In This Issue
1. God’s Kingdom Spring
2. Voice of Prophesy Forum Facebook Group
3. News Headlines

1. God’s Kingdom Spring

Poison words and images are pouring out in a massive flood of a desperate all-out attempt to destroy the rapidly growing kingdom of God people who are multiplying on earth. No one can overcome the onslaught of anti-Christ spirit driven flood of lies unless they stop drinking from the poison well of mass media news, entertainment, and educational systems and start drinking deeply from the everlasting flowing well of the truth of God by His Spirit and His word.
Drinking from the Well of Truth
The pure crystal clear fresh water of the LOVE of God flowing from Spirit God in Christ Jesus deep within you and I is the well of truth and life. (Rev 22:1) (John 7:38).
The fresh living love and truth of God flowing from the well of the Spirit is perfectly clean and clear. Every mature son of God (male or female) must come to drink directly from God’s fountain of life.
As the pure water of truth flows out and becomes many streams, there is the possibility of contamination. Drinking only from one of the many streams further from the fountain head can lead to having only a portion of the whole truth mixed with contaminants added in from the banks of the stream.
It is vital that we mature as fully adopted sons and drink directly from the fountain Head, Christ Jesus, within us by the Holy Spirit.
If we are in one of the many diverse streams of the water of God, we need to continue to move upstream until we reach the undivided pure flow of God’s perfect love at the throne of God. Thus we actually experience the reality of being seated in Christ at the throne of God to rule and reign with Him in this life.
The Anti-Christ Poison
If the flow from that well is contaminated along the way with the poison of anti-Christ, the poison inputs will flow into our hearts through our eyes and ears. This can cause us to become like the living dead and be soon overtaken in defeat. Our hearts may become spiritually sick and confused. Then poisoned words and actions may flow out of us to those around us. This is the root of the angry words and demonstrations in the world today, even by some Christians. (Acts 14:2) (Psalm 140:2-3)
Extreme Reality
My dear friends and fellow followers of Christ, seekers of the kingdom, we run the risk of being labeled an extremist by the opposing anti-Christ infected forces. It appears that by hearing the heart of God we, or at least I, have become what the world would call an extremist. My heart is so overtaken by the supernatural, spiritual, all-consuming love of God that it seems to require some effort to remain connected to this natural life and world. Yet, it remains that there is yet His work to be done and His kingdom words to plant in the heart soil of the current generations of people on earth, especially in this season of extreme opposition to Christ Jesus and His kingdom people on earth.
There is now a ballooning flood of lies and devilish twisting of real facts into fantasies of deception that is flowing from mass media news and entertainment. These major mind influencers are life impacting agencies that are controlled and operated by people who have been greatly influenced and trained by anti-Christ demonically inspired teaching in our so called “higher” education. This flood of lies and twisted truth is implanting false devilish religion and blatantly anti-Christ beliefs into the people of the nations.
This stream is a stream of life to God’s people, a stream of pure refreshing water of righteousness, peace, love, power, and joy.
This same stream appears to be a stream of deadly destruction to those following the anti-Christ spirits and false religions. It is to them seen as a stream of liquid fire destroying everything it touches that is not of God.
However, for those in transition of being transformed, it is a stream of fire burning away the false and evil planted in their lives, and at the same time a stream of fresh new life of righteousness, love, peace, power, and joy.
The World Will Be Changed by this Invading Kingdom
Be not mistaken, there is no way of avoiding that which is springing forth in this season. Every living person and every living thing will at some level and some degree experience the fire of God’s loving redemption or they will experience God’s love in the earth cleansing fire of His righteous judgment.
Every family, tribe, or nation will be divided by the sword of the fire of God into those who love God and those who do not love Him. However, those families, tribes, and nations in which every person turns to God with their whole hearts will be completely redeemed. On the other hand those families, tribes, and nations in whom none will turn to God will be dissolved from the earth. (Rev 21:27).
No one has to miss the reality of the glorious kingdom of God life in the springing forth age of the kingdom. The loving arms of God await to embrace each and every person who will come to Him with their whole hearts.
Lives will be completely changed as God fills hearts with the beauty of holiness in the glory of His presence. Christ will be formed in all who give up their lives into His hands and allow the Spirit of God to fully possess their lives. This is heaven coming to earth, the reality of everlasting life. It is eternity abiding in the sons of God on earth now and forever.
Love never fails, and
His kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin
2. Voice of Prophesy Forum Facebook Group
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3. News Headlines
3 Questions to Keep Future Muslim Terrorists Out of America
By Daniel Greenfield Our biggest problem is that we aren’t asking the right questions. Asking a Muslim if he is a terrorist is the wrong question. Islamic terrorists don’t see themselves as terrorists. They view themselves as devout Muslims. That is how we must see… read more
Does Iran’s Seven Minute Nuclear Threat Conform To Gog and Magog Prophecy?
By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz February 7, 2017 (Shutterstock) Several high-ranking Iranian officials threatened Israel and America last week, claiming they could rain down destruction on their Western enemies in an ultra-short war that conforms to a 300-year old prophecy… read more
“My Children Are the Apple of My Eyes”—Jesus Confronts a Jail Officer Holding Two Christians; What Happened Next… As it turned out, he had a dream about Jesus the previous week. The Lord visited him in a dream, appearing in glory and seated on a throne. Bright light surrounded Him, and millions of angels were at His bidding. Jesus raised His nail-pierced hand and showed it to the…
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Two weeks too late: Pakistani police finally register murder case for slain 12-year-old Christian girl Also, latest news on Asia Bibi appeal against her death sentence For what appears to be two weeks too late, Pakistani police have finally registered a murder case for a slain 12-year-old Christian girl. Police had initially closed the case stating that Tania Mariyam… read more
InterVarsity: where once was crisis, is new growth
USA (MNN) — About 20 years ago, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship was facing a crisis. The ministry was having a hard time reaching out to students with the Gospel. In fact, in one year the ministry only saw eight college students come to Christ within the whole San… read more
EXPOSED: Planned Parenthood Sets ‘Abortion Quotas’, Rewards Clinics with Pizza Parties
“I trained my staff the way that I was trained, which was to really encourage women to choose abortion, to have it at Planned Parenthood because that counts as—you know, towards our goal.” -Sue Thayer, former Planned Parenthood manager. Feb 8, 2017 :… read more
The Free Speech Fairness Act Needs Your Help NOW, Says Tony Perkins
Liberal organizations, like Americans United for Separation of Church and State send letters to churches threatening to report them to the IRS if they violate the Johnson Amendment by, for example, speaking out in favor of candidates that share their Biblical values… read more
Dr. Alveda King: Sen. Warren Used the King Name to Stir Up Emotions: “My family we are peacemakers, we bring people together, we do not divide people”
“…I believe certainly that if she could look at the record of Sen. Sessions today, she would—with integrity—say, ‘Well, he has worked to prosecute the Ku Klux Klan; he has worked to desegregate public schools.’ …Aunt Coretta was a very reasonable woman, and… read more
Vice President Mike Pence Casts Historic Tie-breaking Vote for Senate’s Confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary—How Her Faith Stands Out
Heather Sells : Feb 7, 2017 : CBN News Rev. Robert Sirico, the founder of the Grand Rapids-based Acton Institute and a long-time DeVos family friend, describes her as a “solid evangelical Christian” who is active in her church and “orthodox in her beliefs and personal… read more
National Security Advisor Flynn Champions U.S. Judeo-Christian Roots, Fight against Sharia Law
“Accept That We Were Founded by a Judeo-Christian Ideology and Fight Those Who Want to Impose Sharia Law”: The Unapologetic Plan of Trump’s National Security Advisor Flynn’s plan to beat radical Islam starts with schools and social media Paul Sperry : Feb 6, 2017 :… read more