Update From The Turnaround And Forward Momentum 

Sometimes it’s the timing of a spiritual event that enables an extraordinary level of breakthrough to occur; in other gatherings, it’s the level of unity. High levels of corporate faith can produce great victories;still others take place because of the overall level of maturity of those in attendance. Sometimes it’s all the above. Such was the case at The Turnaround.
It would be impossible to adequately explain in a blog everything that occurred at The Turnaround—it would literally require a book! One person commented to me that watching it on Livestream was like drinking from a fire hydrant. I assure you, it was just as overwhelming for those in attendance. It truly was an example of Christ’s ekklesia ruling for Him on earth.
As mature leaders and intercessors led in prayer and in releasing prophetic revelation, there were many themes that emerged. Holy Spirit moved us from subject to subject, issue to issue. Kingdom decrees and prayers were lifted not just from the stage, but from all those present and watching. I believe as much or more was accomplished through this than through platform prayers. The level of maturity was so high across the board that there were numerous people present mature enough who could have led the meeting that never even made it to the mic!
Some of the themes/subjects Holy Spirit led us into, and regarding which I’m confident breakthroughs occurred, are:

  • Spiritual giants—we have moved into the era of the church taking out spiritual giants around the world.
  • The Supreme Court—we will see a righteous shift in the balance of the Supreme Court. This entity that has opened the door for more evil into America than any other will be shifted!
  • Racism—God is about to cut the head off this evil serpent.
  • Awakening/harvest—the greatest revival in the history of the planet has begun, and will result in the greatest harvest of souls in history!
  • Generational synergy—this was not only emphasized by Holy Spirit, but was present in the room. Some said the commissioning at the end by one of my spiritual sons, William Ostan, and my spiritual father, Jim Hodges, was the highlight of the gathering. The curse of generational separation has been broken off America (see Malachi 4:6), and the synergy produced by generational agreement will now multiply power and authority into the ekklesia.
  • The government—the exposing of unrighteousness in government (Congress, the Executive Branch, the Supreme Court, and even the embedded “Deep State” with its liberal, humanistic, anti-Christian agenda) and the return to our Judeo-Christian roots will increase. Nothing will stop this.
  • Angels—their help and support to the ekklesia will increase and intensify. They are powerful, they’re engaged, and they are many!
  • Ekklesia—look for a new level of revelation to come forth regarding our assignment and authority as Christ’s ekklesia (His Kingdom government on earth). Kingly intercession—decrees, binding, loosing, etc.—will now be added to our priestly intercession of petitions and requests. The effect will be immeasurable.

In summary, the clarity produced by heaven’s “tuning fork,” the justice released from the Supreme Judge’s “gavel,” the mantles of nation-changing intercession and reformation pictured by Rees Howells and John Knox, and the promotion of the praying church to special forces-level effectiveness—all were seen and heard. (If you have not read the dream, which the above prophetic images are taken from, you can find it written at the bottom of this letter.)
I concluded the gathering by sharing another dream sent to me a couple of weeks before The Turnaround. I want to share this dream with you as well. It is too powerful to simply quote from it—I want you to see and read the entire dream in order to receive its full effect. I am also copying that dream at the bottom of this report, but first…
I want to say a HUGE “thank-you” to those of you who supported this conference financially. The cost was significant, but the support has been overwhelming. Those in attendance gave generously; and the participation of those who watched online has been amazing. From the bottom of our hearts, we at DSM thank you.
We will continue to move Forward. That is, in fact, the name of the next Appeal To Heaven gathering which will be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, from June 14-16, 2018. All spiritual victories must be maintained; turnarounds must be sustained. We must take advantage of the momentum we have gained, persevering through the entire three years of prophesied turnaround. I am full of expectation for what The Lord will do in our midst and through His ekklesia when we assemble again in June! To register, and for more details, click here. See you there!

Yours truly,

Dutch Sheets

Dream 1:
I dreamed last night of the Turnaround meeting. In the meeting, there were hundreds of angels with tuning forks in their hands. Rees Howells and John Knox came in from the cloud of witnesses, Rees with a tuning fork and John with a gavel. They presented these to you; as they did you smiled at Ceci and struck them together. The angels all struck their tuning forks at the same time. As the sound began permeating the people, they began to vibrate and spin. They morphed into an Army of Special Forces. Illumination came from them and filled the room. Then John Wayne came into the room and pinned a badge on you. The badge read “US MARSHALL OF THE NEW SOUND.”  You then grinned at me and gave me a thumbs up gesture. [Personal note: The John Wayne reference would seem ridiculous had I not received six prophetic words within the past year using his characters as symbols of tenacity and standing for justice.]

Dream 2:
I dreamed that I, along with two friends (fellow intercessors) and my Mom and Dad, were walking down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. I knew The Turnaround conference (at the Trump Hotel) was just ending at that very moment. I turned and saw a courier coming out of the doors of the building where the conference was ending. I believe this was an angel. He was carrying a scroll, not a huge scroll, but fairly large. His face was set toward the US Capitol building and he was heading immediately in that direction. We decided to followhim, and did so. Eventually, he went into the Capitol. We then entered the place where the lawmakers assemble.
It was the exact scene of the State of the Union address (given by President Trump a few nights ago), all the lawmakers were there in their seats and there were many people in the gallery. It was a “packed house.”
The courier (angel) with the scroll was standing at the double doors that the President had entered through, and he then loudly announced with authority and confidence, “ALL RISE!” And just as had happened at the previous State of the Union Address, some people stood, while others disrespectfully and snidely stayed seated.
The angel then opened the scroll and said very loudly and adamantly, “The verdict has been determined: AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!”
Immediately a “cloud,” the Glory of God, came from behind the angel and began to fill the room. Those who had stood at the angel’s entrance crumpled to their knees, wailing, broken by the reality of God’s presence. Some who had been seated were now on their knees, screaming out, “I’m sorry!!! I’m so sorry!!” Others just remained seated. Iknewjudgement was beginning to be administered and God’s ruling authority was being set in place! It was transformation and reformation being establishedfor America’s new reality…She shall be saved!



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