Love Creates the Beauty of Holiness
By Ronald D McGatlin
Falling in love with Jesus prepares you and me for the intimate oneness of pure holy relationship as His virgin Bride.
From our first look into the perfect passionate love in His eyes, we are consumed and captivated forever. We are melted in our spirits into a laid down lover, willingly laying down our lives for Him. (1 John 3:16).
Our spirit instantly becomes filled with the beauty of holiness. We instantly becomes one Spirit with Christ. We are pure holy sons and daughters of our Father God. In our spirits we are completely redeemed and made pure and holy the moment Christ Jesus enters our spirits and the two become one. (1Cor 6:17).
From that moment on God, in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit within us, is progressively working to transform us from the inside out. (Phil 2:13) (Col 1:26-27).
The workings of grace through the “courtship” season of experiencing the love, God within restores or transforms us into one Spirit, soul, and body with Christ. (Eph 5:30).
Our souls and bodies begin to be cleansed and transformed from the inner core of our fully redeemed purified spirit within us. We each enter into a process of our soul (mind, will, and emotions) being cleansed, redeemed, healed, and made whole in harmony with our spirit.
Thus the growing up season has begun as God works in us bringing our souls and eventually our bodies into full agreement and harmony with the Spirit of Christ. It is the grace power within our spirits by the Holy Spirit that progressively purifies our souls and our bodies.
Grace is never a whitewash covering for our continuing ungodly behavior. (Rom 6).
It is the free gift of the empowerment of God within us to overcome all evil and flow the pure holy love and power of God to transform us and the world around us.
Grace is God’s empowerment that works through love in our spirit beings working in our souls and bodies and out to the world. Grace is the works of God in and through us. Our part is believing and receiving His love and reflecting that love back to our Father from whom it comes and out to the world to whom it is sent.
A land of pristine beauty, flowing clean clear fresh cool water under the soft breeze of the refreshing cool air of Holy Spirit, in the bright light of the glory of Christ Jesus Messiah, is peace to our souls and strength to our bodies.
A fresh garden of delightful aromas of blossoms and ripened fruit, an abundance of tender herbs along with milk and honey in the presence of God – the tender warmth in the arms of our Lord’s embrace – the peace of the beauties of holiness filling our hearts and our lives reflect the joy of love from His face.
Pure holy love, glory, peace, and joy wipes away all tears of past pain and sorrow. We are cleansed, purified, justified, made a new creation, a virgin Bride and a mature Son made wise, strong and able by the living Spirit God within.
We have no vile past to look back upon. The beauty of holiness surrounds us, and the glory of God is falling upon us. The angels of heaven are rejoicing with us. Lift up your heads, for your time of rejoicing is come. Praise Him full out with all of your heart and life. Glorify His name in full out praise. Worship Him in the beauty of holiness in the glory of His presence. (Psalm 29) (Psalm 150).
Hear the voice of God speaking to the world, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him.” Matthew 17:5.
Sing unto the Lord a New Song. (Psalm 33). A song of the beauty of holiness, a song of praise and great joy for your day has come. All heaven and earth rejoices in the revealing this day of the maturing of the sons and daughters setting the world free from the past and boldly entering into the presence of the Lord manifesting the kingdom of God on earth.
Sing, O barren one, for your children are multiplied and their glory fills the earth with the beauty of holiness. Rejoice and be glad for the day of vengeance of the Lord is here, and the glory of the oppressed is made manifest in the praise of freedom and release. (Isa 54).
The prison doors of Babylon are opened and the strong towers of Babylonian captivity are crumbling in the smoke of the burning rubble of the wicked cities of captivity. Come out of Babylon, and forget that which is behind. (Rev 18). Behind you is a scorched earth of smoldering ash, and ahead of you is a Garden of Eden. Let the vision of New Jerusalem fill your hearts. (Jer 51:50).
Move forward to possess that which is your rightful inheritance in the glorious presence of the beauty of holiness. Follow your true Shepherd guiding you from within into the land of promise, the possession of the Lord for you.
Do not look back upon the cities of ruin that were as Sodom and Gomora. Set your eyes upon the beauties of holiness in the Garden of Eden into which you have entered. (Gen 15-26).
It was and is the plan of God that all the earth become the glory of God by His kingdom in us flowing out to transform the world. Let your word and your song be the words and melodies of praise unto the God who has removed us from the past into the glory of His presence in the beauty of holiness reality of His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Lift up your heads, and shout the victory. Lift up your arms in praise to the glory of the God who has brought you through. Let every word from your mouth glorify the Lord God Almighty, our rightful Father in all the family who is in heaven and on earth. Bless the angels who come to you to receive of your joy and blend with your voices in praising our Father. Let all that has breath praise the Lord of glory who abides with you forever.
Ronald D McGatlin