Major Victory for Christian Cake Baker Who Refused to Make
Gay Wedding Cake: Religious Discrimination is the “Stuff of Tyranny”“We knew the Lord was in control of this and we did what we were called to do. Our bakery and our family feel very blessed that the judge ruled in our favor. Not to say that we want to be discriminatory, but we do need to stand up for our religious freedom and for our freedom of speech.” -Cathy Miller, owner
Billy : Feb 7, 2018 : Faithwire/CBN News
(Bakersfield, CA)—[CBN News] A California judge ruled in favor of a Christian baker who has been under fire over her refusal last August to make a same-sex wedding cake, finding that the state cannot force her to act against her sincerely held beliefs. (Photo: screengrab via CBN News)
Cathy Miller, owner of Tastries Bakery, won her victory on Monday, with Kern County Superior Court Judge David Lampe drawing an interesting distinctive in the case.
Had Miller declined to make a cake that was already made and on display, he said she would have been guilty of discrimination.
But the cake the couple requested had not yet been made, and, according to KBAK, the baker offered the couple another means to get their cake at a different establishment. Lampe went as far as to say that forcing someone to violate his or her religious beliefs would be “the stuff of tyranny,” KGET-TV reported.
Miller was sued by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing on behalf of Eileen and Mireya Rodriguez-Del Rio, who had gone to Tastries Bakery to request a wedding cake; the couple reportedly was already married for six months when the refusal unfolded last August.
The baker is accused of violating the state’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, which stops businesses from denying service based on race, sexual orientation and other indicators, reported.
Miller said that she was surprised by how quickly a verdict was reached, as arguments in the case unfolded on Friday…
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