In This Issue
1. Kingdom Reality Replacing Religion – By Ronald D McGatlin
In recent decades we have seen the release of heavenly authority to many who have turned from religion to the reality of life in God. The mighty works of Father God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit have now become reality in this season. The Pentecostal power that had morphed into a religious form is becoming living reality in God’s people. In recent years we have experienced the waning of religious form and the beginning of true kingdom reality for maturing sons and daughters of God.
That which past generations have preached and hoped for but did not truly experience has become the reality of our lives in this season. Seemingly without effort the supernatural miraculous works of Jesus have come forth in God’s humble pure hearted people without even a hint of pride or merchandising. That which we, in times past, said that we believed and tried to make happen is being done by the power of God abiding in His holy humble people. Truly the priesthood and the kingship of Christ are becoming manifest in His body of believers on earth.
Do not look for this as a big show. It is seen in multitudes of humble gatherings, small and large that are veiled to those who are not willing to receive the fresh reality of kingdom life.
Religious striving has been and is still passing away among God’s kingdom people.
Religion has ruled the world under the prince of this world – the prince of the power of the air. (Ephesians 2:1-10).
Religion is powerless without believers/followers. The devil has no power over those in whom Christ fully dwells as savior, Lord and King by the Holy Spirit of God. Satan’s only means of control is deception. In order to deceive the devil often infiltrates religions with his cunningly devised partial truths mixed with the deadly poison of twisted lies. Twisted truth can be word for a past season projected into the new season.
The New and Greater Covenant (Hebrews 7:22, 8:6, 12:24).
Religious ceremonies, rituals, sacrifices, offerings and keeping of feast served its purpose in the old covenant. However, it was and is out of place in the greater new covenant. In the current season religion is out of order and relationship Spirit to spirit by Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit is in order.
IN THIS SEASON NOW, religion is seen to be man-made. However, it really originates from the dark spiritual world of the enemy. The only authority the enemy has is the authority we allow him to have. Deception is his primary weapon.
The enemy was in the garden with Adam and Eve but was completely powerless until he deceived Eve and then Adam. The devil must deceive human beings to usurp the authority given to mankind to rule in the world.
To usurp our authority, the devil must separate us from the reality of life with God and entice us to follow him. The more he can make his false religion look like the reality of life in God, the more easily he can deceive people into following him and releasing their God-given authority to rule in this world. Religion is designed to placate the innate desire in the hearts of men for life in God.
“And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. Ephesians 2:1-3.
The Precious among the Vile
The recent decades have been a season of separation for sanctification and connection for preparation. God led His people into an intense time of preparing for this season of devastating circumstances and at the same time glorious Spirit life in Him.
The kingdom of God that had been formed within us is now manifesting under cover from the world in precious spiritual gatherings. In these God connected groups and gatherings, the manifest presence of God is spiritually bringing together a prepared people to endure the hard times and to plant the kingdom of God into the entire world.
During and after the season of devastation, the fullness that has developed and is still developing under cover will be and is now being released into the world.
The clearing and the deep plowing of the land of this world will leave little to none of the previous world order and fully prepare the soil of this world to receive the seed of the kingdom planted by the prepared people of God. Thus the Bride City of God, the New Jerusalem, is becoming reality on earth.
Draw near to God
By far the first and primary area of preparation for every child of God is intensely relating to God in the Spirit. Of course, this should have always been our priority. However, it truly must be our number one focus in this season.
All other preparations will be of little or no value if we are not truly seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness FIRST in our lives. Intimately relating to God in the Spirit and becoming one with Him will release the authority of heaven within us to supernaturally accomplish the will and plan of God. Clear direction from God through praying in the Spirit and hearing in our spirit is enabling us to walk through turbulent times without fear.
As we walk in oneness with God, we must hear and obey what He speaks for us personally to be and to do. He can prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies. God may use some of us to be a part of growing and preparing the food for that table. Others may be used in preparing for other needs, for other provisions and services. Extremely basic life will develop with the necessities of life locally grown, made or built from whatever is available and with whatever tools are available.
If we are truly one with God and are obediently doing what He says when He says, the Spirit will coordinate the works of all to fit together in the kingdom lifestyle.
Through the life of God in us, we shall overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony and not loving our lives to the death. (Revelation 12:11). Whether we live a long life or a short time in this body, we are the Lord’s and will never be apart from Him. (Romans 14:8). Our great desire is to fully serve Him and to accomplish all He has given us to be and to do in this life.
We are very important to one another and closely knit together in Him as each joint supplies its part. (Ephesians 4:15-16). This is more acutely seen and experienced in the seasons of devastation in this world and the glorious season of experiencing the deepest river of His love filling us with His life and flowing the glory of the kingdom to one another. The glorious kingdom lifestyle is available within us now. The kingdom is truly at hand in this day of the Lord.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and depart from evil.
It will be health to your flesh,
And strength to your bones.” Proverbs 3:5-8.
Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32.
Ron McGatlin
The 7 Mountain influence has been around for years, yet now ‘rising’ with prominent influence in respective spheres. Kingdom minded individuals are finding service in their callings in the most unlikely of places – in our case, the marketplace. Years ago 100 year old (true) Apostle, Arthur Burt, spoke mightily in Liberty County, Georgia. He stated, “As the church age transitions into the Kingdom age, the gospel of preaching will yield to an even higher gospel of ‘demonstration’ (in the Kingdom age). The blood of the Lamb and the word of testimony will demonstrate overcoming power – Revelation 12 is packed with understanding. Remember this, a man without a testimony is a man with a theory. If he isn’t teaching from testimony, he is not providing what he possess (first hand) – BEWARE! “Gold and silver have I none, but SUCH AS I HAVE I GIVE YOU!” The past emphasis on revelation is now showing up as ‘DEMONSTRATION’ – an awesome gospel; backed by testimony, delivered by impartation…an advanced version of revelation. The lame beggar who received his healing from Peter never heard a Gloria Copeland teaching tape on healing – he instantly received an impartation to “stand up and walk.” Men (women) walking in power (with great testimonies) are imparting the same overcoming power to others, which is an immediate ability to accomplish what previously was unavailable. These gifts are not limited to what religious minds define as gifts.
Territory you are designed to ‘take’ is designed to oppose you…and oppose your assignment to “take it.” Overcomers joining overcomers are dangerous to the world’s system (Babylon). There are giants and thick walls in the promised land: Let me say again, “THERE ARE GIANTS AND THICK WALLS IN THE PROMISED LAND.” To escape the wilderness, you must routinely face and conquer giants (impossible situations), discouraging circumstance, setback, heartbreak, and difficulty…and the naive mentality of “this just cannot be God, I want my leaks and onions”…but if you know YOU WIN you will fight with courage, while realizing ‘the old man’ will not get in, just as the old generation did not under Moses’ direction. You must get beyond human comprehension to take the land. You must know deep down that what you face cannot have victory over you UNLESS YOU ALLOW IT. YOU MUST HAVE THE NEW MIND OF JOSHUA AND CALEB. Today is the day of your salvation! Moses never decided on a 40 year thing either, he decided on one thing for 40 years; “one day, some day, just not today!” This old mindset must die, or you will die never attaining your inheritance – many today are STUCK right here; waiting and hoping for something to happen instead of mounting a charge and moving! And I’m not talking about getting ahead of God here.
How do you find your purpose? The Religious Church and much of Christianity unknowingly delayed us of true God-appointed purpose with false narratives dividing us as cattle with terms like secular and clergy. If you find a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. For the most part, I count that one of the biggest blessings of life. Over the span 50 years in business (40 as a man of God), lessons have emerged – 1) My work is my calling. 2) Work with God, not for Him. 3) Don’t work for favor, work with favor. 4) Recognize your appointment from heaven. How do you build something you’ve never seen? Title Deeds of Revelation (God unlocking secret places for you – your future); connecting with overcomers who have a testimony. God doesn’t want us to know His thoughts; He wants us to think them. We can indeed do “all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us.” We are appointed and anointed in the sphere of our calling.
We are challenged to graduate from ‘deficit’ thinking to a ‘destiny’ mentality – “attending to the works God prepared for us before the foundation of the earth.” When you find ‘your work’ you will likely find your purpose; convergence will link you to key people in the Body. Visionaries and overcomers are those key people that link us to destiny.
We must learn to think from the future; to ‘see it’ and make decisions based on what ‘we see,’ not what we’ve seen. Many are bound to ‘reactive thinking’ from past perspectives and history. God implores is to get passed the past – to think proactively not reactively. To see what you’ve never seen you must ‘see’ with different eyes – only the Holy Spirit can give you this: His wisdom through His gifts to you. A religious spirit will block what God intends. I will say that again, “a religious spirit will block what God intends,” and the false narrative of relegating, as 2nd class, any who are NOT in “full time ministry” has had a major impact in preventing a powerful and real Church, but we are seeing this lie fade like green grass in winter.
God designed ‘unity’ AS HIS FORCE MULTIPLIER. In the Kingdom, no man is an island – it will not work in a Kingdom environment. The strength of any one individual is multiplied exponentially when connected to something greater than self. Individuals connected to other individuals (convergence), flowing in common purpose have massive ability. Capabilities rise beyond former boundaries – old ceilings become new floors. Accomplishments, previously unattainable, become readily available – the strength and power of the moving herd possesses momentum, know how, confidence, ability. One can put a thousand to flight, two can put ten thousand to flight. What can ten do? The weakest link is suddenly emboldened by group power. A rising tide lifts all boats. The greatest impediment to convergence today is division, single mindedness, individuality, looking out for number one – a little leaven unleaventh THE WHOLE LUMP! A body is designed to function well unless some part ceases to exist or is broken or sick. Accordingly, the exception to this exciting (rising tide) phenomenon are always individuals seeking ‘personal rights’ while foregoing personal responsibility to the greater good. As unchristian as this may sound, getting those people off the bus is as important as getting the right people on it. A team is not a team when individuals deviate from the structure and flow of the team – when individuals prefer self at the expense of the whole. We, as a body, have battled this cross current in the past.
Perhaps for the first time since Coastal Solar was formed, there seems an almost organic flow as each part lends his/her strength to help another. We aren’t there yet, but we are learning. This sowing among individuals; the unselfish willingness to aid others is creating an invisible flow, producing opportunity and results with much less toil. Unity is to God what division is to the devil. Serve each other; help each other. Freely give and it will be freely given to you. Find those of destiny. Find your calling. Find what produces the greatest joy in you and thrive – God loves it!
Clay Sikes
4. News Headlines
House Passes Trump-Backed Prison Reform Bill, Now It’s in the Senate’s Hands May 23, 2018 “America is a nation that believes in the power of redemption.” -President Donald Trump Emily Jones : May 23, 2018 : CBN News [CBN News] The House passed a bipartisan bill Tuesday that would help give prison inmates a second chance at life. (Photo: Prison…
Paraguay Joins the US and Guatemala in Moving Their Embassy to Jerusalem; and a ‘Robust’ Defender of Israel Bernard Lewis Passes at 101 May 23, 2018
“I thank you on behalf of the State of Israel for your decision to move the Paraguay Embassy to Jerusalem. The decision demonstrates the depth of our ties and constitutes further strengthening of our sovereignty in Jerusalem.” -Israeli Public Security…
President Trump’s Title X Proposal Applauded by Leading Black Women May 22, 2018
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I heard a shocking statistic I immediately wanted to share with you. Did you know that 70% of Christians who leave home end up losing their faith by the time they graduate from College? Let that sink in – your children have a 70% probability of losing confidence in…
Prayer Alert: 20 Pastors Killed in Horrific Cuban Plane Crash May 21, 2018
The group of clergy had spent a number of days meeting in the capital before boarding the doomed flight, which was headed for the province of Holguin. Will Maule : May 21, 2018 : Faithwire.com (Cuba)—[Faithwire.com] Twenty evangelical priests have been confirmed dead…
Is North Korea reviewing their human rights issues? May 21, 2018
North Korea (MNN) – Earlier this month, North Korea released three US prisoners—an exciting and long-awaited development. By Julie BourdonMay 21, 2018 The three men are Kim Dong-chul, Tony Kim, and Kim Hak-song. Kim Dong-chul was arrested in 2015 and then sentenced…
Young Syrian refugee forgets aspirations of terrorism in light of the Gospel May 20, 2018
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The power of prayer in refugee camps May 18, 2018
Lebanon (MNN) – Is there really power in prayer? Triumphant Mercy is working with and prays for refugees in Lebanon and they say yes. “It’s amazing how God just turns hearts,” Triumphant Mercy’s Nuna says. . By Lindsay SteeleMay 10, 2018 . “This is our prayer…
How President Trump’s ‘Title X’ Proposal Will Protect Pre-born Life May 18, 2018
President Trump’s Proposal Targets Planned Parenthood: Protects the Unborn. It does not cut funding or family planning services but makes clear that abortion is not considered family planning. Ben Kennedy : May 18, 2018 : CBN News (Washington, DC)—[CBN News]…
Prayer Alert News: UK, Europe, and Worldwide May 18, 2018
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