It has been said by many among the populace of today that time does not stand still. In this statement, it must be considered that the God of time established it with a divine purpose. Therefore, it is being ask by the many, what time is it and what’s happening during this specific season of time? With time continuing in a progressive manner just what is the God of time doing in the presence tense now? For it must be said, according to God given revelation and understanding according to scripture, God’s written word, that events of today speak loudly to mankind. This voice, ignored by the multitudes, but heard and received by God’s remnant people and causing them to declare that time has brought mankind to the last of the last days concerning the return appearance of God’s Christ. To this fact, the desire of man’s heart shouts out, when and how? To this, consideration must be given to certain scriptures as to the reality of these timely fulfillments.
Rev. 10:1 speaks, “And I saw [to see: implying not the mere act of looking, but the actual perception of the object. Beyond the use of the eyes] another [of the same kind, but not one of the seven sounding trumpets mention in this book of Revelation] mighty angel come down from heaven [God’s dwelling place in the spirit realm], clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head [throne-room authority], and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire”. Here a scripture written depicting the appearing, the shining forth of God’s glory as it appears with and upon God’s coming messengers, a glory shining as the sun in their appearance. The brightness of light manifesting upon this sent one reveals the countenance of God manifesting from him. Pointing to a time when God, through His messengers, shall reveal Christ to the world.
Here let us take note as to this appearing one and the countenance of Christ that was manifesting through his completed being. When speaking of Christ, after His death and resurrection, we must consider His true purpose. That is Jesus Christ becoming a seed to be planted into receiving humanity. Humanity, God’s field, is to become a harvest of fruit in His likeness and image. Here, we are to see that the Christ one making an appearance is not only Jesus, the head, but also in complete unity, His many member body. Rev. 1:16, “And He had in His right hand seven [seven pointing to spiritual perfection] stars [a double-portion people]: and out of His mouth a sharp two-edged sword [the spoken word]; and His countenance [manifesting Christ nature] was as the sun shines [to shine forth independently of any observer] in his strength [inherent power; the power of reproducing itself, mighty works].” Thus, a time being upon a remnant people that shall manifest the nature and power of God. A time when the Christ (head and many member body) begins to make an appearance and be seen by the fallen world.
In this, God gives to us a great and clear insight as to the appearance of such a glorified nature that shall come forth. In this, He also reveals the time, the season when such an appearance would come forth. Matt. 17:1-2, “And after six days [six – number of man and his time being completed – also points to the day of fulfillment which focuses upon “one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day”] Jesus [a name given in order to save His people from their sins] taketh Peter, James, and John his brother [taking them aside and pointing to a remnant of people who become His first-fruits taken from and for the harvest], and brings them into an high mountain apart [notice again the separation from others to ascend into a higher realm of spiritual dwelling], and was transfigured [to change the form] before them [a first-fruit manifestation that would also be fulfilled in a remnant of first-fruit people of the harvest]; and His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light [underived and absolute, the opposite of darkness]”.
In the truth of this great event we should note that those sent from God reflect a like-kind glory to be shown before the people. John 3:34 states, “for He Whom God hath sent speaks the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto Him”. This reveals that God sends forth the messengers of His word with purpose. The purpose is not to just declare the word, but to also manifest and reveal according to the word thus sent. Remember, when Mary Magdalene with the other Mary went to the sepulcher concerning Jesus’ body, they met a messenger sent from God. Matt. 28:3, “His countenance was like lightning [to shine, great brightness, radiance, brilliance], and his raiment white as snow”.
This promise of such glory is given, not to angels from heaven only, but to the righteous who shall share with and in God’s glory. In reading from Matt. 13:36-43 concerning the parable of the tares in the field, notice verse 43 in its declaration, “Then shall the righteous shine forth [shining brightly; full of splendor; dazzling, splendid] as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear”. This field shall be harvested as these first-fruit messengers appear to gather the tares out from the community of Christians. In this, all the righteous one’s shall begin to shine forth with the glory of God. Note God’s promise as Isaiah prophesied in Isa. 58:10-12,” And if you draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday; and the Lord shall guide you continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: And thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in”. Thus, the righteous shall shine even as His first-fruits concerning the kingdom of God, to establish His kingdom over all creation.
Again it is being ask of us, what time is it? Is not God declaring that the time has come for the ministry, the government of death, to be absolved from His believers, His deliverers and for death in them to vanish away? In this, shall we not consider the contrast between the two realms of life made available to man? 2 Cor. 3:7-9, But if the ministration [results of service] of death, written and engraved in stones was glorious, so that the children if Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away: How shall not the ministration [results of service] of the spirit be rather glorious? For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceeds in glory”. Let’s understand, that works of the law contain a passing away degree of glory as the scripture above declares. But the glory of God’s spiritual house of righteousness shall eternally manifest an exceeding great and precious glory.
Here it would be well for us to consider Stephen as he stood before the religious council of Jerusalem. Read Acts 6:8-15 as we especially take note of verse 15, “And all that sat in the council, looking steadfast on him, saw [seeing the actual perception of his face] his face as it had been the face of an angel”. Here He is likened unto the glory of the heavenlies, Stephen, one full of faith and power, was doing great and mighty works with miracles and signs among the people. Take a long look at who took pleasure in the stoning of Stephen. Was it not the religious crowd with one named Saul consenting. Acts 7:59, “And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit”.
What was it that brought such condemnation and intense anger to the crowd? Was it not because of a manifestation beyond just sounding out the words of truth? Take thought of that which Stephen saw, the crowd also saw in him and this cut them to the heart. In this they desired to rid Stephen from their midst because man loves darkness rather than light. In this, God, even now is raising up a generation of light. This light shall shine brighter than the noon-day sun. It shall cause the darkness, regardless of the avenue it uses, to flee even as the removal of the tares from God’s field shall establish God’s kingdom of righteousness. Now is the time, the time to awaken out of sleep to behold the kingdom of God which is among us. Herein men should repent and willingly forsake the world of self and humble themselves before God in humility to receive and know true salvation. Man’s day and time is coming to completion. God’s eternity is upon His people to move beyond the telling of, like Stephen, to a place where the people are seeing. Meaning that the world might begin to see His glorified Christ in His harvest. Man’s time is now coming to its end, come forth thou Christ, come forth.
Isa. 60:1-3, “Arise, shine; for thy light [glory of God] is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold [the condition of this darken world], the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people; but the Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you. And the Gentiles [nations of darkness] shall come to thy light and kings to the brightness of thy arising”.
Malachi 4:2-3, “But unto you that fear [revere] My name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings [beams or rays]; and ye shall go forth, and grow up [leap for joy] as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked [lawless ones, wickedness, in the sense of the restless activity of man’s fallen nature]: for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this [in the day that I am preparing], saith the Lord of hosts”.
The planted seed, Jesus Christ, has come to the time of their completion. Fruit is now ripening from the vine to a full measure of righteousness and shall shine forth as the sun. This, many member son, shall manifest nothing less than the Resurrected Light which He is. Manifesting true light to a darkened world as it becomes God’s kingdom. Man’s day is quickly coming to its end.