Greetings from Africa!
The Harvest is Plentiful
hein & helene van wyk
As the new year is already in full swing, we can’t help but look back on all the people who have made Experience Mission Africa possible. It’s a joy to share our lives with past team members, different communities we work in, and the every day life we live among people here in Southern Africa.
Now more than ever, there is a deep-rooted HOPE that is needed in Africa. Among political tensions, homelessness, unemployment, natural disasters, droughts, famine, and the children left behind from lack of education, Africa is in need of something: someone to bring the message of a HOPE so big that all the above can be forgotten.
In Luke 10:2 it states, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.”
We know that investing in the Kingdom can be in many different ways. Here at the EM Africa office, we are working day in and day out to make sure teams are comfortable, to assist our community partners in any way we can, and to provide for the needs of the people we come across in various ways. We are writing today to say thank you for investing either by coming on an Immersion trip, a two-week trip, giving to EM Africa, and most importantly praying for and with us.
As we have started 2018, we realize the need for support and investment into what we do is at its highest need. We want to ask that you humbly consider giving monetarily or in prayer to what we do daily here at EM Africa. Below is a link to our profile. These funds and/or monthly donations help keep our office running and our teams ability to come to Africa. Without you, EM Africa would not be possible.
We appreciate you so much for your willingness to be a part of what we are doing.
Many blessings,
hein & helene van wyk

postnet suite #299, private bag x132, centurion, 0046, south africa
cell: +27-823498465 / +27-842907828
hope for Africa
disciple nations alliance