
The necessary response is to place our faith in Him and His ability alone, not ours. He and He alone is able to fulfill His purpose in us and throughout all creation.
Just what is His inheritance in the saints?
Titus 2:14, “Who [Jesus] gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself a peculiar people [a people as an acquisition], zealous of [with respect to] good works.”
Therefore, God’s inheritance is a people, a chosen people, to become the expression of His glory upon the earth.
Remember, from the time of the early church the callings and commission remain the same. After receiving the indwelling Holy Spirit, the mandate was to pronounce and establish the kingdom of God upon the earth.
They were to be the fulfillment of the example prayer spoken by Jesus, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In this, the sent Holy Spirit was to enable the receiving vessels to manifest the one sent and reveal to the world the precious fruit of the kingdom.
Acts 1:8 declares, “But you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you [coming from heaven to abide within you – but is still of the heavenlies]: and you shall be witnesses [a bearing witness] unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”
Heaven, coming to dwell within earth (the men) on the Day of Pentecost, enabled the church to continue in the commission given to Jeremiah without ceasing, in both earth and heaven.
Jeremiah 1:10, “See, I have this day set you [not only appointed, but installed him] over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”
With the season for God’s kingdom to manifest from within us now, is it time to fulfill that which “it is finished” completed and made available?
Where does it say that these things were to diminish over time from the early church? Could it be that deceitful teachings and understandings have robbed the church of truth that God intended to manifest continually from within His people?
When Jesus declared, “it is finished”, He released from the heavenlies an order from God to bring into manifestation all that Jesus made available from the time of His resurrection continuously.
Therefore, He then rose from the dead to become a seed planted within receiving vessels that they might likewise become fruit of the seed whom Christ is, therefore bringing forth a full measure after His own kind.
Thus, the promised Holy Spirit came to dwell within believers to nurture and water the seed until maturity. This makes those receiving the seed to become fruit of a harvest with the harvest season upon us now.
These, the first-fruits of the seed are ascending unto the throne room anointing to manifest the heavens of God on earth. Herein, an established kingdom is on earth, coming from the Christ who dwells within these vessels purposed to manifest who Christ is as He appears through them, a people revealing the Christ to the world.
This process of maturity-accomplished reveals the risen Christ (head and many member body) manifesting their anointed dwelling place in Him.
This order of ministry was never to, nor are they now, to establish an order of clergy, a ministry standing above the people. No, but they are to remain servants to bring the harvest of Christ into perfection.
This order of perfection, coming from the Christ nature within the vessel to establish, was never ordained by God to change according to modern day thinking. Eph. 4:11-13, “And He gave some apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, shepherds and teachers; for the perfecting [to arrange or set in order according to Christ nature] of the saints, for the work of the ministry [service rendered], for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect [full grown, mature] man, unto the measure of the stature of Christ [making up the fullness of Christ, head and many member body].”
In edifying the body of Christ, the above verses speak to us of a further increased completeness of Christ. It is also speaking of more than just the one appearance of Jesus, the seed. It speaks of and points to the purpose of God’s salvation process to continue until the completion of the whole Christ, Jesus the head and His many member body.
Eph. 2:21-22, “In Whom all the building fitly framed together [harmoniously fitted together] growth [increasing] unto a holy Temple in the Lord: In Whom you also are builded together [being built together as one] for [this word points to a line being drawn to meet another line, at a certain point] a habitation of God through the Spirit [becoming His dwelling place].”
Friends, “it is finished”, all things are made available from that day on the cross unto this day, nothing can be added to it nor taken away.
The process of Gods purposed order has run its course and is coming to the present day appearing of God’s first-fruit harvest. A season is upon us that now brings forth the manifestation of God’s kingdom as these anointed man-child saints, through God’s authority, destroy the kingdoms of this corrupt world to build and plant the kingdom of God.
A purified heaven is now manifesting through these saints as Satan, who deceived the whole world and is now cast out of the heavens of these first-fruits, he is no longer able to accuse them before God.
Rev. 12:10, “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation [of the whole man], and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power [authority] of His Christ [the Messiah – head with His many member body]; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.”
A change has come, the anointed of the Lord is now manifesting as the authority of God in these first-fruits has reached the maturity of their purpose and season. “It is finished” is appearing in the land and a trumpet is blowing loud and clear.
The fall of Babylon is upon us (read Rev. 18:1-5) as God calls forth the man-child appearing of His first-fruits.
Rev. 11:15, “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven [consider the heaven within], saying, the kingdoms of this world are [is] become the kingdoms of our Lord, and His Christ [the Messiah – head with His many member body]; and He shall reign for ever and ever.”
“It is finished”, now matured within, is coming from the saints to manifest God’s Christ throughout all creation. Herein, that which God purposed from the beginning is now finished and man cannot put limits upon Him. The Christ, according to His eternal purpose is now appearing, the long awaited kingdom of God is now come to earth to be established wherein God and the Christ might reign forever and ever. “It is finished” and He shall die no more. Come forth you first-fruits of the Lord. Arise and build with God His kingdom from within. From within where God has His dwelling place and now dwells within the man, the many member man called Christ and the sons of God. For “It is finished”.
Duane Stewart
3. News Headlines
Radical Revival Falls on China’s State-Controlled Churches – 1/11/2017
“We were seeing something unprecedented. We had no theological training in the move of the Holy Spirit. This was completely new for us.” You’re about to hear first-hand testimony and see video of an unprecedented Christian revival happening in parts of China. What is unique about this story is how God is moving among communist-controlled government churches.
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President-Elect Donald Trump Holds “Feisty” First Press Conference—What Was Said… – 1/11/2017
Trump also announced that the Trump Organization would be donating “all profits from foreign government stays at Trump hotels and properties to the U.S. Treasury, and bar foreign deals during his presidency.” He also reiterated his commitment to repeal and replace Obamacare and build the border wall. Trump also denounced the unsubstantiated ‘news’ story….
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Clemson Coach Dabo Swinney on CFP Win: “Only God Can Do This” – 1/11/2017
Both Clemson’s Coach Dabo Swinney, and quarterback Deshaun Watson gave God the glory for the amazing win. In a post-game interview with ESPN Clemson coach Dabo Swinney attributed his team’s historic win in the College Football Playoff National Championship game against Alabama to God saying, “Only God can do this.” “It’s indescribable.” “I mean, you can’t make it up, man. …
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“Grisly, Hardness and Callousness Toward Women and Infants”: The Damning Final House Report on Investigation into Planned Parenthood – 1/11/2017
The Select Panel’s relentless fact-finding investigation has laid bare the grisly reality of an abortion industry that is driven by profit, unconcerned by matters of basic ethics and, too often, noncompliant with the few laws we have to protect the safety of women and their unborn children … the findings of this panel should incense all people of conscience.”
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Pediatrician Group Slams National Geographic Cover of 9-Year-Old Transgender – 1/11/2017
“National Geographic magazine is facing criticism for its groundbreaking cover, featuring a 9-year-old child who was born a boy, but now identifies as a girl. “Rates of suicide are twenty times greater among adults who use cross-sex hormones and undergo sex reassignment surgery, even in Sweden which is among the most LGBTQ-affirming ountries.
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The Japanese and American airmen who chose to forgive after WWII – Two opposing warriors transformed, many led to Christ – 1/11/2017
The two warriors – one who led the attack on Pearl Harbor and the other who participated in the first bombing raid on Japan – kneel side by side and give thanks to the Lord for finding them, saving them, and giving them a call to share the Gospel. They began sharing the same platform and whenever possible held meetings all over Japan.
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Muslim woman bedridden for a year, healed by prayer in Jesus name – 1/11/2017
An American missionary couple working with Ekballo Project answered God’s call to Berlin, Germany, and have been ministering to refugees from the Middle East. A refugee didn’t have much money. He had a very hard time.” He decided to study the Quran to be more Islamic. But after weeks in the Islamic scripture, he became disillusioned and said, “OK, let’s see another thing.”
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Dependency in Haiti replaced with sustainability – 1/11/2017
Haiti is caught in a painful rotation: disaster, donation, dependency. Each new tragedy, the recent being Hurricane Matthew, demands of Haiti what little it has. After a crisis has faded away, they continue to look to foreign aid to survive their daily lives. Little has been invested in the long-term development and sustainability of this impoverished nation.
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Update: Nigerian Army recovers 24th Chibok kidnap victim – 1/11/2017
The Nigerian Army says that it has discovered another woman who had been kidnapped nearly three years ago from her school in Chibok, Nigeria. She has a six-month-old baby an is undergoing medical investigation before being handed over to the Borno State Government. Gali is the 24th Chibok kidnap victim to be released, out of 219.
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Egypt’s President Sisi Makes Important Promises to Christian Copts in Wake of Violence against Churches – 1/11/2017
President Sisi … promised to rebuild all churches destroyed or damaged in the violence of August 2013. He also pledged 100,000 Egyptian pounds (5,400 US dollars) towards construction of what will become the largest Church in a new political and administrative area planned for the edge of Cairo. He said the Church is due to be inaugurated in 2018.
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