In This Issue
2. Characteristics Of The Kingdom: RESISTANCE – Video – Clay Sikes
3. “An Eternal Man – Coming out from God” – By Duane Stewart
4. News Headlines
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World transformation is first a new mindset in the people on earth. Renewed minds transform the people. The transformed people bring transformation to the world.
A new godly mindset begins with an infusion of the Holy Spirit that creates a new foundational atmosphere of love in the heart of a person.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…. Romans12:2.
Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2.
Today there is an intensely increased emphasis by the Spirit of God toward forming a new mindset in the people of Earth.
The people who occupy the “Seven Mountains*” of influence that rule the world by ruling the minds of the people of the world can only be changed by changing their hearts and minds. Their hearts must become filled with the one true Spirit God and their minds renewed to the love and ways of the kingdom of God.
Currently the collective mindset of the people that occupy the seven mountains of world influence is dominated by a false kingdom of evil principalities. (Ephesians 6:12).
The people must become again as little children empty of previously programed ungodly understandings and beliefs, and be renewed with the life and truth of the one living God Almighty.
It simply is not within the realm of human ability to cause a generation of mature human beings to become as a child with cleared open minds ready to receive new beliefs and understandings. However, all things are possible with God. (Matthew 19:26).
As a matter of biblical fact, God has provided the means for adult human beings to become as children again. Jesus said you must be BORN AGAIN, a new creation with all things made new. I am not sure that most of us have had any real understanding of the real significance of being born again and all things made new. (Matthew 18:3) (John 3:3) (2 Corinthians 5:17).
This has a lot to do with death of self and the resurrection life of Christ. Literally we are not born again until after we have died with Christ. Most of that which we believed and understood before must pass away, and a new life must be born within us in which all things are made new. (Galatians 2:20) (Romans 6:11).
We then can receive a new mindset as we become the mind of Christ. Christ living in us by the Holy Spirit provides renewal to the mind of Christ. We then gladly present our bodies as living sacrifices unto the Lord. Which becomes totally reasonable for us to do. Our minds become set on God, His word to us, and His presence with us. (1 Corinthians 2:15-16) (Colossians 1:26-27) (Romans 12:1).
Being born again is not the finish but the beginning. It is the start of growing by the renewing of our minds to align fully with the mind of Christ bringing forth the kingdom of God on earth.
What could possibly cause the masses of people who currently occupy the seven mountains of influence across the world to effectively die to who and what they are?
Personally I believe there is only one answer in two parts to that question. And it is exactly that which God is doing in the world today.
There must be a first fruits or seed people fully manifesting the love and glory of God.
And there must be an end to the ungodly lifestyle of the wicked.
First there must be a living prepared presentation to the world of the reality of the love of God in the hearts and lives of His people on earth. These living examples of Christ in a people are to show forth the fullness of the kingdom of God life of righteousness, peace, and joy in the love, power, and glory of God. Love and power are the two fundamental witnesses to the people on earth. (Romans 8:19) (2 Corinthians 4:6-11).
Secondly, there must come an end to the prosperity and wellbeing of the ungodly, so called elite, people now influencing the masses of people. (Psalm 37).
Corrective Natural World Events
The massive cleansing calamities of corrective cataclysmic events are in part the response of the “natural” order of the Earth’s out of balance systems. The imbalance of the planet’s systems are caused by the actions of unredeemed mankind. The extreme events are the natural systemic results of the imbalance created by the ungodly lifestyle of unredeemed fallen mankind.
These extreme events will destroy the prosperity of the wicked. This is a death type experience to many that will cause them to turn to the God lifestyle that is modeled before them by the “Christ in you” kingdom people. As they turn to God, the resurrection life of Christ will come into them. In one generation they can be transformed and become a part of turning the world to the rule of the kingdom of God.
The children of this changed generation filled with the attributes of the God of love will grow up to occupy the seven mountains of influence that bring forth the culture of the kingdom of God on earth.
Thus the world can be changed in a generation. The mountains of influence will then bring forth the truth of the love and power of God to all the masses of people around the world. The whole world will be filled with the glory of God.
The modern western world was on its way toward the fuller manifestation of the kingdom of God when something happened that allowed a takeover by spiritual darkness. A diabolical plan was set into motion to divert the advancing of the real kingdom of God. It was a long range scheme encompassing several generations.
The great tension in the earth since the fall of man has been and yet is the rule of God of heaven on earth, challenged and opposed by the rule of man as his own god.
The Unseen World War
“World War Three” began in the 1950s. It was such a different war that one side did not even show up to fight. The winning nations of the previous World War Two relaxed in the “nifty fifties” (1950s) and never awoke to fight in the war for the minds of the people.
While Christians slept and prosperity ruled in their hearts, the minds of their children were being stolen. False science developed false teachings that were taught as scientific facts that were designed to move the children’s minds away from the reality of faith in God.
Higher education turned from biblically compatible programs to godless humanistic centered teachings.
The young men and women who would become the teachers of the next generation were targeted for the removal of their faith and belief in God. The sleeping religious church systems ignored the gradual takeover of the minds of the people and eventually adapted much of the life philosophies propagated by the new false mindsets in the people.
The children with the false mindset trained into them grew up to become the teachers and influencers of the next generation of people. The false concepts of godless life (secular humanism) grew stronger and deeper. The enemy injected more and more degradation through concepts against the truth of God in each new decade of children.
The invention and development of the mass media of television and internet greatly increased the speed of the propagation of the false concepts of man as his own god in the masses of people.
Today the operative mindset of the people who occupy the seven mountains of world influence is dominated by false gods. The generation of leaders that now occupy the seven mountains of influence, especially the mass media and education, do not know the true God or the pathway to His kingdom on earth.
Welcome to the awakening of the reality that God is in charge and rules in and through the minds and hearts of His people on earth.
Welcome to the death of the culture that was and the resurrection of the kingdom of God, the King Jesus culture.
Welcome to the end of the world as it has been, and the beginning of the New World as it shall be forever more.
Awaken to the New Jerusalem, the Bride of Christ world of the kingdom of God coming down from heaven and manifesting in the made-new hearts and minds of the people of God – the people that are one with God in Spirit marriage producing the culture of heaven on earth.
The mysterious reality is now in our redeemed hearts and renewed minds to release the omnipotent power of ultimate love of Almighty God on earth. Only believe, and all things are now possible.
Be endued with the power of Spirit God. Throw off the restraints and bondages of the past and step into the realm of the Spirit God of all love and power. Set your mind on these things and don’t look back. Lift your eyes and feast upon the glory of the beauty of heaven’s life now in you with all love and power.
Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23.
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. John 14:12.
Love never fails, and
His Kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin
*Seven Mountains: The seven major structures of influences on the minds of the people thus the culture of the nation. The seven mountains of influence are:
Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, and Business
3. “An Eternal Man – Coming out from God” – By Duane Stewart
The mysteries of God, once hidden from the minds and eyes of fallen man, are now made available to His creation through that same Jesus Christ. This same message, the mysteries of God, are made known through the indwelling Holy Spirit as Paul the Apostle of Christ received the revelation of these mysteries. These mysteries, as revealed to Paul, and written through his letters is speaking of the gospel of the kingdom that is to now be ministered unto the world. A kingdom, manifesting as a witness unto all mankind that God’s creating purpose would be completely fulfilled as commanded by Jesus. Matt. 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come”.
“The end” as used in the above verse speaks of the ending of a “time of much trouble”. This period, even now is upon the earth to run its course until its completion and the ushering in of another time. This time of much trouble (read Matt. 24:4-14) speaks of a time of religious deception, social and political upheavals, natural calamities, disloyalty and persecution which becomes a forerunner leading up to a new beginning in God. According to God’s eternal purpose, this new beginning shall be the establishing of those who are to manifest that kingdom of God on the earth….
TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE GO HERE: https://www.openheaven.com/forums/topic/an-eternal-man-coming-out-from-god-by-duane-stewart/
3. News Headlines
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