Greetings from the city of Tamale in Ghana, West Africa. Our Gospel Crusade began this morning with the Fire Conference, and the evangelistic service tonight. The last time Christ for all Nations was in Tamale was 30 years ago this week. In fact, it was in this city that we first started counting decision cards and keeping track of the new converts that were being ushered into the follow up system in 1987. 30 years and 76 million salvations later, we are back in this wonderful city and full of expectation for what God will do this week.
Tonight after I preached the gospel and prayed for the sick, we heard wonderful testimonies.
- A man whose left arm had left been paralyzed from a stroke in 2015 was healed tonight.
- A 28-year-old man, who was deaf in the left ear from birth, said that as I started to pray over the crowd that he felt fire come on his ear from the very first shout, and suddenly realized he could hear. I tested him on the platform and verified this mighty miracle!
- An elderly Muslim woman who could not walk for 6 years, was healed tonight.

We are in a region where, according to the locals, more than 80 percent of the population is not Christian.
Tonight, we could see that this was true. Many people of other religions attended the meeting, and many of them experienced the power of God. I am sure that after this week Tamale will be changed forever.
Please make it a point to set some time aside to pray for us and for the meetings here this week. May Jesus be lifted up over this region as never before.
You can see all of the wonderful photos and each of my daily reports from Tamale here!
Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team
Tamale, Ghana – Mission Journal
We recently received this message from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda direct from Tamale, Ghana.

We have just come from the field on night 2 of our Gospel Campaign here in Tamale, Ghana. Tonight, I preached on the blood of Jesus. Thousands came into the Kingdom of God. We also saw how many demoniacs began to manifest as soon as I started talking about the blood of Jesus. Shrieks and cries could be heard all over the field. One woman that was just a few feet in front of me began to manifest as I was preaching. In the end, we saw wonderful miracles of deliverance and healing. During the prayer for the sick, I had a word of knowledge about someone with a growth in their nose. A woman came forward and said that for six years she had a growth in her nose that caused a variety of terrible problems. Tonight, Jesus touched her and healed her. Many people said that they had been healed of paralysis as a result of strokes. There is great joy in this region because of what Jesus is doing.

This morning, Peter Vandenberg and Rev. Charles Ciepiel ministered to the pastors and leaders. Charles also led the congregation in a powerful time of worship tonight.
Tomorrow, is the final day of Fire Conference meetings. Please pray for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit tomorrow morning. Please also join us in praying for a real breakthrough here. While we are seeing some wonderful miracles, I feel like there is so much more for this region. I believe there is a spiritual battle being waged over this city and we need God’s people to bombard heaven for the breakthrough.
Please, don’t miss any of the powerful videos, photos, or any of my daily reports. And, if you are so led, you can also help us with our ongoing ministry expenses.
Thank you for praying.
Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team