1. Waiting for the Kingdom of God? – By Ronald D McGatlin
Creation on earth waits for the kingdom of God. At least from the time when Abraham waited for a city with foundations whose builder and maker is God, mankind has been waiting for the kingdom of God on earth. (Hebrews 11:10).
At the time of the crucifixion of Christ Jesus, the world waited for the reality of the kingdom of God to come forth on earth. In Mark 15:43, it is said of Joseph of Arimathea that he was waiting for the kingdom of God. It was a proper statement to say that at that time because Christ Jesus had not yet risen from the tomb, ascended to the Father, and came back in the Holy Spirit to His disciples at Pentecost bringing the kingdom with Him.
Jesus is the “Spirit of truth.” John 14:6: Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life….
Christ Jesus, Lord and King, Messiah returned to His disciples as he promised them in John14:17-21: “The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.19 “A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also. 20 At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. 21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to (literally in) him.”
PRAISE GOD! People are today ingesting the LOVE of God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. We are falling in love with Jesus and Father God. This opens the avenue of love to flow into His people and through us to the world. By the Spirit, Christ Jesus abides in us bringing forth the Kingdom of God on earth. The full kingdom potential of all the works of God in Christ are now available to us and in us.
There is no longer need for His people to be waiting for the kingdom of God.
The truth is that the kingdom is waiting for God’s people to fully awaken to His love reality of His kingdom now with us.
God has done and is doing all to help us get to that place of being and doing the works of God’s kingdom reality on earth.
God’s people are beginning to awaken to the fullness of the reality of the kingdom now available to us in the power of His love. God has provided all that we need to bring forth the kingdom of love now in this world. Christ Jesus has provided the way for us to become one in love with Him and Father God in the Spirit. We can now love His people and all of His creation on earth.
Jesus has come and now is coming to us in His love. God is love. The first characteristic of Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus is love. The kingdom of God is the rule of love on earth.
We no longer have to wait for the kingdom. It is now here within all who truly love Him. The power of God’s love is the power that is establishing the kingdom of God on earth.
Only by the SPIRIT is it possible to become the love of God on earth. Only in a personal one on one Spirit relationship of intimate connection in becoming one with Spirit God can our whole being, spirit, soul, and body be consumed in passionate love with God.
God wants to set many Christians free from a cultural mindset of intellectual or mental preeminence and transform them to a Spirit preeminence of life. God’s design is that we are first Spirit beings. Our mind, will, and emotions are to be in subjection to our Spirit that is made alive by the indwelling Spirit of God.
Seeking the kingdom of God is seeking the preeminence of Holy Spirit ruling over and guiding our minds and intellect. The love of God fills and empowers us by His Spirit within as one Spirit with us.
It is vain to rise up early and stay up late striving to understand and know the things of God and His love. Seeking our natural minded mental understanding of all things is seeking dominance over God with human intellect.
SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD by the SPIRIT, and the understanding of all things will be added to you.
Humanly we cannot get or understand the things of God. The things God has prepared for us in His kingdom are revealed to us by the Spirit, not by our natural human understanding. “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. 10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” 1 Corinthians 9:12.
Education without God causes the soul to strive in the kingdom of men in this life and to remain void of the Spirit and the kingdom of God.
Education with and by the preeminence of the Spirit frees the soul from the everlasting death of strife in this life and guides into the kingdom of God everlasting life in this life now.
Come out from among them and be you separate, touch not the unclean, and I will be a Father to you and guide you into all life in my everlasting kingdom now in this life. (2 Corinthians 6:17-18).
There cannot remain a vacuum in the spirit of mankind. Either the spirit of darkness will prevail and eventually destroy us in the kingdom of darkness, or the Spirit of light will fill us with the light of God and bring us to everlasting life in the kingdom of light.
If the Holy Spirit of God does not fill our hearts and become the dominant Spirit of our lives, then the empty place in our hearts will be filled by evil spirits of darkness. All matter of unimaginable evil life will result from the spirits of demons taking over and driving the mentality and intellect of man.
Dear friends, please hear the Spirit clearly here and now. There is no such thing as neutral secularism! Either the Spirit of God will reign in the life, or the spirits of the devil will over time bring about false beliefs and false religions that lead away from the light of God into everlasting darkness.
Fall on the rock of ages, Christ Jesus, and ask to be saturated by SPIRIT GOD NOW! Do not fear, your Heavenly Father LOVES YOU and will receive your life into His Spirit and FILL YOU WITH HIS SPIRIT LIFE NOW! Ask God to immerse you in His Holy Spirit and saturate your heart and life with his Spirit and Love. Let the joy of the Lord fill your soul.
Ask Him to open your mouth and loose your tongue to speak His mysteries by the Spirit. Proclaim the victory of the glorious mysteries of the kingdom of God in you flowing out to change the world.
“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32.
Ronald D McGatlin
The world has changed little, it still has its cycles and days, weeks and months. Yet the changing of the Sons of God is profound. They are in the world, but no longer are they being part of the world. The world with all its dazzling offers has lost its shine to those who are the Sons. The words of the world no longer tickle their ears, the lusts of the flesh are no longer worth the setbacks they cause, and the traditions of man can no longer entertain them for hours. The cycle of Sunday is like the cycle of the world, same time, same place, and same messages about overcoming the man of flesh, same percent, same outline- greetings, worship, prayer, tithe and offering, prayer, message (dealing with the flesh), prayer, final message, band. Across the majority of all Christian denominations this is their Sunday routine, despite all the differences they claim to possess. Yet we have been deceived into thinking that this is the leading of the Spirit. The coming together for fellowship is a wonderful gift, I am not discounting this meeting together for encouragement and advancement. But we are to be lead by the Spirit. We cannot dictate the Spirit, and yet we try.
Nothing, but the Kingdom, will satisfy the Sons of God. Life without it is worthless and mundane. Those who have been changed cannot simply go back to life before. The cares of world have lost all flavor. The enemy hasn’t the slightest place in their minds. Why? Because all has been surrendered to the Father, so the Fathers will in their lives will always come to pass. Their battles haven’t been with the enemy, it has been with the crucifixion of the old man and his fleshly ways. The lives of the Sons of God are no longer mundane, they see more than the realm of the visible, they feel more than the flesh of man, they are being elevated and nothing on earth will satisfy the longing they feel, for the Father has called their name. Their longing isn’t for heaven, high in the clouds with wonderful angels singing to the Father. No their longing is for Heaven on Earth. Which is the desire of the Father as well, it will established first within and then through. The desire of the Fathers will cannot be quenched and thus all who are called. Respond. Forsake all for the Father with no regard for self.
Janelle Hatten
3. News Headlines
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