Heaven is pressing in on the atmosphere like never before. It will be a season when things in us that need to be removed will start to show up. Let pressure produce purging.

Sadly, it’s also a season when Hell will SLANDER the chosen. Ever notice how when someone is slandered, it puts a slime over your spirit toward that person? It affects you. Catch it when it happens and keep yourself in the love of God.

Love attracts Heaven. Slander attracts Hell. How about you? Have you sensed the pressure of the accuser coming to divide people lately? Does it not seem that the source of slander is often jealousy?

You Must Go Up and Go Through

I knew the moment I got this word: “You must go up and go through,” that this was a word for many. My audience (social media) is like a highly prophetic focus group; I shared it on Facebook and it went viral in 2013, because I knew this would be our lot for the coming years. That time has now come.

“…I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in Heaven.” (Revelation 4:1)

There is a door now opened—in the heavens. You must go up to go through!

This has felt like a season of colliding spiritual climates. A season of erratic warfare: release and heaviness, brilliant light followed by sudden darkness—and not just in the same day—sometimes the same ten minutes!

While praying, my wife contacted me and said she heard the words,”A changing of the guard.” I’m not sure what all that means to you, but the atmosphere has shifted and the angelic realm is upgrading all around you!

I sensed the Lord saying to us, “I am going before you.” There has been a distinct advance and change of activity in the heavens. We are contending for destiny, and that individual destiny is connected to our individual position in the spirit.

More specifically, our promotions are now connected to the strength of our inner man; our capacity to go up and go through the door of transition into a new anointing and new season of harvest. The door is open…the voice is calling…the timing is now.

In Revelation when John looked and saw the open door, it was “standing” not moving. It was “in Heaven” not on earth. This is a door made available in the spirit realm—right over your existing situation.

I see now the reason for the seemingly violent shifts of atmosphere. It is because our spirit man must grow in strength in order to access and go into this new dimension. If we are to see more Heaven on earth, we must be seated in this heavenly realm.

Open Door In Heaven (Right Above Your Existing Circumstance) = More Grace and Increase

Then John heard, “…Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this” (Revelation 4:1). John was told that when he went through the door into the next dimension, he would see things to come. A heightened level of prophetic perception is operating in those who have strength to see and hear—to go through (and stay through) the open door.

If we will stay in this heavenly dimension of authority, the things that vexed and harassed and clung to us will fall off. There is an anointing for upgrade upon us now. Previous performance won’t disqualify you. Heaven is calling you up into a closer intimacy—a more glorious obsession with the Godhead. This is the secret to the overcoming life.

This means less of all the weights and restrictions that held you down during the last season of wrestling. No one can do your work for you, but you do not need to ascend alone. In fact, if you go with the right people you create a habitation, a container if you will, to host His presence on earth. Let’s go up and go through together! As one

Lance Wallnau
Lance Learning Group
Contact:  lance@lancelearning.com

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