Is much chaos around you? Are you facing one challenge after another? Does hell seem to erupt against you in routine fashion? Do you see the world in greater levels of decay? The systems of men are dying; Babylon is falling and chaos spills over this planet is grand fashion. Could it be the chaos will get worse; the attacks against us more fierce? The answer is “absolutely!” Chaos is the new normal. “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds…” Again, chaos is the new normal, but His elect will stand up, stand strong, and stand out as lights in an ever darkening world. Masses will run to the light!!!

On the surface more chaos seems devastating; but as always, the devil overplays his hand. As the chaos increases, so too does our rest (in Him). In fact, we are learning that a Divine upgrade is offered; a deeper, more abiding, continuous place of rest; above the fray, beyond the reach of the flames that roar around us. As Shadrack, Meshack, and Abendigo, the furnace is ten times hotter but the heat cannot touch us. How can this be? Hope deferred makes the heart sick, we are weary beyond words, how can we sustain these attacks? The answer is simple – we cannot! We can no longer stand on our own two feet.

There is a Master Key to all Kingdom advancement, upgrade, achievement and it is found in Isaiah 46. Those who cling to ‘man dependency’ in any way, most often self, will find this form of idolatry extremely hazardous to health. YOU are not equipped to fight this battle. However, the upgrade is “Resting in the knowledge that He has upheld us since conception, carried us since birth; even to old age and gray hair” (see Isaiah 46). He made us, carries us, rescues us, and sustains us. He and He alone is our righteousness and salvation. As we seek first the Kingdom we are also implored to seek His Righteousness (right standing with God). Verse 13 of Chapter 46 in the Book of Isaiah is a Master Key. “Positional Rest” are words that come to me. Righteousness is a result of “positional rest,” seated with Him in Heavenly places far above all principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. When this position is realized and accepted, REST is the result, proper government is established within us, and restoration (being totally restored) comes.

Read verses 12 & 13 of Isaiah 46 – He is bringing about His righteousness. We are not to just seek first the kingdom of GOD but also “His righteousness, And then all these things shall be added…And his salvation shall not tarry.” We won’t wait long to see the manifestation of His salvation noted in verse 13. ‘His righteousness,’ right standing IS the awareness of being seated with Him in heavenly places – this is the faith of resting in GOD. The Lord is my Shepherd (my friend and companion), and I am seated next to Him with Jesus in a spiritual place (you are watching what is happening below). This awareness is positional rest – the knowledge of ‘where you are.’ REST is knowing where you are. REST is our new weapon: REST is righteousness (seated far above all aspects of earthly activity). Those who learn to live in His Rest will not only survive but thrive in today’s world of collapsing systems. Your rest is your weapon, causing you to soar far above the confusion and chaos of a decaying, dying world. God is preparing a banquet table before you in the presence of your enemies. You are ‘growing and becoming and you don’t even know how’ – it is just happening!

True Rest is the place of arrival (the City not built with human hands), where you no longer strive or try to achieve – you are content that your provider provides what He wants you to have, and whatever that is is enough. He is my defender, protector, healer, and provider – I need nothing else. In this, I REST!

THE POWER IS IN THE REST, being in His Presence, the secret place, the place of deeper encounters with Him. To REST is to soar with Him – the two go hand-in-hand. GREAT BREAKTHROUGH IS COMING TO THOSE WHO ENTER INTO HIS REST. The Captain of the Lord of Host is with you always; He will never leave or forsake you. Rest is the ultimate form of trust, even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death – He is with me. In this, I REST!

Clay Sikes

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