Nations that Honor God Thrive
By Ron McGatlin
Only God can make America and the nations of the world truly great. Nothing in this world can make a nation great that dishonors God. (Psalm 33:12).
There is a people who are a nation within the nations, a people among all peoples. A people of many languages and ethnicities who are one people in God through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.
This multitude of people may have no natural knowledge of the many others sprinkled across the world. Yet, these called-out people of God are connected by a Spirit network of love. They all have instant connection with the one true Spirit God of all creation. They are called-out people who have been chosen and touched by God with a supernatural Spirit calling to bring forth the kingdom of God from heaven into this world.
They are scattered across the world as if God had taken a huge salt shaker and intentionally sprinkled them all across the landscape. They are indeed the salt of the world sent to change the world from its many false gods and religious orders to the true Bride of Christ enraptured in the pure holy love of our God and King, our Savior and Lord of all.
They are of many ethnicities, languages, and cultures. Yet they are of one Spirit DNA, one Spirit Father of all, and under one King of all. They are the seeds of the emerging Kingdom of God empowered by love in the Spirit to fill the earth with the supernatural reality of the governance of God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.
They all sing one Spirit new song in harmony, one chorus in many languages to one rhythm of the heartbeat of Father God. There is no end of their beginning. Eternity is in their DNA. They are always fruitful about our Father’s business of multiplying and filling the earth with the kingdom of heaven. They bring honor and glory to Father God in all the earth.
The Earth is Now Planted with the Seed of the Kingdom.
In the 1980s, the Pentecostal renewal of Holy Spirit baptism and the Charismatic renewal of supernatural life in the gifts of the Spirit, including the prophetic and apostolic, were again functioning in the word.
For the first time since the first century the foundation was prepared and the stage was set for the planting of the precious seed of the true gospel of the kingdom of God across the earth. A handful of humble and mostly unknown mature men of God were almost simultaneously arrested by God to receive the fresh download of the reality of the kingdom of God on earth.
These men had experienced all the recent moves of God. They were from different walks of life. Some were involved in secular education. Some were involved in religious education. Some were business people, and some were ministers.
All received the powerful fresh revelation of the kingdom that was profoundly greater and different in many aspects from the traditional teachings of the denominational doctrines of religious church systems. Many traditional teachings were simply washed away by the far greater totally spiritually satisfying exactly biblical word of the kingdom.
Yes, the foundational truth of salvation in Christ Jesus and the born again experience along with the fullness of the Holy Spirit were all fully confirmed. However, rather than being seen as the ultimate goal of God and the fullness of the gospel, these restored works of God were all seen as the BEGINNINGS of the KINGDOM purpose of God coming forth on earth.
I was one of those nobodies in the 80s chosen to be arrested by God to receive this world-changing download of the gospel of the kingdom reality on earth. I was a Christian business man and had grown accustomed to seeing the miraculous works of God in the business realm.
Like the others I had never before heard a word of the real kingdom. As I was receiving it, one of my responses was a concern that I would lose all my friends and associates. As far as I knew at the time I was the only person to hear such profound life and world-changing word from God.
God assured me that He was giving this word of the kingdom to other men around the world and that we were to plant the word into the world, and eventually it would come up like grass in a field and cover the whole world.
My concern proved to be valid. Everything in my life did change. It was death to my past life as all the natural and religious things and relationships that previously were important to me simply went away. Like the others who received this precious seed, life from then on was and is yet today totally consumed with the word of the kingdom and planting it into this world.
The original re-seeding of the world with the kingdom is done and past. The time of rapid multiplication of the seed is now at hand.
The preaching and powerful demonstration of the real kingdom of God on earth is now in hand. It is in the hands of the now-growing-into-place sons and daughters of the kingdom. (daughters are also sons).
By the way, since male and female are such current topics let me address the fact that all the people, that I knew of in the 80s who first received the fresh revelation of the kingdom word directly from God, were men. However, there was a woman that I read about recently who had heard and was teaching the exact same gospel of the kingdom in her Christian society group in the 1600s. I personally believe there has always been a hidden witness of the kingdom of God reality since it was first proclaimed by Jesus in the first century. However, it has only been widely proclaimed again since the 1980s.
Accelerated Time of Kingdom Proliferation and Growth
Now is possibly the most expedient accelerated time for the supernatural rapid advancement of the real kingdom of God on earth since the first century. Spirit God is calling for the kingdom to be boldly proclaimed and demonstrated to everyone on Planet Earth. Those who hear and receive the seed (word) of the kingdom will supernaturally rapidly grow into mighty men and women (mature sons) of God. Those who will not receive the seed of the kingdom will be driven to rise up against God and His people.
This now season is the miraculous window of opportune time to become the mature kingdom people of God on earth. The window of this most opportune time is short as the increasing tribulation of cleansing judgment wreaks havoc with all the works of the enemy and creates an environment of turmoil across the world.
Holy Spirit is strongly drawing His people to press head long and full out into the reality of the kingdom now in this time. This is not a call to build a church and not primarily a call to reach and save the lost. It is a call to proclaim and demonstrate the supernatural Spirit reality of the kingdom of God on earth now as it is in heaven. People will be drawn in mass to the reality of the kingdom expressed before them. The lost will be saved, the sick and lame healed, and the demonized delivered in the powerful love and magnificence presence of God Almighty among us. Yet, the focus remains the proclamation and demonstration of the real kingdom of God on earth.
I pray, in the name of Jesus, that every believer reading this now will be arrested by the supernatural Spirit power of God for their call to their part in proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom with signs and wonders following, in every capacity or walk of life. Not just the gospel of salvation nor any other partial gospel but the fullness of Christ Jesus in His people by the Holy Spirit bringing forth the kingdom rule of heaven on earth, thus fully establishing the King of Glory, the Holy One of God as the one King of all, reigning supreme in our hearts and lives and through us to the harvest of the world. Amen!
Let’s Go For It!
If you are not sure what the word “gospel of the kingdom” is all about, if you are not sure what the difference really is between the gospel of salvation and the gospel of the kingdom, find out. Pray and ask God to open your spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear the word of the kingdom. Read again the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Read it for what it says not for confirmation of any religious doctrine.
Jesus was teaching and demonstrating the presence of the kingdom now on earth and how to live in it now. He was not teaching just how to get to heaven some day after death. The kingdom as Jesus taught it is about heavenly life on earth now more than going to heaven in an afterlife. For help you can go to and begin with the material linked to it in the left hand column under the crown image. It is titled “Experiencing Kingdom, Selected Books and Articles.”
However, if you are well aware of the reality of the kingdom reality on earth, step out and up now to BOLDLY PROCLAIM THE KINGDOM NOW in every place and in every way that God has given to you. NOW is our time to shake loose from anything that holds us back from releasing all that God has given us to all who have ears to hear.
There was the time to be polite and gentle with the egos and religious beliefs of the people. It is now time to fully proclaim the truth of the King and His kingdom that is coming forth on earth. We may not be doing the people a favor to hold back any of the fullness of the reality of the gospel of the kingdom.
The pure holy love of God will not hold back the fullness of truth from His people but will with all love and sincere care speak and demonstrate BOLDLY the reality of the kingdom of God now manifesting on earth.
This is the day for the “real” to manifest in the presence of the blessed people of God. No more make believe, but the pure obedience to the Spirit of Christ within us. No more showmanship or staging, but the absolute gut wrenching reality of the boldness of holiness reigning upon the Lord of the land.
Can you say rod of iron? The strong reality of the total strength of Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit of the all-powerful God moving among all of His precious kingdom saints across the world in the one Spirit nation that is within the many nations.
Love never fails, and
His kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin