I was sitting in my prayer room this morning and suddenly I felt His presence so strongly, and I heard Him make a decree over many in the body of Christ.
“What has held you will no longer hold you. You are free!!!”
When I heard Him speak, the last three words were booming with such authority, it was a decree of heaven, it was a decree of the Father. It was a decree that brought about a rushing wind of awakening to the reality of our freedom in Christ.
“So if the Son sets you free from sin, then become a true son and be unquestionably FREE!” – John 8:36 (The Passion Translation)
The Lord spoke to me that He is awakening His people right now to the reality that YOU ARE FREE!!!!! You are being awakened to the reality that in Christ, YOU ARE FREE and the revelation of that POWERFUL TRUTH is about to manifest in your life in a significantly powerful way. I saw the power of God exploding through that revelatory truth and suddenly chains were falling off. Mindsets were shifting. I saw an army of people rising up, weeping, such deep cries from within the core of them and they were decreeing…
There was a righteous indignation rising up within the people of God that were being filled with the boldness of God, the roar of the Lord and convicted by the powerful truth of Scripture that this was NOT their inheritance. To be caged to things that have held them. To be locked into fears that have tormented them for so long. To be dealing with strongholds all of their lives. To be dealing with lies that continue to plague them. There was this awakening taking place in their hearts that shouted “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, I am not putting up with this anymore, this is NOT my inheritance” and I saw the people of God CHASING after Jesus and the manifestation of His freedom in their lives in greater ways. As they chased after the Lord and chased after freedom, I saw Him ROARING. He is ROARING in righteous anger over the enemy and the captivity that has enslaved so many of His people.
The cry of “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” that was being birthed through His people, did not begin with them, it did not originate in their hearts, it originated in the heart of God, in the roar of God. It was simply an awakening and alignment with what the Lord is ROARING.
Possibly the greatest awakening and move of the Spirit of God is upon us regarding SONSHIP and the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!
“The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!” – Romans 8:19 (The Passion Translation)
The decree of God that firstly brought remembrance and awakening to the people of God of their freedom in Christ, was also being decreed in the roar of the Lord bringing a tremendous shift caused by the breaker anointing being released.
The atmosphere around me was electric and I wanted to fall on my face before the Lord, because all I could feel was the intense power of God and fear of the Lord. I just wanted to fall on my face and worship Him as the KING OF GLORY steps in.
Psalm 24:7-9 reverberated through my spirit powerfully:
“So wake up you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for He is about to come through you. You ask, “Who is this Glory-King?” The Lord, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, invincible in every way! So wake up you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here He comes: the King of Glory is ready to come in! You ask, “Who is this King of Glory?” He is the Lord of Victory, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the invincible commander of heaven’s hosts! Yes, He is the King of Glory!” – (The Passion Translation)
He is about to step in and make things right. MAJOR INJUSTICES caused by the enemy are about to be put right by the JUSTICE OF GOD! The Mighty Warrior, the Lord of heaven’s hosts, He’s coming! He’s coming! He’s coming! Everything is going to be alright and turned right! He is coming in you to bring a greater manifestation of the truth that “YOU ARE FREE”, He is coming THROUGH YOU to release FREEDOM and ANOINTING all around, there is such an increase of anointing and flow of the power of the Holy Spirit through you that is about to be powerfully released as the things that have been trying to cage you for so long are REMOVED and no longer have a hold. He is coming FOR YOU, provision, restoration, increase!
What you are about to see, how you are about to see the power of God demonstrated, the Warrior King stepping in, the King of Glory arriving in your life and circumstance and through your life in an unprecedented way, is going to leave you speechless. You will be left undone by His power. You will be left completely wrecked by His love. I saw person after person in the body of Christ falling on their faces like Isaiah in Isaiah 6, almost unable to speak at the GLORY of God. The manifest presence of God coming down. He is coming like RAIN. He is coming like FIRE. Get ready, get ready, get ready for a whole new realm of the fear of God to be awakened in your life. It’s not something to run from, it’s something to be embraced, because you are about to COME ALIVE in new ways. You are about to be awakened to your destiny like never before. You are about to become even more overtaken and consumed by the revelation of your righteousness in Christ. The forgiveness of Jesus. The beauty and holiness of our God. The love of God exploding all around.
In His presence and by His fire, you are being refined, purified and prepared to carry His Glory and to arise and shine in greater ways than ever before. (Isaiah 60:1)
As the fear of God was all around, there was a holy moment. A moment of such stillness, like I didn’t want to move. A holy, holy moment. The weightiness of the moment moved my heart, I didn’t want to speak. Then He spoke:
“To those with no agenda, I am about to reveal more of My heart. To those who are My friends, I am going to reveal a new depth of My heart.”
A cry began to rise within me “Steward His heart well. Steward His heart with purity. Steward His heart with gentleness, tenderness and integrity. He wants to reveal more of His heart, lay aside any agenda, just come to be with Him, to know Him, to be His friend.”
I felt this weighty fear of God, that what He is going to reveal, what is in His heart, His secrets to come, He is not just going to release to anyone. He wants to share His heart, He is just looking for those who will steward His heart well, and place incredible value upon what He speaks.
He is looking for those who are His friend, those who are seeking after Him in deep intimacy to know Him, to minister to Him in purity and first love affection. To those, He is about to open up His heart and secrets in a way you have never imagined. What you are about to see, is going to leave you undone, wrecked, transformed forever. He is looking for those to whom He can entrust the very deep secrets of His heart and it’s not for everyone to know. He will give you the wisdom to know what to reveal, what to show, and what to keep hidden in the garden of intimacy between you and the Lord.
As He decreed, things shifted, angelic hosts moved on His Word to minister to the saints, the Holy Spirit was moving in the lives of believers and everything was being EXTENDED. Boundary lines extended, new territory gained, greater manifestation of freedom on the inside (heart and soul), it was all about the INCREASE OF GOD in EVERY area. God is EXTENDING! He is stretching, strengthening and shifting to bring about a great EXTENSION. “My people are moving into more than they have ever asked for.”
There is a MONUMENTAL SHIFT and EXTENSION taking place. Chase after God, chase hard after Him, don’t stop, keep going, keep moving, what has held you, will hold you no more.
Our beautiful Warrior King is about to step in!
Lana Vawser Ministries, PO Box 241, Coolum Beach, QLD 4573, Australia
Lana Vawser Ministries | March 17, 2018 at 3:39 am | Categories: Prophetic Words | URL: https://wp.me/p6xbRa-7Wb