We believe that May 2nd was a day of historic significance and spiritual importance in Washington D.C. as some 100 leaders were invited to the White House to take part in a special event commemorating Israel Independence Day. A first of its kind, the ceremony was hosted by Vice President Mike Pence. Attending were many key governmental leaders, including Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and senators and representatives from both parties. Also invited were a number of highly respected religious voices “who trumpet the cause of Israel.” One of these was our friend Chuck Pierce, who called the meeting an “amazing breakthrough at the White House for Israel,” and said, “In this time of nations realigning, let’s give thanks for this official recognition of Israel’s independence.”
In his address, the Vice President mentioned having telephoned Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu earlier in the day to wish him and Israel a “Happy Independence Day” calling Israel’s birth in 1948 “nothing short of a miracle.” Pence spoke of how “the people of Israel have turned hope into a future of security and prosperity.”
Regarding how the present administration views its relation to and responsibilities towards that nation, he made the following remarkable, covenantal statement, “Under President Donald Trump, let me assure you this, if the world knows nothing else, the world will know this—America stands with Israel. Her cause is our cause. Her values are our values. Her fight is our fight.” Mr. Pence spoke of the “deep alliance” existing between the two countries, of how the US President “stands without apology for Israel,” adding his belief that “the best days for Israel and for America are yet to come.”
In introducing Mr. Pence, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman spoke of the Vice President as being “a beacon of moral clarity, and a shining example of honor and decency—a champion of Israel,” who has “shown friendship to Israel throughout his public life.” And he thanked the vice president and the president “for this profound expression of friendship.”
President Trump to Visit Israel Next Week
A week from this Friday, May 19th, President Trump will depart on his first trip abroad as president—a three-city trip of which a visit to Jerusalem will be the center. Seen as an “appeal for religious tolerance and unity against a scourge of radicalization,” the president will travel first to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; thence to Jerusalem, and lastly to the Vatican in Rome. Mr. Trump is expected to arrive in Israel on Monday the 22nd, departing the following day.
Wednesday the 24th is “Jerusalem Day”, the 28th of Iyar on Jewish Calendars—the day on which, 50 years ago, Israel took the Old City of Jerusalem from the Kingdom of Jordan and the city became united under Jewish rule for the first time in over 2400 years. While here, Mr. Trump has expressed a desire to make a statement from the ancient fortress of Masada. There is hope in the air regarding his visit and what it says about warmed and renewed relations between the two countries. President Barak Obama was in the fifth year of his presidency when he finally visited Israel. President Trump will be arriving in his fifth month.
So, on May 21st begins an emotionally charged week in Israel. Security challenges for the country in general, not to mention for a visiting US president, will be enormous, as Israel moves from receiving an encouragingly affirming gesture of friendship by leaders in America towards preparation to receive a visit from their supreme leader.
Pray for President Trump’s Visit:
• Thanksgiving for the openness in Washington to bless Israel on the 69th anniversary of her existence as an independent nation.
• We are so grateful for the presence of Christian leaders present at the commemoration last week; we know personally several of them and are thankful for what we know was released through them by their very presence, and what God showed them at that time. Please pray for protection for them—for illumination and guidance to understand and have deep insight into what happened and what God showed them while they were there. That they will also know how to share with those whom they influence as how best to pray for both America’s president and vice president and for Israel.
• That Elohei-Yisrael, the God of Israel, will watch over and guide Mr. Trump in preparation for his trip to the Middle East and Rome. That he will seek counsel from Above regarding this trip. That great wisdom would be released to Mr. Pence and other godly leaders regarding this trip, and that Mr. Trump would heed their counsel.
• That Trump’s trip to Jerusalem would be protected by the angels of God. That his mind would be protected and that he will speak and listen in integrity in Riyadh, Jerusalem and Rome.
• That the President would receive the honor in Israel which he extended to P.M. Netanyahu in Washington shortly after taking office. More importantly, that he would experience a meeting with the God of Israel while he is here.
• That President Trump will allow himself to be humbled where necessary and that he will not presume himself capable of alone “solving” the difficult, complex difficulties in Israel, Judea and Samaria. Pray that he will allow God to use him and the country he represents in His way in bringing peace to the Middle East.
A Year of Drought in Israel
“Ask YHVH for rain in the time of the latter rain. YHVH will make flashing clouds; He will give them showers of rain, Grass in the field for everyone.” (Zechariah 10:1)
The time of the “latter rains” is drawing to a close, and there have been hardly any rains at all in Israel this spring. This past week Israel proclaimed it a “drought year”—the fourth in a row in the north. Presently, the Water Authority has halted almost all drawing of water from the Sea of Galilee. The lake, once Israel’s primary source of water, is lower now than it has ever been. As it gets lower, there is an increase of salt levels in the water, which could eventually lead to its becoming unusable for irrigation. We are not yet in a disaster. Because of the building of desalination facilities in recent years, there is enough water to drink and much for use in agriculture. But desalinated water does not contain many of the important minerals present in naturally-provided water. Israel-and Jordan our neighbor-desperately need rain.
Ten years ago on Israel’s 40th “Jerusalem Day”, long after rain was considered to have halted for the summer, a sudden violent storm erupted over Jerusalem. Pavilions were blown down, parades and other festivities were halted. And there was flooding unusual for this city—serious flooding with water up to the middle of cars! Then it was gone. In just over two weeks, Israel will celebrate her 50th birthday as a united city.
Please Pray:
• That God would awaken us to seek Him and reveal to us why there is the drought over Israel. That He will lead us in understanding, and how we must pray.
• That He will send the rains and water the land which He loves and upon which His eyes always rest, from the beginning of the year to the very end (Deuteronomy 11:12).
• That He will prepare us for what He wants to say and do as modern united Jerusalem turns 50 in two weeks!
This Week’s Torah Portion
From ancient times there has been a weekly portion (Parashah) from the first five books of Moses (The Torah) and an ending (Haftarah) from which the prophets read on the Sabbath in synagogues around the world. This portion is given a Hebrew name drawn from the opening words of the Torah passage. An illustration of this practice appears to have been recorded in Luke 4:16 where Yeshua (Jesus) arrived in the synagogue in Nazareth and was asked to read the portion (Isaiah 61) from the prophets. We have found that in perusing these weekly readings, not only are we provided opportunity to identify in the context of God’s Word with millions of Jewish people around the world, but very often the Holy Spirit will illumine specific passages pertinent that week in our intercession for the Land and people of Israel.
The Haftarah, unless otherwise noted, will be read in Ashkenazy synagogues around the world. The references for all texts are those found in English translations of the Scriptures.
The Parashah for this week is called Emor: “Say!” (Read: TORAH: Leviticus 21:1-24; HAFTARAH: Ezekiel 44:15-31.)
This week’s Torah portion focuses first upon the importance of priests being set apart, clean in their service to the LORD, and in the picture they present before the people. In every way these priests (though themselves sinners), were called to represent outwardly the perfection of Yeshua, the Great Priest who was to come.
Please Pray in this Historical Time:
For the Body of Messiah in Israel, that the Lord raise up and sustain faithful leaders who will command authority by their example, integrity and adherence to the truth, including their regular “drawing near” to God to minister only to Him. Pray that they will be able to teach the people holiness, cleanness, and discernment in a day of growing confusion and deception regarding what is holy and what is clean before God. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Martin and Norma Sarvis
Sent via Glory of Zion International Ministries
Website: http://www.glory-of-zion.org
Martin and Norma Sarvis are Israeli citizens living in Jerusalem. They are part of the founding leadership of Succat Hallel (Tabernacle of Praise), a 24/7 worship and intercession ministry directed by Rick and Patti Ridings, and located in southern Jerusalem facing the Temple Mount. They also maintain a close alignment with Glory of Zion, Intl ministries in. Corinth, Texas, which for over 17 years has sent out their weekly Prayer Update from Israel. Martin is a worship leader, pianist and writer; Norma is founder of ARISE!, encouraging women to recognize and rise into their positioning in the Body of Messiah in Israel.
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Trump Will Be the First Sitting President Ever to Visit the Western Wall
Abra Forman : May 15, 2017 : Breaking Israel News
Under extremely tight security—10,000 members of the Israeli police will take part in “Operation Blue Shield” protecting the president—Trump and his family will visit the Western Wall and likely pray at the holy site.
[Breaking Israel News] When President Trump visits Jerusalem’s Western Wall, one of the holiest Jewish sites in the world, during his trip to Israel next week, he will be the first-ever sitting US president to do so. (Photo: The Kotel or Western Wall/Shutterstock/via BIN)
While every president since George H.W. Bush has visited the last standing remnant of the Holy Temple compound, also known as the Kotel, none have gone during their time in office. George H.W. Bush visited in 1998, nearly ten years after he ended his term; successor Bill Clinton did the same in 2013.
Governor George W. Bush visited in 1998 before his term, but on a presidential trip in 2008, he opted out when it was deemed too political of a move. Barack Obama placed a note between the Kotel’s ancient stones in 2008 during his presidential campaign but did not return after his election.
President Trump is scheduled to make the Old City his first…
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