1. Are We There Yet? – By Ron McGatlin
You may be driving through some beautiful mountain scenery and very interesting sites along the way, but the children in the back seat miss it all. They don’t even notice the deer or bear or other interesting animals in the gorgeous landscapes out their window.
Their focus is so set on what is to come, that they totally miss what is happening now. Life becomes boring as they longingly and impatiently wait for the time to pass till they can get to the great life event they are going to experience later when they arrive.
One way to alleviate the boredom is to turn to fantasy imagination. Pick up a comic book or video game or something fictional to read to get their minds off the boring trip. Either that or they begin to squabble with one another for no good reason.
Okay, I think you are getting it.
We are not just talking about a family vacation trip. Yes, we are talking about our lives and the kingdom of God. Today many believers are missing their part in the reality of the kingdom of God from heaven on earth while focusing on a future kingdom to come. Many do not yet realize that the King and the kingdom can be right there in the car with us every mile of the journey.
There is no such thing as a bored kingdom disciple. Life is always full and meaningful for ALL who truly seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness FIRST. (Mat 6:33).
Yes, there will be challenges and perhaps even setbacks. However, there is always victory in the end of the matter and never boredom. There is total satisfaction in this life now as all that is needed to complete God’s plan for us at this time is added to us. (Rom 8:37) (John 16:33) (1 John 4:4).
Our every desire is fulfilled as we seek first the kingdom of God. As we live by the Spirit and walk in the Spirit, all things are possible to us. As Christ Jesus abides in us and we abide in Him, we ask what we desire and it is done on earth as it is in heaven. (Mat 6:33) (John 15:7) (Gal 5:16, 25).
These are NOT religious statements or Christian platitudes. THIS IS THE REALITY OF THE JOURNEY FOR US NOW! All things are possible now, if we believe. (Mark 9:23).
The trip or journey we are on is the kingdom of God now on earth functioning in and with us. It is NOT a distant destination that will come someday or that we will arrive at some future time. OUR LIFE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NOW WITH US AND WITHIN US. We do not need to be bored with life now in hopes of getting to the good part someday. (Luke 17:21) (Col 1:27).
Our environment and circumstances do NOT make us who we are and does NOT determine the kingdom that lives in us and in which we abide.
We, that is to say you and me with CHRIST IN US, is the reality of the kingdom of God on earth. We with the kingdom in us makes the circumstances in and around us to become the kingdom on earth. (Phil 2:15) (Mat 5:14).
The God of all creation in us will recreate the environment around us into the righteous, peaceful, joyous reign of the love of God on earth. (Rom 14:17).
There is absolutely no need for fantasy foolishness to overcome boredom. Fantasy activity is at best childish play, and in adults it is a fruitless deviant substitute for the real excitement of our life now with God in His kingdom reality. (1 Cor 13:11).
Childish fun becomes wicked and evil when it replaces the reality of life with God. Some of the popular kingdom replacements today are things like comic books, video games, pornography, TV romance and novels, violent action movies, sports, endless mind crafting entertainment, and much more.
Multibillion dollar industries have developed from these substitutes that replace the real life of the supernatural reality of the kingdom of God actively functioning in our lives now.
Religion can also become a diversion from kingdom reality in this life.
Laws and religious condemnation have never, and will not ever fix the lack and need to alleviate boredom and create lives of adventure and great excitement. Religion can keep us busy about trying to get to God and give some purpose to life. However, it may not be truly seeking the real kingdom of God in our lives. Only as people see and experience the pure holy love and supernatural reality of the kingdom of God will they turn from the foolishness of childish games.
As our spiritual eyes and ears are opened to see the kingdom of God, we can grow up into the reality of union with the God of all creation. In the kingdom life we are made alive by Christ in us by the Holy Spirit working within our lives to overcome all evil and restore the kingdoms of this world to the kingdoms of our God. (Eph 2:1-7).
Go for it now!
Turn to God with your whole heart. Call upon Him to reveal the mysteries of the secrets of the kingdom of God now in your life to rule and reign in this life. Your life will then honor God and bring forth His will on earth as it is in heaven. (Mark 12:30) (1 Tim 17).
He is worthy of all honor from all of our lives.
Ask God to help you to SEEK THE KINGDOM OF GOD FIRST. Allow God to speak by His Spirit truth that replaces your old mindsets with the mind of Christ and the Heart of God, transforming us together as one into grown up sons and daughters of God. (Rom 12:1-2). Be saturated and filled with the Spirit and the Word of God, and the righteousness, peace, and joy of the love of God will consume our lives into one Body and Bride of Christ. (Mat 6:33) (Col 3:2) (Heb 12:29) (Acts 2) (Prov 31:10-31).
There is no more exciting and fulfilling life than fruitfully accomplishing our part and portion in bringing forth the kingdom of God into this world. All the world is the canvas covered with a distorted painting, waiting for the powerful skilled kingdom people filled and empowered by the life of God to come into agreement with God to restore the painting to the beautiful reality of life on earth as it is in heaven. (Rom 8:19-22).
The kingdom reality of life on earth cannot be contained or limited to any part of created order. It is not limited to any people, place, or segment of life in the world. All the world is to be fully set free from the curse of the failure of mankind and fully restored under the glory of the love, peace, and joy in the righteous order of all things in perfect alignment with the order of heaven.
Enter the Cocoon of World Transformation
That which is to come is fully now in the Spirit. The full experience of heaven’s life and order is now for us who live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit as we physically walk in this natural world. We rest in peace as we yet move about carrying the love and life of the world to come as the pure seed of the kingdom. Christ in you the confident reality of the glory of heaven on earth. Selah. (Psalm 91) (Mark 9:23)
Ron McGatlin
Beloved, I want to share this testimony with you. I have seen God heal many times and God has used me to pray for healing with many and He healed them, but this is a testimony I felt the Lord wants me to share.
On November 7th at our Sunday night Believer’s Gathering the Lord’s manifest presence was powerfully in our midst. As God moved through his people, he took us deeper into his heart.
Throughout the meetings I kept getting the name of one of our sisters in Christ’s son, Joshua. I kept asking the Lord, “Why am I getting his name?”
Near the end of the gathering His mom asked for prayer for him. He had fallen off his skate board and cut himself up and also dislocated his shoulder. She said, He is believing God to heal him.
I told her I was getting his name all night. I was participating in this meeting from my home through the internet. I said, “Please go get him and bring him into the room with you.” She too was participating by the internet.
Josh came in, and I said, “What happened?” He told me the story and said, “I can’t even lift my arm.” I said, “your mom told me you believe Jesus will heal you, so do I.”
I said, “Are you ready for that to happen? He said, “Yes”. So I waited upon the Lord for his instructions on what to do and how to pray.
He led me to pray with Joshua and to have him declare that Jesus is his Lor, and to declare that Jesus is his healer.
We prayed together and he prayed a declaration of his faith in Jesus as his healer.
Then the Holy Spirit let me to pray for him and in my room I felt the power of God all over me and felt He was in that room in power with Joshua as well.
As I prayed for him, God opened my eyes and I saw two angels standing on his right and left and they were massaging his arms and shoulders.
I told Josh, what i was seeing and said Josh lift up your arm like this. The Holy Spirit directed my arms to do several moves and I said, Josh do exactly what I am doing. As he did, a miracle started happening.
He could not even move his arm anyway upward. As I started moving my arm up to at least my waist, he was able. I said, Josh were you able to do that before? He said no. I said it “hurts to do it doesn’t it?” He said, yes, but I said, “You can’t stop.”
So the Lord had me move my arm higher now up to my shoulder, then Josh did exactly the same thing. Then the Holy Spirit said, now Josh you keep moving it as you feel led.
I could see the pain on his face, then all of a sudden he started doing it faster and more. As He did, I saw the two angels working with him.
Finally he lifted it almost up to his head and then, Pop” his shoulder went back in place. Praise our God.
He was sore because of all this, but I told him the Lord said, all that pain will leave very shortly. I said, “When you wake up you will have only a little pain and by the end of the day you would have no pain.”
He said, “I believe God.” Then, I led him to thank and worship God for His healing.
By the end of the next day he could fully move his arm with very little pain. I checked on him with his mom a few days later and he was 100% better.
I talked to her again last night and she said, all he has is bruises. He is tossing the football with that arm and using it perfectly.
How great is our God! I have never seen angels at work like that in healing before. I know they work with us and have been, but forever reason Joshua and all of us saw that God has given his angels charge over us.
The angels didn’t heal him, Jesus healed him in the power of the Holy Spirit. The angels were sent on an assignment to help facilitate that. How awesome is God.
The Kingdom of God is in hand now. It is in us. It is a new day. Through God using the internet this boy got healed. To God be all the glory!
Henry Falcone
For many years I was like a “spiritual hitchhiker” catching a ride on the latest revelation, teaching or charismatic leader, all the while continuing my search for that seemingly elusive “perfect church.” The spiritual landscape in those days was much like a “theme park” where I would rush from one ride (revelation) to another as there were many unique moves of God occurring simultaneously.
During this time I became a student of the moving’s and manifestations of the Spirit both past and present from Pentecost to Holy laughter, all of which I can personally attest are valid experiences. The question for which I sought an answer in each instance is not what causes revival to begin but what causes it to end?
How sad throughout church history when God reaches out in a unique way to His people and the anointing, manifestation or message begins to flow through that person or group, they commit the greatest of sins by “touching the Glory” and attempting to give it natural form.
They attempt to imprison the vision behind denominational walls and monetize the moves of God. The Holy Spirit is grieved and the presence of God lifts from that person, place or ministry. There is no such thing as a spiritual vacuum so when the Holy Spirit moves out, some spirits of error and deception will fill that void so that what occurs going forward is nothing more than a “spiritual reenactment” of a glory that has departed.
The people are filled with natural zeal so that “His Presence” is replaced with “Programs and Activities” that focus on a message, a move or a charismatic leader as the absence of the Spirit goes unnoticed.
The desire of my heart and the burden in my spirit is to shine His redemptive light on our past as His people so that we may learn and be prepared for what He is about to do in the earth. There is a wave coming that I don’t want any of us to miss.
It will be as a “spiritual tsunami” of the Glory of God. Don’t touch it, take credit for it or attempt to profit from it, just get ready and be prepared to ride the wave of His Spirit as it carries us into His millennial Kingdom. The knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth with righteousness, peace and joy.
Habakkuk 2:14 “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea”
4. News Headlines
Trump officials finalizing Israeli peace plan Nov 15, 2017 | News
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Jesus brought a blanket to imprisoned former Muslim Nov 15, 2017 | News
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Syrian refugees find Christ’s love through long-term help Nov 14, 2017 | News
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Could This Christian Rehab’s Faith-Based Solution to Drug Crisis Change America? Nov 14, 2017 | News
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Massive Earthquake Rocks Iraq and Iran: Tremors Shake Israel Nov 13, 2017 | News
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Prayer Alert News: UK, Europe, and Worldwide Nov 10, 2017 | News
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