“Pray for President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and the new cabinet that God will give them wisdom as they take difficult and bold steps for the good of America. And, by the way, the president is also donating his salary and asked the press corps for suggestions as to where to give it. That’s another first isn’t it!” -Franklin Graham

Aimee Herd-Commentary : Mar 15, 2017 : Fox News

Keeping one of his campaign promises to “Drain the Swamp,” President Trump, on Monday, signed an executive order that will review from “top-to-bottom” every Executive Branch department and agency to see where costs can be cut and services improved, according to a Fox News report. (Photo via Fox News)

“There is duplication and redundancy everywhere. Billions and billions of dollars are being wasted on activities that are not delivering results,” the President said as he signed the order.

His stated goal is to make the agencies “as lean and as effective as possible,” thereby saving American taxpayers potentially ‘billions’ of dollars.

In the Monday press briefing, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer confirmed that President Trump will be donating his $400,000 salary at the end of the year and suggested that the press corps might want to decide where it should go.

On his Facebook page, Franklin Graham was enthusiastic about the news, noting in a post: “Another first by President Donald J. Trump! Monday he ordered a top-to-bottom review of every department and agency to save taxpayer money, reduce duplication, and improve services. Can you believe it? This won’t make President Trump popular among politicians, because government jobs and excess spending will have to be cut—but it is something the American people should be grateful for. Pray for President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and the new cabinet that God will give them wisdom as they take difficult and bold steps for the good of America. And, by the way, the president is also donating his salary and asked the press corps for suggestions as to where to give it. That’s another first isn’t it!”

If Trump follows through with the salary donation, he will be only the third U.S. president to do so; Herbert Hoover and John F. Kennedy also donated their salaries to charity. According to sources, George Washington didn’t want to take a salary at first, but was afraid to set an unreasonable expectation for presidents who would follow him.

To learn more about President Trump’s executive order on federal agencies, click here.

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