Carriers of Truth or Standards of Light (Flags on Poles).
By Rosaleen Hager
The meaning of a “standard” in scripture is a rallying point, banner, signal or sign (miracle). It is a pole with a flag on it. Sometimes it is called an ensign.
In my meditation yesterday, I began to think about the teaching in Robert Henderson’s book “Operating in The Courts of Heaven.” As I was picturing that scene in my spirit, I was impressed by the Holy Spirit about what happens when we begin to operate more and more from the heavenly realm.
I began to see beams of Light coming down from the Courts of Heaven to this earth. These beams were being sent down while we activated the courts of heaven and the beams of light were remaining here.
In fact, every interaction that we have with Heaven that conforms to the government of God and the will of the Father, sends down these streaks of light.
We are, in effect, carriers of The Truth. This Truth is displacing the lies that have been planted here. And, this Light is displacing the darkness that has ruled for so long.
The ones who walk in this Truth believe that the only source of Truth is God’s HOLY WORD. They do not believe any man’s interpretation of God’s word unless it is confirmed by the Holy Spirit. Now, more than ever, “His sheep hear His voice and the voice of another they will not follow.”
Light Planted on Earth
I saw light coming from those all over the world who are being martyred.
The light came down to them and rested upon them. A portion of it remained in the place where they finally fell. It was a Standard for the Truth that was planted in that place.
The last thing that they saw on this earth was the face of Him who is The Way, The Truth and The Life.
The meaning of a “standard” in scripture is a rallying point, banner, signal or sign (miracle). It is a pole with a flag on it. Sometimes it is called an ensign.
In your spirit, you can see those Standards of Light and Truth all over the world where they have been planted by those who have gone before.
The pace is quickening.
Faster and faster each day the light is spreading. Soon, the lights will be close enough to be bonded together. This bonding will produce an immense amount of Heavenly Power.
We will see this earth change dramatically. How different it will be to think and act as one body. How beautiful and delightful and well…heavenly.
I like to think of the sweet faces of those children that were martyred recently and those from years past looking down on us and saying, “Oh, look Jesus, they are making my Standard of Light brighter every day.”
The Standards of Truth that have been planted for the Kingdom since the beginning of time cannot be extinguished by the enemy.
We are the sons and daughters of the Creator of this universe and we are now being made aware of what has been illegally brought here on this earth and what we have a legal right to disallow.
We are becoming more aware of what Heaven, our real home, is like. Instead of thinking that “Heaven is my home and I cannot wait to go there.” We are thinking, “Heaven is my home now, I can bring it here so that we can fulfill Our Father’s dream.”
Prayer becomes a joy and delight as we are being shown how to bring Heaven to our homes and towns and workplaces.
The Holy Spirit has a plan for every place. Each plan is unique. It is always a perfect plan. Everyone who is willing to listen is given a specific assignment for this time.
Our Father believes that we can do this.
The Spirit of Repentance that is now being poured out upon the people of God is doing a work of cleansing that goes very deep.
As the body of Christ begins to really walk in more and more holiness, the Standards of Light begin to grow brighter and more powerful.
We are planting more and more light and also making the existing Standards brighter as we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit to only allow on this earth what is actually in Heaven. Just as Yeshua Jesus did.
A pastor from Wales said that you could tell who had been in the Welsh Revival many years after it took place in the early 1900’s. He said that such a deep work of cleansing had happened to the converts that they never went back to their old lives, He said that these converts could be recognized from a distance because there was light all around them.
Paul thought that this manifestation of Divine Light should belong to everyone who named the name of Christ.
“And all of us, as with unveiled face, (because we) continued to behold (in the word of God) as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; (for this comes) from the Lord (Who is) the Spirit,” 2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP.
It is the knowledge of who God the Father really is and what His plan for us and His whole creation is. It is the knowledge of what our part is in bringing the Father’s dream to pass that will cover the earth.
“The knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea,” Isaiah 11:9 AMP.
“And it shall be in that day that the Root of Jessie (Yeshua) shall stand as a signal (standard) for the peoples; of Him shall the nations inquire and seek knowledge, and His dwelling shall be glory,” Isaiah 11:10.
(His rest glorious)! (John 12:32) AMP
Be blessed,
Your Sister,
Rosaleen Hager