Wednesday apparently is “North Korea Day” at Elijah List.
In addition to its three-part word from Charles Shamp, Kim Clement and Denny Cramer, the website also published an article that contained a February 5 prophecy from Hank Kunneman about the Hermit Kingdom. The senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church in Omaha, Nebraska, and founder of One Voice Ministries wrote, in part:
“Do You Think I Am Afraid of North Korea or Iran?” says the Lord.
Know this marks a new day and a new season of a major defeat that has happened to spirits of darkness that have wanted this land. God says, “I told you I would not be pushed back, pushed out; but now I push, I push, I push My agenda and I irritate. This is My doing.
“Listen to the word of the Lord for just a moment: Do you think I’m afraid of North Korea? Do you think that I am afraid of Iran?”
The Spirit of God says, “Am I afraid of your weaponry and your armory? I am the God who is called ‘Lord of Hosts’; ‘Lord of angel armies!’ I am the one who stands, and when I speak, the earth obeys, and so shall North Korea, so shall Iran. For as they seek to intimidate like Goliath who sought to paralyze a nation called Israel, so this is the intent of these ancient spirits again who desire to raise their heads.
“But I have placed one in your land (USA), who is listening to the whispers of My voice, and he has been guided by My hand whether you like it or not,” says the Lord.
“So I have a strong one who will do exactly what I have asked him to do, and he will join his hands with Israel, and there will be swift action, and it will not be what the U.N. likes or agrees with. This does not matter. for it will silence them (Iran, North Korea), it will quiet them and restrain them for a season.
“The reason I do this is not just to show the power of a man. The reason I do this is also to remind the earth that I am the God of all flesh, and I am the ruler of all. But there is also a sound that is coming from Iran and North Korea, and it is the sound of a praying people, My church, who has been persecuted; My church who has been afflicted. I’m listening to them in their nations, and so there will be a restraint.
“There will be a merciful, compassionate act of My hand that will not allow certain retaliation in Iran or North Korea. I will embarrass the one in North Korea when suddenly what they launch falls and fails before the eyes of the people of this earth (Note: This was prophesied February 5). Stick out your chest if you must. I put My foot upon you and I shake you into a place of embarrassment.”
North Korea, let Me speak to you now:
God is listening to the prayers of the persecuted and the afflicted, and because of this, there will be an imploding of your government. The short one shall have a short term, and there shall be no longer a division between the two. Watch!
Click here to read the entire article at the Elijah List website.