In This Issue
2. THE WAR – By Clay Sikes
3. News Headlines
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By Ron McGatlin
Much of the western world has adjusted to bondage that gradually overtook them in the name of freedom. A false freedom of indulgence in carnality free from spiritual truth, love and righteousness has stolen the sanity of the confused once sound minds of the people. Many of the people of the nations are imprisoned in darkness of bondage apart from God. In general they have little or no respect for God or God’s people.
The world was in a similar state when Christ Jesus the Son of God became the Son of man and came to earth born of a virgin as a baby, a human being but without lineage to the Adamic fallen world. God came to earth in the body of a man to set the captives free and reclaim the world. The world was filled with darkness, from the lowliest beggar to the kings there was darkness. Even the Jewish Pharisees and Sadducees, the religious leaders of that season, were in darkness (John 8:44).
The light of God in Christ Jesus came to the world to overcome the darkness and set the people free to again walk in the light of the kingdom of God. Everywhere Jesus and His disciples went they encountered the darkness of demons and diseases. They brought healing and deliverance to all who came to Jesus the Son of God, the Light of the world.
The prayers of the saints have been heard and the onslaught of wickedness against God and His people has been seen from heaven and blatantly exposed on earth. The purging of the religions that had replaced Christ Jesus as head are coming down and the false foundation that has been built is crumbling under the hammers of the persecutors. The nations are being shaken into rubble and eventually nothing that is lifted up against God shall stand. (Hebrews 12:26) (Isaiah 2)
My fellow followers of Christ, this is the time of our arising into the place of our calling. Every one of us are equipped with the Spirit and the words of God to set the captives free.
Pray and obey and the light of God will turn up to a new level of brilliance in and upon you. Christ in you is the light of the world. Every person that comes to your light will hear your words of healing and deliverance. In this most urgent time the supernatural power of God is flowing to set the captives free with a word in the brilliant light of His love. What may not have worked in the past can work now (Isaiah 2:21) (Isaiah 60:1-2).
What you were afraid to do or say will be strengthened now with holy boldness of pure holy love. Lay aside every weight of concern or doubt and step out upon the water by His spirit and either it will part before you are you will walk comfortably upon the waves of troubled times. There is nothing the devil can do to stop you as you simply use the faith that God is putting within you. Simply believe and all things are possible unto you in this season of harvest and change in this world.
Staying in bondage and adjusting to sickness and disease and lack of power and provision has its comfort to the darkened soul. Rotting away in the pleasure of carnality is effortless and always feels good for the moment. Therefore things will get worse for the captives of carnal pleasure while things are getting better in the pure light of God with each of us who turn to God with our whole heart.
Like the eagle removing the fluff from the nest causes the young birds to no longer be comfortable in their once softly padded world so it is for many believers and seekers. Within their minds to this point they have only known very limited movement within the nest. They only know the comfort of the nest and walking about on solid footing. Perhaps deep in their minds are thoughts of soaring freely in the air. However, their minds limit them to clinging to the solid sticks of the nest.
Their minds do not tell them that they can fly and soar into the heavenlies. The parent eagles make them very uncomfortable in the nest and may eventually push them off the edge into the thin air causing them to try their wings. If they fail and are falling the parent eagle will fly under them and catch them. Soon they are soaring freely in the heavenly and never return to the confines of the limited movement of the nest.
God is calling and now even pressing believers to step out into the supernatural air of the heavens of Spirit life, to soar into the life that He has prepared for us. When the world crumbles around us and the comfortable life nest we have been in is no longer there, God is taking us to a greater life soaring in the Sprit and bringing His deliverance and healing to all who will turn to Him with their whole hearts.
God is also removing His protection and provision from the disobedient nations. And eventually will give the nations to those who love Him. In all of this the people of God are now empowered to heal and deliver and many of the captives are ready to turn away from their indulgent carnal life and mental attitudes of entitlement that has overtaken them. Many will turn toward the great light of God shining from us and around us (Isaiah 60:1-18) (Matthew 4:16).
Forget about trying to save the nations and instead save the people and they will save the nations.
THE REASON FOR CHRIST’S COMING IN THE FIRST CENTURY AND NOW ABIDING IN HIS PEOPLE WAS AND IS TO HEAL AND DELIVER THE PEOPLE TO RE-ESTABLISH THE KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Every person returning to God from their bondage is a mighty soldier in the remnant army that is establishing the glorious kingdom of God, redeeming the planet and all that is upon it, within it and around it to the beautiful kingdom of heaven. It is not just about making our lives better and getting us to heaven when we die. It is about the kingdom of heaven coming to earth – the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now, Romans 8:19-22.
Yes, there is heaven after we die and yes the people are better when healed and set free. They feel better and their lives are better but that is not the final end of the reason for the now urgent move of God on earth. The final reason is for the groaning earth to be set free from the bondage put upon it by the fallen world of people that were deceived by the devil and the anti-Christ spirits.
The end is near for the devil and the anti-Christ spirits controlling the people of the world. All the darkness that has foiled this world will be cleansed from the earth and from God’s people. Thus returning natural life to its original Garden of Eden quality.
The original and final purpose for mankind is to glorify God by “tending His garden” of planet earth. That is Christ in us ruling and reigning in the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven with and for Him. The whole earth and all that is upon it is to show forth the glory of God to all creation.
The mountain of the Lord will arise above all the mountains of life on earth and all the people shall come to the mountain and be transformed, renewed and restored to the pure holy mature Sons of God (Isaiah 2:2). All the earth shall rejoice in light of His glory in the New Jerusalem heart of His people and nothing that defiles shall enter into the city of God on earth (Revelation 21:25). The great mystery of “Christ in you the hope of glory” fulfilled in His presence. His jewels shall reflect His glory to all creation (Colossians 1:27).
First published November 18, 2016
Love never fails, and His kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin
2. THE WAR – By Clay Sikes
A war is raging as opposing forces stand in violent opposition to each other. While abundantly evident in the natural (world events), the spiritual scene is a bit subtler (individual struggles). Yet, inquire of those on the front lines of spiritual warfare and you will hear of life and death struggles, of attacks so brutal as to offer little in past comparison. Hell is ‘all out’ to make its presence known ‘on earth as it is in hell.’ The natural is but a prophetic reflection of the spiritual. Hate divides, separates, and energizes evil – its ultimate end is death! The division happening in the natural reveals itself as oppression in the spiritual. This violent oppression is targeted and laced with hopelessness and despair, as many front-liners stand as “prisoners of hope;” a hope anchored so deep that physical circumstances cannot detour the path. What is being withstood is without compare, as many have faced death in many forms, but like a granite rock withstanding crashing waves, remain immovable by the sheer power of God in them.
Where is this war leading? What are the solutions? What is the outcome? This war is leading us to victory; perhaps the sweetest ever. The solutions can only be found in following Kingdom mandates, that all begin and end with peace, righteousness, and joy in the Holy Ghost – the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Political correctness, false narratives, and Christian exaggeration will no longer control, as the light of evidentiary truth is rising above dark lies.
The question of “outcome” is not a one sentence answer; deserving and needing prophetic insight to understand. I will begin by quoting Arthur Burt and Graham Cook. “God allows in His wisdom, what He could have prevented in His power.” And yes, it is fair to say that those of who have withstood and continue withstanding are engaged in a war of life-changing, purpose filled, destiny igniting events. Be encouraged! To all soldiers, there is purpose in this war! Learn how to fight; learn how to win and stand your ground; learn how to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Transition mighty warrior – is God not sending you? Judges Chapter 6 awakens transition from (weak human to mighty man of God).
You are what you already need to be. You have what you have always sought – the power and authority to bring Kingdom evidence to earth as it is in heaven. The war has ‘awakened’ us to the mighty warrior residing within. It has awakened a sleeping giant and unleased a force to be reckoned with – men and women who know “It is not I who lives, but Christ in me.” The war has produced a deep inner abiding where Isiah 26:3 is the rule rather than the exception. This ‘inner force’ of dependent relationship has become a refuge and strength for every mighty warrior, as all strength emanates from relationship between man and his God. The war gets more intense; the man goes deeper into His God. The continuum of intensity eventually producing continued dependence that evolves into continued ABIDING. The level of hellish opposition directly proportionate to eventual Kingdom value.
There is a war going on as the Kingdom of God deepens its expression on earth as it is in heaven. As the light of Kingdom invades and displaces darkness, darkness seeks any and all places to hide (in us) – unforgiveness, lust, selfishness, greediness, love of money, jealousy, covetousness, bitterness, and one today’s biggest giants – lack of trust for God. Circumstance upon circumstance come to invade and expose darkness that may lie deep within. Be soft, pliable, and moldable in His hand as often what offends the greatest is exactly what God has sent to expose us (to us). The front end of offense is often revelation for us about us, but only a soft and pliable saint will bow to this truth. Finding the light of truth is often the result of exposing the darkness of a lie.
War is the catalyst for change. It changes the world, it changes nations, and most importantly, it changes people. These changes are often unfavorable, yet when tyranny, murder, genocide, and oppression are eliminated, the outcome is decidedly favorable. This spiritual war is no different with the exception of the certainty of the outcome – victory and advancement of the Kingdom. See your victory and His purpose within the framework of this war. The battle is won and is not yours to fight. See through the eyes of Joshua and not through the eyes of Moses, who said, “One day, some day, just not today.” Take the land; it is yours to take as the victory has been decided and you won. Do not remain penned in a life of uncertainty, where the outcome of the battle is unknown; your trust shaken and peace taken.
Arise mighty warrior, the battle was won by the shed blood at Calvary, and words of Jesus – “I have come to give you life, and give it more abundantly.” This is not a victory to be achieved, but rather a victory that has already been achieved – walk it out. Walk it out with great confidence that you bear no burden in this fight; simply walk it out! Accept your freedom from the process needed to prepare you for the greatest victory ever imagined. Trust that all things are indeed working together for your good; and do not fear evil reports. Stand up and proclaim (agree) with confidence what the Holy Ghost within you is saying – your victory has already been achieved. REST!
First Published July 20,2016
Clay Sikes
3. News Headlines
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