1. Biblical Kingdom Reality – Part 4 – Revival and Kingdom Reality
2. A Choice and A Change – Henry Falcone
3.Word and Spirit – Nancy Taylor Warner
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1. Biblical Kingdom Reality – Part 4 – Revival and Kingdom Reality
Biblical Kingdom Reality – Part 4
What did Jesus really say about kingdom?
By Ron McGatlin
Revival and Kingdom Reality
Revival may be thought by some believers to be the goal or end of the search for the fullness of God in this life. However, the truth is that revival is a major step in the process of moving into kingdom reality in this life. It is really the work of God introducing us to the glory of His supernatural Spirit reality in and with us to heal, cleanse, deliver, and transform us into redeemed Spirit beings to become agents and carriers of His kingdom reality now in this life.
In the last decade of the Twentieth Century Barbara and I were privileged to be a part of the great outpouring of the Spirit revival that touched much of the world. Our small part was in being connected with the Smithton Outpouring which later became the World Revival Church.
Smithton was only a small part of the world touching revival. Yet, over two hundred and fifty thousands of people from over 60 nations of the world made their way to the tiny town of Smithton in the Missouri corn fields to be a part of the powerful Spirit outpouring. The true revival experiences of the 1990s were beyond description as over a period of several years at least many hundreds of thousands, if not millions were consumed and changed by the miracle working power in the presence of God.
True Revival and Renewal Leads to Kingdom Reality
The supernatural Spirit reality of Christ in us by the Spirit of God ruling and reigning in and with us is establishing the kingdom of God in us now in this life. God’s love and power were introduced to us as His presence came upon us in Holy Spirit outpourings of revivals and renewals. In these experiences of His manifest presence, every person makes a decision whether to receive God by the Spirit as unchallenged King of their lives or to reject His Kingship and walk, if not run, from His manifest presence. Those who turned away often retreated to flawed and powerless religious systems or to profane life in the fallen secular world.
The invasion of the kingdom of God reality by His Spirit binds us together with Him and with others who also receive His Spirit life. We literally become His Body on earth, a body for Him to dwell in on earth. (Rom 12:4-5).
Literally our previous lives, such as they were, are lost and His Spirit resurrection life of Christ Jesus abides in our being where we once lived. We are transformed into a new creation of Spirit Christ Jesus and Father God in us by the Holy Spirit. Now in this time His breath is in us for the establishing of His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. (2 Cor 5:17) (John 17:22-23) (Luke 11:2) (Rom 10:9-11).
The Glory of Christ Divides
The glory of His love and power arrested us in revival and released us into the fullness of His glorious life of love and power in His kingdom.
At the same time the invasion of the kingdom of God separates us from all who will not receive Christ as truly Lord and King in their lives. (Mat 10:34-39).
Those who do not receive the Spirit of Christ in the Holy Spirit reject the kingdom life and are left to seek after the gods of this world to give them a sense of life.
The manifested glory of Christ Jesus in the presence of Spirit God poured out on earth is dividing the people of the kingdom from those who reject the glory, love, and power of His kingdom.
Eventually the whole world becomes divided into two groups: those who receive the kingdom of God and those who do not. They are divided into those on the left and those on the right. Literally the Spirit of Christ is dividing the world.
Christ is dividing the multitudes of people as a Shepherd divides His sheep from the goats. Those on the left deny the glory of God and hate those on the right who abide in the glory of the love of God.
Simple but Awesomely Powerful Parables Reveal Hidden Kingdom
God in infinite wisdom is today dividing the nations of peoples into two groups by releasing His love and glory into the world. This is accomplished by His Spirit giving those with hearts toward Him ears to hear and eyes to see the truth and reality of His kingdom now working in this world. To those who have more is given, and to those who have not even that which they have is taken away. (Mat 13:10-17).
In the simple story found in Matthew 25:31-44 about Christ dividing the sheep from the goats; the happenings of this present day are clearly seen by the Spirit. Mysteries of truth are hidden in the parabolic story about sheep and goats.
Reading this parable with our spiritual eyes and ears open is like watching the news taking place in the world today.
It is more than interesting that Christ Jesus placed the goats on the left side and the sheep on the right. These same terms “left” and “right” are commonly used today in the natural world to describe the two sides of the great divide existing in the world today.
Natural minded people on the left cannot understand the people on the right. The people on the left see the events and values of this life completely differently from the people on the right.
Only by the Spirit can anyone clearly see that Christ Jesus is the real source of division in the “left and right division” in today’s world.
The people on the right tend to love Christ Jesus and believe He is Deity, the Son of God, Lord and King in this life. The people on the left tend to view Christ Jesus as a man and perhaps a good man or even a godly man, but not Deity, God’s Son our Savior, Lord and King in this life.
Matthew 25:31-33: “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory.” 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33 And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:”
This passage has traditionally been viewed as only a natural or physical experience to take place after the bodily return of the physical man Jesus on an earthly throne calling all of the nations of the world together and dividing them.
As with all spiritual parabolic teachings of Christ, this natural sounding story has much greater Spirit kingdom reality significance.
Let us look a little deeper into the language of this passage of scripture:
Matthew 25:31: “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory.” The word “comes” in this verse is the Greek word “erchomai” and is also translated “appear.”
After the time when Christ Jesus spoke these words, He appeared in His people at Pentecost as He returned to be in His disciples in the Holy Spirit. Christ Jesus was in the world, in them working with them doing the mighty works of God. (Acts 2:40-46) (Mark 16-20).
Christ Jesus appeared in His manifest presence in the Spirit outpouring of recent history including the twentieth century revivals and is appearing today in the Holy Spirit in and among His people. (Col 1:27) (John 14:12).
Christ Jesus, Yeshua, has been seated at the right hand of the Father on His throne of glory since His ascension. (Eph 1:20-22) (Heb 8:1).
Christ Jesus, Yeshua, has been present on earth in His people by the Spirit since his return in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
Matthew 25: 34: “Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Obviously, the events spoken of here imply the time of the inheritance of the kingdom by those for whom it is prepared and who are prepared to receive the fullness of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
We are now in that season when the great division between the people who are entering the kingdom and the people who are not entering the kingdom.
PRAISE GOD! What a glorious encouragement this is to you and me and all those who are seeking His kingdom first above all else.
In this time of perhaps the deepest division among people of this world, with terrorist and violent mobs of people and high level leaders defying Jesus and all that is godly, it is great to know that this is all temporary. It is a part of the coming of the fullness of the kingdom of God in His people and upon all the earth. There must be separation for cleansing judgments to prepare the world for the fullness of the kingdom.
Even now the great consolation of the reality of the glorious kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy is present and flourishing within us regardless of the temporary circumstance of the vile resistance and accusations of those who are perishing.
Our heart’s desire remains to demonstrate the love and goodness of the kingdom to rescue any and all that will turn and become the sheep of our Great Shepherd, Christ Jesus, Son of God, Lord and King.
Thank you, Father; Thank you, Jesus. We rejoice in You and receive the great blessing of the kingdom you have prepared for us to rule and reign with you on this earth. We worship and praise you with all of our hearts and lives. You are worthy, O Lord, now and forever. Amen!
“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom, Luke 12:32.
Ron McGatlin
2. A Choice and A Change
By Henry Falcone
What is the Lord preparing us for? Why the intensity of the battles? Why does it seem like God is really dealing with some and not with others? Why are some going through such great afflictions while some are not?
The word of God says, “Many are called (everyone could become an overcomer, full grown son) but few (those who are willing to pay the price) are chosen.
Being a disciple is a choice. Jesus said, “If”…. any man be my disciple let “him” deny himself, pick up his cross and follow me.” It is a choice.
Salvation is a “gift” because it relies on what Jesus has done for us on the cross, rising from the dead and now being seated in heaven. It is free we just have to accept it.
Being a disciple or being a full grown son, “requires not only a choice, but a change of life.” “Let him deny himself, pick up his cross, and follow me.”
Many today in the body of Christ are content with just being saved and living their life better but a life of doing as they choose. A true disciple’s life is different.
A true disciples life is one that understands that they “are no longer their own, but they have been purchased with a price.” Their life is not going to be lived as if they were “just saved.” Their life is given fully to the Lord to live only for his will.
Many are called. Jesus said, “If any man be my disciple.” In Rev. 3:20, Jesus is again calling us, “I stand at the door and knock, IF ANY ONE, will open the door and let me in, I will come and sup with them and they with me.”
Again, this is conditional. There is a price to pay to be qualified to be chosen of the Lord. We can’t say we are the bride of Christ, but we can make ourselves ready.
That is about the “Bride” making herself ready. The sons of God being prepared to rule and reign NOW with Jesus as the Kingdom of God begins to manifest on the Earth.
Right now we are in a “new moment in time,” The Lord gave me a name for it as the “Anointing of the moment.” A moment where God moves from one place to enter another place. This is found in Rev. 4:1 John sees Jesus standing outside of his church and knocking at the door of an individual heart.
I thought “he was already in our heart.” Yes He is as our savior, but this knock at the Lord has to deal with the Kingdom of God reality. It is a knock to take us out of dead religion, a knock to get us out of the world system to bring us in reality to be seated with him in heavenly places.
Rev 4:1 says, “After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a [war] trumpet speaking with me, said, ‘Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things.’
2 At once I was in [special communication with] the Spirit; and behold, a throne stood in heaven, with One seated on the throne. 3 And He who sat there appeared like [the crystalline sparkle of] a jasper stone and [the fiery redness of] a sardius stone, and encircling the throne there was a rainbow that looked like [the color of an] emerald.
4 Twenty-four [other] thrones surrounded the throne; and seated on these thrones were [c]twenty-four elders dressed in white clothing, with crowns of gold on their heads.”
This “come up here” is the anointing of the moment of the “bride, the overcomers, the full grown sons and daughters” are taken to the place to see the Kingdom of God and the King of Glory as He really is, and then to be prepared to sit with him on his throne as Rev 2 and 3 promises to the overcomers.
The Lord is bringing this “man-child” overcomers to their rightful authority that he gave mankind in the beginning which was to rule and take dominion over the Earth.
For that to happen a change must come, Satan and his angels are kicked out of their usurped authority in the “air” and the “man-child”, Bride, Over-comers take that place that they had from the beginning and now will be positioned as a “wheel within a wheel” that Ezekiel saw to release God’s end times judgments on the Earth.
Each of us must seek the Lord to gain understanding of these things, but the Lord has forerunners to help us understand the seasons and times we are now in.
May the Lord bring us all to the “come up here” place with him to be ready, to be made true full grown sons and daughters on the Earth now that God needs to bring about the establishment of His kingdom.
Blessings always,
Henry Falcone
3. Word and Spirit
By Nancy Taylor Warner
“I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word I do hope.” Psalm 130:5
God’s words are spirit and life, sharper than any two-edged sword, bringing conviction but also expectation and hope, that we might be led on paths of righteousness. Through His Word we have fellowship with the Father through Jesus Christ and the communion of the Holy Spirit. It is through God’s Word we come to know His love and learn to trust Him. We receive our daily food and find strength for the journey through His Word. The Lord is calling us up into a place of unbroken fellowship with Him as we learn to eat, think and live His Word. As we spend time in His presence with His Word, it goes deep into our hearts. The Holy Spirit brings to remembrance the Word of God, that’s His part. But it needs to be in there to remember, that’s our part. Some seek to be led by the Holy Spirit without being properly grounded in God’s Word. Others look at the letter of the Word without allowing God’s Spirit to move through it. Even as it takes two wings for a bird to fly, so it takes two wings, the wings of His Word and His Spirit if we are going to soar up into that place of fellowship and function God is calling us up into today. Day by day, may we take time to spend time in His Word. As His Word goes deep into our hearts, may it then find expression through our lives, that Jesus may be seen and glorified. May decisions we make be grounded in God’s Word. As we pray, may it be God’s Word going back to Him. May we be quick to have an encouraging word for someone else, based on God’s Word. May God’s Word change us and bring us into the fullness of His purpose for our lives. May we say with the psalmist, “I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.” May God bless you through His Word today! Our Website: I welcome you to visit our website, www.wadetaylor.org. There are many teachings written by Wade Taylor and others, as well as audio files which are a present word for today. The Prayer Chapel: Almost always, there is something happening here at the Parousia Ministries Prayer Chapel the 2nd Saturday of the month! August 12, Jay Francis will minister. November 11, Steve Porter. On months without a scheduled speaker, we have Tea, Coffee & Prayer. What special times these have been! More information is on our website. Please, ALWAYS confirm if you plan to come, in case there are schedule changes! Wade Taylor Publications: www.wadetaylorpublications.org is a separate part of my dad’s ministry that was close to his heart. On this website, you can buy Books, CDs and DVDs by Wade Taylor. Also a prayer ministry, they can be contacted by calling 800-349-0340, or by emailing joanne@wadetaylorpublications.org. Contact information is also on their website! It is my prayer that a present word will continue to be available to you through this ministry, that you might be spiritually edified and receive an impartation of our Lord’s presence through the teachings. May you increasingly prosper, both spiritually and in your life circumstances, beyond all that you have experienced in the past, and also, may you be blessed in life, in health, and in all that is before you. Prayerfully yours, Nancy Taylor WarnerPAROUSIA MINISTRIES |
4. News Headlines
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