![]() Revealing “Eyes Only” Secrets I saw classified plans being rolled up, straight from the strategy rooms of Heaven and angels carrying these plans directly to the intercessors. Proverbs 24:6 in the Message Translation says, “Strategic planning is the key to warfare; to win, you need a lot of good counsel.” As these men and women of God were in their quiet place with the Father, I saw their worship creating a supernatural earthquake in the heavenly realm above them. As they prayed in tongues, I saw their eyes opening to see the strategic plans from Heaven in front of them, and with their mouths, they started to decree what they saw. Their decrees mobilized armies of angels. These angels were on standby awaiting the decrees of the intercessors, and the very moment the words left their mouths, they were released in sheer velocity of number right across the earth. God is Releasing His “00” Agents Interestingly, the number 00 (double 0) in the Bond movies refers to an agent who is licensed to kill, and I sense the Father has released an anointing of potent accuracy in prayer over you, the intercessors of His heart, to kill and utterly destroy the enemy’s attempts to wreak havoc. Bond is also known for his stealth and surprise of attack, as well as his various gadgets. I believe the Father is likewise empowering you as His “undercover agents” with stealth and wisdom to attack the enemy in surprise. What you release will be as though an unexpected ambush and siege falls upon the enemy’s camps; they won’t see it coming. I also saw angels delivering you a tool from Heaven. A Vision: I saw a supernatural tool that resembles a compass being delivered into your hands, enabling you to see with revelation knowledge and to know in which direction to pray. You will have crucial insight to know where exactly to pray. You will see visions and scenes unfold before you where destructive plans that have been made in secret will be made known to you as though you were literally in the room as these plans of evil were being discussed and unfolding. I saw you sitting in the corner while you watched people being used by the enemy; they were shaking hands over hidden agendas – you will be able to decree in that moment and interrupt those plans. Your prayers will break through darkness in a mode of stealth and precision. Psalm 44:5 says, “Through You we will push back our adversaries; through Your name we will trample down those who rise up against us.” Being Equipped to Accomplish Your Mission Another aspect of the Bond movies that was highlighted to me were Bond’s fast cars; these cars are often equipped with a supercharger. I believe this is yet another picture of the intercessors’ prayers representing a vehicle of great speed. Your prayers and decrees over the nations, and even over your own homes, are being equipped with a supernatural super charger to go faster and retrieve answers at an accelerated capacity. Some of the names of Bond movies were also highlighted to me: “Gold-finger,” “Golden eye” and “Sky Fall.” I believe God is using this allegory as a picture of what He is about to do through the intercessors of His heart in the coming weeks and months. As YOU, His secret agents, decree the plans and purposes of His heart that are set before you, it’s as though everything you touch will turn to gold in the supernatural, for God has given you an eye to see how He sees the situations that are unfolding across the earth and in your own circle of influence. His perspective sees and draws out the gold and brings Heaven to earth. Let the Sky Fall. I am reminded of Isaiah 64:1 which says, “Oh, that You would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before You!” I see that as the intercessors release up their battle cries, the sound of their voices would cause the tearing open of the Kingdom of Heaven over the earth, pouring forth God’s plans and purposes for this hour in which we are living. Intercessors of His heart continue to push through the darkness as you are being strengthened and equipped, you are aligning with God, releasing the strategies of God’s heart, and the skies are tearing open with His glory. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.) Christy Johnston Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. She now lives with the mandate to breathe fresh hope and life into God’s sons and daughters through her passion of writing, uncovering the truths of living in grace and freedom through our identity in Christ. Nate and Christy have two daughters, Charlotte and Sophie, and currently live on the Gold Coast in Australia. ************************************* Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications |