“Every American should thank President Trump for boldly prioritizing our military’s war-fighting capabilities by lifting this unnecessary burden from those preparing and fighting to achieve victory.” -Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin

Fr. Mark Hodges : Aug 30, 2017 : LifeSiteNews.com

(Washington, DC)—[LifeSiteNews.com] President Trump issued a memorandum to the armed forces stopping transgenders from entering military service and cutting off tax dollars for troop sex “changes.” (Photo: Marines/Creative Commons via Pixabay)

The Commander-in-Chief explained that openly transgender soldiers may “hinder military effectiveness and lethality, disrupt unit cohesion, or tax military resources.” He added that “further study is needed.”

Former President Obama opened the gates to transgenders in the military only months before leaving office, setting July 2017 for implementation. In doing so, Obama effectively handed the thorny problem to his successor.

Obama’s controversial move was criticized for its effect on troop unity and morale and for the cost to the taxpayer of sex “change” surgeries and months off duty for recovery.

During the presidential campaign, Trump joined the critics of the Obama transgender military policy. As president, he granted the armed forces’ request for more time to study the Obama directive’s impact before implementing it. And last month, he tweeted his decision that he was not going to allow transgenders to serve.

Trump’s memorandum on Friday directs Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke to delay implementation indefinitely “until such time” that Trump is convinced the policy “would not have the negative effects.”

The president did not close the door completely to transgenders in the military. His memorandum says Mattis and Duke “may advise me at any time, in writing, that a change to this policy is warranted.”

Friday’s presidential order also halted tax dollars for troop sex “change” operations, except in cases where the soldier’s health requires finishing transgender “treatment” already begun. The president did not specify how stopping opposite sex hormones or cancelling surgeries would hurt anyone’s health.

Christians and social conservative groups applauded the decision. The Family Research Council (FRC) praised Trump for “returning our military to its core mission” of “winning wars.” FRC noted that “nearly 60 percent of active duty military personnel have a ‘negative opinion’ of the Obama transgender policy.”

The Center for Military Readiness’ Elaine Donnelly told the Associated Press, “Expensive, lifelong hormone treatments and irreversible surgeries associated with gender dysphoria would negatively affect personal deployability and mission readiness, without resolving underlying psychological problems, including high risks of suicide.”

“When it comes to our nation’s military, priority should always be given to what is best for combat readiness and morale, not political correctness or the latest ideological fad,” American Principles Project executive director Terry Schilling said. “Social experimentation of this kind is never a good idea, especially when it comes at the expense of our country’s national security.”

“We applaud the president for once again backing up words with action…”

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