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By Ron McGatlin

Spirit God is in this season revealing heavenly truth, hidden in ages past to be revealed in this season of Hisstory. Mysteries of God that cannot be understood by natural human minds are being imparted by Holy Spirit into the spirit and hearts of His children. The NEW ERA of life exists in the new perimeters of mysteries beyond natural life. (Matthew 13:11) (Colossians 1:26-27) (1 Corinthians 2:6-11).

These deep profound and powerful issues of heavenly truth are keys to unlocking profound life reality of God with us in the emerging new era. The shallowness of our human understanding veiled from the brilliant light of deeply buried treasure is not of great use in becoming one with the vaporous substance of the reality of Spirit God. The brilliant Spirit light of God is not seeable by the natural human understanding. The brilliance comes unseen from the deep inner core of God’s Spirit creation center. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) (Matthew 13:44).

Revealed heavenly truth may be more felt than seen in the deep Spirit flux of the consuming saturation of Spirit creating afresh and anew the sinew, muscle, bones, blood, and every cell of our being. Love is the core substance of God infilling our spirit, soul, and body. We can literally feel the very real love of God in us toward people and a strong desire to give them of the vast reservoir of the resources of the substance of God in us.


Enduring pain and suffering of unjust persecution and vilifying words and acts against us, even by those we love, are all part of truly becoming a new creation. (1 Peter 2:19-21) (Matthew 5:10-11, 38-42).

We are becoming a new person, because the old person that we were is being crucified with Christ and the new person of Spirit Christ is moving in to live where our old self once lived. The flow of His Spirit love fills all the void left by the departure of the old self-life. So it is that we can say with Paul, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20.

The flux of Spirit frequency flowing into us has great effect on our being. From the depth of our spirit, into our thought process and into every cell of our bodies, we feel the workings of God. It is the LOVE of God that we feel transforming our spirit, soul, and body into love. This changes how we feel, think, and act about everything. We truly love our enemies and joyfully do good to those who hate us. We give to those who take from us and bless those who curse us. We are a new creation. We are humbled as a true Son of God, a bondservant, king, and priest. Matthew 5:43-48).


In the passing religious church age, if you asked most Christians, “Do you love Jesus?” They probably would quickly reply, “Yes!”

We may have had only a head knowledge of Christ Jesus and His love. In response to the intellectual knowledge of His love, we may have had a mental level of responding in loving Him back. Yet many, if not most of us, had not yet truly experienced the passionate overwhelming love of God in the core of our beings. We may have never experienced the intense feelings of deep desperation of passion for God and for His people around us.

We may have felt the reality of a deeply passionate romantic relationship with a sweetheart or spouse. There may have been feelings of deep overwhelming love for our children, especially when they were very young. We may have had strong feelings for things of this life such as sports, possessions, business success, or even chocolate. Yet most of us probably had no thoughts of greater deeper passionate consuming feelings of love for God, His people, and His world. Deep passionate love for God, His people, and His world is like our hearts are broken for them as desire to bless them and help them overwhelms us.

Our hearts desire is that all would come to this place of passionate love in God. All of their painful problems and disorders could be fixed, if they only possessed the beauty of God’s love filling their hearts and lives. If they could truly experience the pure holy passion of His love, everything would change to peace and joy in the midst of God’s love and righteousness.


I’ve a question for those of you reading this who are already “there” at that place of love now. How did you get to this place of being totally consumed with the passionate love of God? Others may want to know. It might be a good idea to write the story of your journey into the experience of the consummated oneness of being truly in love with God in Christ by the Holy Spirit.

I am reasonably sure that most, if not all of us, would write of painful death type experiences of loss and brokenness that ended our life as it was. We may have been “born again” in the past and wanted to be and do godly things in life. Yet our times of success were again and again turned into failures or at least disappointments. Even our worldly successes became painfully empty.

Finally a total death to our desires and goals of life brought a pain-filled end of desperation. We may have thought we had died before but always seemed to be able to revive a little hope that we could try one more time. But at the final end, there was no more hope for our old life. It truly totally died!


The assets and resources of heaven are readily available to Christ in us. Conjoined with Christ as one Son of God, we experience and feel the love, purity, and willing obedience to Father God that makes us totally safe to handle the ultimate power of God. Love in us will only do and say what we hear and see the Father doing and saying.

By the Spirit Christ within, we can know the hearts of men and the hidden workings of this world. We can see as Christ saw in His incarnate body. We do the works that He did and greater works. Mysteries of heaven and hidden secrets of darkness are visible to Christ in us. We are in continuous communication with Father God. The angels of God are available to Christ in us.

All of this is not something we seek after to use or consume in any way apart from the perfect will of God. Everything is done only as Father God does it, and we carry it out in this world.


There are many important issues and matters in life that are needful for everyone to connect with and relate to in our time here on earth. Life in the world has become complicated and even frustrating as man searches to understand intellectually how to relate to these major issues of life on Planet Earth.

Currently the world is in great need for the governance of God to reorder the world through His Son in His many sons on earth.

The reordering of the world to the kingdom of God is upon us now and will be for generations.

A major division of nations is in process. The presence of Christ in His people is now dividing all nations into two nations: the SHEEP and the GOAT nations or peoples on earth. The one criteria in determining sheep or goat is the love of God evidenced in serving Christ Jesus by blessing Jesus in His people. (Matthew 25:31-46).

The sheep are entering the kingdom of God on earth. The goats are entering into perdition (utter destruction).

In this process that is taking place, the division is blatantly visible. There is no ability for the goats and the sheep to communicate. It is as if there were two completely different languages; the goats hear something very different from what the sheep are saying. Attempts to communicate truth of God to them can drive them into an insanely wild frenzy.

Keep in mind that at the core this is not a political or racial or any other natural distinction. It is the distinction of THOSE WHO LOVE GOD AND THOSE WHO DO NOT LOVE GOD or His people. It is the loving judgment work of Christ Jesus dividing the nations.


The Sons of God also love everyone. Please understand that does not mean that God blesses everyone equally. Yes, Christ died for everyone. But He does not live in everyone.

He lives in everyone who loves God. These are the ones who receive Him into their lives by the Holy Spirit. These are the ones who he blesses.

We as sons of God cannot bless those who God does not bless. We may seem to them as a curse from hell.

Yes, the sun rises on all, and the rain comes on all, and all have the natural provision and earthly benefits. However, the greater blessings of the kingdom of heaven are not for those who God is not blessing.

This is not political correctness nor is it legalism. It is heavenly righteousness and loving judgments of God.

Love the LORD with all your heart, mind, and soul. Lift your voice and your life to worship Him, for God alone is worthy. Seek first the kingdom and His righteousness, and all things of life will be added to you. Arise and shine, for the glory of God is risen upon you.

Ron McGatlin

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