“As non-resistant bearers of the Truth, we should not sit by as ‘the quiet in the land’ while society around us falls into ruin. Rather our lives should be a prophetic protest, an exposé of satan’s tyranny, and we should not hesitate to oppose his lies with the Truth, by word and action.” -Kenneth Miller
Matthew Cullinan Hoffman : Apr 13, 2018 : Lifesitenews.com
(Stuarts Draft, VA)—[Lifesitenews.com] A Mennonite pastor who helped a girl and her birth mother escape the United States to evade her court-imposed lesbian “mother” has been freed after serving almost 24 months in a U.S. federal prison. (Photo: Pastor Kenneth Miller/via MillerCase.org)
Kenneth Miller, a pastor with the Beachy Amish Mennonites of Virginia, was convicted in 2013 of having helped Lisa Miller and her daughter Isabella (both unrelated to Kenneth Miller) to flee the United States. They left the country in late 2009 to evade court-imposed visits to Lisa’s former civil union partner, Janet Jenkins.
According to a website created by Kenneth Miller’s supporters, the pastor was released from prison on March 6, and “was given a grand welcome at our church by flashing lights, sirens, and a shower, courtesy of the Amish Auxiliary of the Stuarts Draft Volunteer Fire Dept.”
“We held a joyful and praise-filled welcome home service on Sunday,” the website added.
Kenneth Miller served his almost two-year sentence after he exhausted his appeals following his conviction in 2012 of “aiding an international kidnapping” for helping Lisa Miller and her daughter Isabella to cross the border into Canada, where they took a flight from Toronto to Nicaragua in 2009.
Lisa and Isabella’s flight from the U.S. apparently was motivated by Lisa Miller’s deep concern that her daughter was being traumatized by her visits with Jenkins, and that her spiritual well-being was being threatened by Jenkins’ lesbian lifestyle, concerns she expressed in an extensive interview with LifeSiteNews in 2008. (Photo: Isabella and mom-Lisa Miller/via LifeSiteNews)
Pastor cheerfully accepted his sufferings for Christ
Miller bore his punishment with equanimity, writing inspiring letters from prison regarding his faith in Christ and the value of his suffering as a “prophetic protest” against the evils of modern society.
“As non-resistant bearers of the Truth, we should not sit by as ‘the quiet in the land’ while society around us falls into ruin,” wrote Miller from prison. “Rather our lives should be a prophetic protest, an exposé of satan’s tyranny, and we should not hesitate to oppose his lies with the Truth, by word and action.”
When his scheduled early release in December 2017 was canceled, Miller called it a “bitter pill,” and noted that God had not answered his prayers and those of his supporters asking God to bring about his early release. He would have to celebrate Christmas in prison, but expressed his thanks to God for his relationship with Christ.
“Sorry, dear friends! It appears your prayers weren’t answered,” wrote Miller on Christmas day. “I admit some tears were shed into my pillow one night.”
“Or … were our prayers answered? Is it O.K. with us to get a ‘No’ from God? What is evidence of strong faith? Getting what we prayed for? When our prayers aren’t answered in the way we wish, can we still be happy in God? Isn’t that evidence of strong faith too?”…
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