Something new has been birthed in the Spirit in this last month that we are beginning to sense and feel in our hearts. A revelation of the Omega God, the “finisher” is beginning to burn in the hearts of those who are making themselves ready as a Bride for her bridegroom.

In these maturing sons and daughters there is an intricate work of “overcoming kingdom life” being released in them to bring forth the manifestation of true kingdom life, power and love into the darkness that is trying to cover the Earth.

A divine change has come into their hearts, a change of possession I would call it. In the church age much emphasis has been put on us possessing the Lord, “My beloved is mine and I am his.” Song of Solomon 2:16.

In that present 2nd day work we were trying to possess the Lord and enter the kingdom. With the dawning of the third day Kingdom age, the Lord began to work something new in our hearts to see that there is a much greater need we have to truly walk in Kingdom reality.

That need is for the Kingdom reality to fully enter and possess us where we no longer strive to live with the message of the reality of the Kingdom of God to be “at hand,” The Holy Spirit is revealing in us now that the reality of His kingdom of God life is to be“in hand.”

This will change our testimony from “My beloved is mine, and I am his” SOS 2:16 to the full grown sons and daughters testimony found in Song of Solomon 7:10 I am my beloved’s, and his desire is toward me. Did you notice the divine shift in testimony.

In the first testimony, she is possessing Jesus and as an after thought, “he is mine” in possessing me. Here first priority is still see the Lord for her needs first. In the second testimony, she is all His, “I am my beloveds…. I am totally possessed by Him and His kingdom. “And my desires are towards him… means now I live only for His plans and purposes. His will is my life! No longer is the Kingdom reality at hand in her, but it i now “in hand” living and breathing in her as it did with Jesus.

The Shulamite’s testimony is an “at hand” testimony because the Lord and His Kingdom fully possess her and she now lives only for His will and purposes of His Kingdom life in her. Like Paul, she can say, I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, but not I, but Christ lives in me. The Kingdom of God is “at hand” in her as it was in Paul

This divine shift that is happening right now is as great as God turning night into day and day into night. It is a fundamental positional change that will bring forth the reality of the kingdom of God to completely restore this earth. The Lord is making this changing work available now to those who will hear what the Spirit of God is speaking presently.

How does the Lord bring about this divine shift in us? He does so with a “knock at the door, ” Rev 3:20 “I stand at the door and knock.” At the end of the church age, Jesus is standing on the outside of his church desiring for us to come to a much deeper reality of His life and Kingdom.

He is standing on the outside trying to get in, not to save us, but to complete us in Kingdom reality. So another knock is required. Why? Because it is conditional and has to be chosen by us to open that door a new to the Lord’s fullness as He desires to be in our life.

Jesus is no longer speaking to the 7 churches as a whole, but to you and me personally and saying, if “any man” will open the door and let me in, I will come in and sup with him and he will with me. That is a personal call only each one of us can answer.

It is a critical knock of this moment because it will change our lives from trying to possess the kingdom reality to the kingdom reality possessing us as God fully intended.

It changes our position and message from the Kingdom of God being “at hand” to being “in hand” as the fullness of that life being seen in us that nations will come to the arising of this truth in us as the Glory of the Lord shall be seen upon us.

Your church affiliation can’t answer that knock. Your current ministry can’t answer that knock? Your home group can’t answer that knock because it is a personal one. It is to those who want the higher reality of true Kingdom life as their own and to be manifested on Earth as it is Heaven.

>Thus it is personal. Rev 3:20 says I stand at the door and knock, and if anyone opens the door, I will come in and sup with him and he will sup with me. That is glorious! But it is a much greater invitation than we have ever realized or experienced,

This knock is an upward call for the Kingdom of God to possess us and work through us and how God will do this by a true “supping” or communing with us in His glory. He will take us up through the door of Heaven to see the throne as John did which represents God’s full governmental authority over the Earth.

It will bring us to a place of true oneness and intimacy with the Lord as Jesus prayed in John 17 That we would behold His glory, “That as He is one with the Father, and the Father in him, that they (us) and them will be one!”

Jesus prayer takes us out of living with the kingdom of God reality as being “at hand” for it to become real in us as “in hand”The Kingdom “at hand” has been what our experience of Kingdom life has been as a means for us to demonstrate that kingdom to the lost and dying world as the proof of the existence of our Heavenly Father. But that day has come to an end, for the kingdoms of this world will now become the Kingdoms of our God in Christ.

This requires the Lord to bring a divine shift and change of experience with Him RIGHT NOW! (I stand at the door and knock, if any man hears my voice and opens the door… I will sup with him and he with me!)

For us to manifest the Kingdom of God “in hand” verses “at hand” on the Earth we must open the door and let him in and sup with him in this new reality. The Lord’s desires for us to fully participate with him in His governmental reign as over-comers and  full grown sons and daughters now upon the Earth as He establishes the fullness of His Kingdom on Planet Earth.

So Jesus is standing outside the church and knocking at the door of our heart to bring this change into existence. Are you hearing that knock at the door of your heart today?

Jesus has come to sup with us to change the reality of Kingdom life from “at hand to being “in hand.” That means it will now be worked in us in living reality until we are the full possession of the Father through Jesus Christ

Beloved’s, We are now being positioned to walk in our Kingdom dominion and authority as Priests and Kings to our God to rule and reign with him forever and ever. Jesus said, “As He was is in the world, so are we.”

This is only a portion of this article. For the full article Go Here:

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