Russian Media Reports ‘Biblical Bombshell’ as Siberian River Turns ‘Blood-Red – “So far we have no assumptions what it could be. We have never dealt with this before so we are waiting for the results of the test.”

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz : Feb 5, 2018 :

[] The Molchanka river in Siberia turned into a blood-red estuary on Tuesday. (Screengrab via YouTube/via BIN)

The Russian news agency TASS described the sudden transformation as a “Biblical Bombshell,” comparing what happened to the Molchanka river to the first plague of Egypt in the Biblical story of Passover.

“Moshe and Aharon did just as Hashem commanded: he lifted up the rod and struck the water in the Nile in the sight of Pharaoh and his courtiers, and all the water in the Nile was turned into blood.” -Exodus 7:20

Notwithstanding the comparison made by TASS, local officials are still searching for a more natural explanation. Galina Yevseeva, the spokesperson for the Tyumen region, told TASS that experts in the regional department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor), the Russian agency responsible for environmental concerns, were investigating the cause of the shocking crimson color. Water samples were sent to the Center for…

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