25 January, 2017 BY Lyndsey Koh
International (MNN) — It’s going to be a big year of growth and honing vision for Mission Aviation Fellowship in 2017. And with it, they’re looking for new people to join their ministry.
(Photo courtesy of Sean Cannon, MAF)
Mission Aviation Fellowship flies other Christian ministries into hard-to-reach areas with everything from Gospel sharing projects to emergency aid. John Boyd, President and CEO of Mission Aviation Fellowship, says they have begun a strategic planning process to work out what God would have them do with missions this year.
“There’s a generational shift in MAF like there are all over the world and we’re having to look at missions slightly differently — how we operate, how we’re able to operate in the aviation environment, the kind of operations we have. But what will not change…is the centrality of Christ in MAF’s ministry and how we need to position ourselves in many countries that MAF is serving in and looking to serve in where there’s just such a hostility towards Christianity.”
Due to the changes, as well as staffing replacement needs, Mission Aviation Fellowship is especially looking for pilots and aviation mechanics to come on board.
“If we look at the technical side — on the pilot, aviator, [and] aviation mechanic side — those are the people right at the moment where we really need to keep the pipeline open so we can continue to operate in many countries that are challenging for us.”
They also have open positions in IT support, administration, education, and other opportunities. Check out their website for the full list of positions!
(Photo courtesy of MAF)
Even if you don’t have the qualifications now to be a missionary pilot or aviation mechanic, MAF can help you get the training. MAF’s President John Boyd says, really, they’re looking for Christians with gumption.
“One of the biggest challenges in Christian ministry and mission, particularly those who go to serve overseas in very difficult countries, is just the heart to see Jesus in every opportunity, to be willing to share the Gospel when it’s indicated…but to have the courage to stay the course when the going gets tough — and the going is tough,” says Boyd.
“I will never sugarcoat the fact that it’s really a challenge to live overseas and in some countries hostile to Christianity, apart from just the daily living (which is very different to America), different language, different culture, different ways of doing things.”
While long-term missions overseas are a challenge, there’s a big picture to keep in mind — serving and loving people for the sake of God’s Kingdom will have an impact resounding into eternity.
“The passion has to be that God has clearly defined the call on a person’s life, that they’re willing to respond to that call to be obedient, willing to go through the process of coming through MAF’s selection and training, and when they get overseas, I think the heart and the passion, you just have to be willing to dig in.”
(Photo courtesy of MAF)
Boyd says the first step to starting the process is to go to MAF’s website and do some research. Then, “the next stage honestly is just to make a phone call and speak to one of our mobilizers, those are the people who are out across the country and working with folk who are interested in coming to the ministry. That’s really the beginning part of it.”
You can call Mission Aviation Fellowship toll-free at (800) FLYS-MAF (359-7623).
So pray about it and ask, is God calling you to go? “If God is calling you to Mission Aviation Fellowship, He will make the way straight. It won’t be easy, but God will guide and direct and provide if it’s His will that you come into this kind of ministry.”
Boyd also asks that you be in prayer for the MAF ministry as a whole. “Join us in prayer for God to provide the people, the resources, and for souls and hearts to be touched for Jesus in the countries MAF serves.”
Source: Mission Network News