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In This Issue
2. The Lord’s Testimony
3. News Headlines
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Temporal Life in an Eternal Reality
By Ron McGatlin
Heaven’s deep river of eternal Spirit life is flowing now into purified vessels of God in Christ in our temporal bodies. Mortality has put on immortality; temporal has put on eternal, or more accurately said, eternal Spirit now abides in temporal bodies. Christ in us is the hope of the world. Christ in us is the love, power, and wisdom of the kingdom of heaven on earth.
All things are possible to the people in whom eternal Spirit God in Christ dwells.
Eternal purpose in our temporal lives transforms natural life into super Spirit life.
A biblical word for super Spirit life is “abundant life.” (John 10:10).
Father God’s design is for His eternal super Spirit life to be fully abiding in all of His children. The Spirit DNA of Father God is implanted in all of His redeemed children by the Holy Spirit. Much the same as the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary to implant her with the seed of God in Christ Jesus. (Luke 1:30-35). The sacred reality of male and female is the foundation of God life in mankind and the reproduction of God beings (God in human beings) on earth: God as Father and the purified Bride of Christ, New Jerusalem, as mother reproducing children of God. (Gal 4:26) (Rev 21:9-10).
The great mystery of Christ in us is the only hope of the world. (Col 1:26-27).
A great number of eternal super Spirit life experiences are recorded in the Bible.
Mary had an eternal super Spirit life experience. Christ Jesus lived an eternal super Spirit life experience lifestyle demonstrating the workings of Spirit Father God in multitudes of miraculous experiences of Spirit God ruling over natural life. Many followers of Christ have experienced the same type of super life happenings throughout history.
Our Riches in Glory
As a redeemed child of God now on earth, the only thing that we have or possess is the eternal super Spirit life of God in us. Everything else is temporal, and we do not own it. It all belongs to God. Even our life and time on earth is not our own.
Yet in this Spirit life all things are ours to use for the purposes of God in us. As Spirit sons and daughters of God, we do not own temporal things but manage them for God according to His plan and purposes. (Luke 19:12-13).
Even this temporal life is not ours; it entirely belongs to God. We are His body, His temple, His workmanship, and His love servant in this world. (1 Cor 12:27) (1 Cor 6:19-20) (Eph 2:10) (Exo 21:5)
We simply do not possess the temporal goods of this world and have no worry or joy in the loss of or the acquiring of temporal goods, for all things are already ours to manage and take care of for Him. If and when the temporal riches of this life are transferred from us or to us, the well-being of our life does not go or come with them. Our life does not consist in the temporal things of this world. (Luke 12:15) (2 Cor 6:10).
The earth and the fullness thereof belong to our God. (Psalm 24:1) (1 Cor 10:26). Our riches are the glory of God manifested into His creation in this world and all of creation. (Rom 9:23-24).
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
Perfect Alignment Brings Perfect Peace
Knowing who we are in God and who God is in us through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit causes us to align at all times and in all ways with His plan and purpose. (Rom 8:28). All that we desire is to fully be and do His will in all matters. We have no further unfulfilled desires or needs to attempt to fulfill on our own without Him. Therefore peace reigns in our lives no matter what the circumstances in this world. (Phill4 6-9).
His power and wisdom enables us to accomplish anything and everything that he has for us to do or be. Nothing in this world is greater than our God who is within us. (1 John 4:4). We can do all things through Christ Jesus and nothing is impossible that God has for us to do. (Phil 4:13).
All frustration in this life stems from not being perfectly aligned with God in Christ. Truly His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Jesus said, “All things have been delivered to Me by My Father…… 28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Mat 11:27….-30.”
The eternal kingdom life reality is so simple; when revealed by the Spirit from the words written upon the pages of the Bible, that many miss it. (1 Cor 2:9-10).
Eternal Life Coming To Earth Now
Yoked with Jesus we are transporting the substance of God’s eternal Spirit kingdom from heaven to earth. We are a team yoked with Jesus bringing love and light to restore the earth to “as it is in heaven.” Spiritual substance is the creational energy of God. It is weightless. Love and light energy from God is an easy load for His living people on earth yoked together with Jesus. The world is made fresh and new by that which Jesus yoked with us is bringing from heaven to earth. Restoration and renewal to the world is accomplished with ease with the Spirit work from above.
Trying to fix the world from the natural side instead of from the heavenly side is a hard labor and a heavy burden. Trying to fix the governments, institutions, and all the injustices among the people, families, and nations is a massive burden.
The world will be fixed only by working from the top side, that is from heaven coming to earth with all of its gentle and lowly ways of God in Christ Jesus yoked together as one with His army of heaven’s sons and daughters alive on earth in natural bodies. Eternal Spirit God in Christ Jesus yoked together as one with purified holy sons and daughters of God in temporal bodies is bringing the actual Spirit energy substance of heaven to earth.
This Spirit transformation is not from the minds of man or the spirits of darkness that have now usurped authority from deceived human beings who do not know God in Jesus and do not know where they are from nor where they are going. It will do no good to waste effort on trying to change them and their minds with natural words of debate or challenge to their ways. Only a living real demonstration of the love and light of God manifesting His power will change the hearts of the deceived people.
Iron may sharpen iron to form a natural weapon but love and light from heaven can transform the iron of the weapon into gold for a crown. It is not by the might of man but by the power of Spirit God that the world is made new to be as it is in heaven.
Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Matthew 6:10.
‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts, Zechariah 4:6.
The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, Romans 14:17.
Much Love and Blessings,
Ron McGatlin
2. The Lord’s Testimony
By Nathan Hall
Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
In November of last year, my wife and I experienced a miscarriage. That is absolutely the most trying time in my life. In my childhood I would constantly pray, asking the Lord to bring me a wife and give us a family. Children have always been on my heart. At the time of the miscarriage, we were right on the border of the second trimester. About four months prior the Lord had spoken to me that we would become pregnant. One month later it had come to pass.
Then this day came in November. The fear of a miscarriage was in both of us. I went to the Lord, and He spoke that everything was okay. Less than six hours later, we were at the ER and a miscarriage was confirmed. We went into a tailspin, both of us devastated. Everything was brought into question. For me, the question of whether I ever had heard the Lord was ever present in my mind. My wife and I sat together, questioning everything and decided, we needed to go to somebody. My wife brought up two names, and asked me which one I wanted to go see. I decided to email Ron McGatlin, and just a few days later, we made the 15 hour drive from our house to his and were sitting in his living room. And man oh man, did God show up.
What has followed since that day is an absolute testament to how great the Lord is. I found, that, yes, I do hear the Lord. I was just in no position to hear Him. Something very dear to my heart that I had prayed for faithfully for about 12 years or so, was threatened. The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), and in that situation darkness tried to overtake the light. The very foundations of my life and my relationship with the Lord were shaken. Today, about one year later, I believe that Satan took his best shot at me that day.
Since that time, we have been introduced to show much of the Lord and His goodness. I have learned quite a bit. Recently, we took our third trip out to see Ron. The Lord has formed a great relationship. And we have had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people along the way. This past visit, I had the opportunity to minister to some really special people who have gone through some similar circumstances that we have. The things He has built in me over the last year were there for these people when they needed them.
So, the Lord took a horrible situation, one where everything I stood on was pulled out from under me, only to be placed more firmly, on a stronger foundation. The first half of John chapter 10, verse 10 is “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy;” but the second half is where the truth is and all our focus should be, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
And it is so amazing to me how many lives have been touched by what we went through. My wife and I come from a small group of people (no more than 15) who were learning about the Kingdom of God. We learned a lot about Him, but there were still things in us that held us back. Things soured in our group, and we all split. It’s amazing to me, that throughout our relationship with Ron, the majority of the group has made a trip out to see him and received ministry from the Lord. So again, a terribly hard situation has been used for absolute good, and not only our benefit but the benefit of others.
We have also been introduced to a wonderful church that pursues the Kingdom of God, pursues the real of God. The Lord has established such a great atmosphere there. And just this last week, I went up from prayer and asked for a “Fresh Blast of Holy Spirit Joy.” Someone laid hands on me, praying that joy into my life. God knocked me flat on my back. I could feel Him surging in me. I’m forever different. None of it would have happened if we hadn’t miscarried. God has taken what was intended for harm, and used it for good, to accomplish what He is doing now in this season (Gen 50:20).
Through the trials of life, we are never alone; He is always with us (Isa 41:10). He will turn the negatives into positives. He has absolutely wonderful plans to prosper us, and not to harm us. He has given us the greatest measure of love the world has ever seen through Jesus on the cross. In all things, He is for us. The Joy of the Lord is our strength.
Isaiah 29:11 “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”
Romans 8:31 “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Nathan Hall
3. News Headlines
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