2019 will be a year of launching new businesses and establishing fresh foundations for business professionals. There will be an explosion of opportunities making huge impacts. Miracles of success will occur in ministries, businesses and in the lives of God’s people. There will be promotions in careers and jobs, leading to financial breakthroughs. The bank accounts of God’s faithful will no longer leak money, but will begin to stabilize and steadily grow to meet needs and provide resources for building God’s Kingdom.
A Might Shift Across Political and Economic Systems
“There is a “fast-paced” movement by the Holy Spirit to cause a harvest which will draw people into the Kingdom like never before.“ |
There is a “fast-paced” movement by the Holy Spirit to cause a harvest which will draw people into the Kingdom like never before. There will be a mighty shift in the atmosphere across nations, and economies will be rebuilt stronger than before as the Holy Spirit moves to take over political and economic systems. What man said could not happen will first happen in the spirit realm, and then manifest in the natural realm. The rain of the Spirit will fall so heavily that it will cause an immediate transformation right before their eyes. God’s people will understand their purpose and calling, and walk in their true identity.
It is a great time to see marketplace ministry take hold, having a huge impact, bringing life and hope to those on the seven mountains. The marketplace ministry has been a four-legged stool, sitting on the ground without the fourth leg, never sitting stable. The fourth leg is now coming into play. The stool can finally sit firmly without falling and be used for its intended purpose. The Holy Spirit is sweeping across the land in a very strong way, integrating into corporate offices, buildings, and our educational system. It is a great season of miracles, conversion and success in the Kingdom.
New Strategies Will Be Released
New strategies will be released for those in marketplace ministry, giving them insight into how to minister effectively and expose the works of the enemy in these environments. The strategy used will be different than any other seen before. They will experience a magnet-like effect with increased favor, where co-workers will be drawn to the anointing in their own lives. A simple word of encouragement will cause a chain reaction in the spirit to draw the person into deep fellowship, bringing an amazing shift in the working world.
This new marketplace anointing will break glass ceilings and allow Believers to go higher than ever before in their careers into key leadership positions. Generational setbacks that go back 30 generations on both sides of their parents will be broken, freeing God’s people to fulfill their purpose. Just as the walls of Jericho fell, thick walls of resistance strategically placed by the enemy to oppose families, ministries, companies and job positions of the children of God will begin to crumble. (Photo via Unsplash)
As God’s people enter into worship, the presence of the Holy Spirit will come down like a heavy force and invade all areas, and the marketplace will become God’s habitation.
A Merging of the Church and the Corporate World
This marketplace anointing will break the chains off of the corporate world in a way that has not been seen before, and evoke a revival. Whereas in the past it took years for someone to go deep with the Lord, it will only take days or months to witness tangible growth in the Word and in the Spirit. Men and women from high corporate positions will begin to come into the Church, causing a new dynamic in the Body of Christ. It will be a drawing like never before. People in the corporate world will turn to the Kingdom for happiness, fulfillment and success. God’s Spirit will move mightily into businesses, using everyday working men and women, to inspire a movement within the marketplace.
“New strategies will be released for those in marketplace ministry, giving them insight into how to minister effectively and expose the works of the enemy in these environments.“ |
Ordinary workdays will be moments of complete transformation. In offices and cubicles, many will be filled with the Holy Spirit as if it were a church building. There will be no walls in God’s Kingdom. Women will see the calling in their lives, will take their places as marketplace ministers, and begin to have meetings to gather their co-workers to bond with them and lift them up. This movement will begin in the most unlikely places.
There will be a new wave of culture and atmosphere infused into businesses where the needs of many will be met. As Believers sit, work and interact, God will use them to heal hearts. Those who listen and understand this anointing will be effective in reaching the lost. Simply reaching out and meeting business men and women, co-workers and clients where they are, without fear or judgment, will be the key. As God’s people move in grace and understand, the power of kindness and care toward colleagues, supervisors and subordinates will open their hearts to them, and God’s people will bring healing to many broken hearts. Just prioritizing and meeting the needs of others will set people free.
As churches make accommodations to work with and meet needs in the marketplace, many lives will be saved and transformed. Churches will fill up as they learn to identify with marketplace individuals, and by using those in the marketplace as an extension of ministry teams.
Marketplace professionals serving as staff in churches will help advise the Church on how to serve those in the working world. Anointed CEOs and leaders will begin to rise up and take their place like never before in the Kingdom as they lead companies and departments. This anointing will carry the Kingdom by sweeping across homes, offices and buildings all over the world. It will sweep through in an undercover way. (Photo via Pexels)
The enemy has been defeated in the marketplace. His stronghold over corporate buildings and cubicles is being broken, and it is time for men and women in the marketplace to rise up with their talents and skills, and actualize their true identity in Christ. As they take dominion over new strategies for leadership and service from Heaven and work closely with apostles, prophets, evangelists and teachers in the Church, they will exert influence through the Spirit of God to advance the Kingdom. Not only will business people and those in the working world be impacted, but entire communities will be drawn in by a whirlwind of the Spirit sweeping across cities, towns and nations. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Chantell Cooley
Email chantell.cooley@csegroup.com
Website www.chantellmayescooley.com
Chantell Cooley is a successful entrepreneur and business woman on the cutting edge of 21st century education. She is Co-founder of Columbia Southern University (CSU), one of America’s leading online universities, and Senior Vice President and Co-owner of Columbia Southern Education Group where she oversees Business Development, Human Resources and Admissions. The daughter of a military veteran, a wife and mother of two, Chantell is familiar with the struggles of the average American and is a firm believer in education, changing lives and helping families find happiness. Mrs. Cooley is a tireless advocate for developing leaders and an energetic corporate/motivational speaker, specializing in a range of topics on leadership, education, business and ministry. Her latest book, Winning The Game Of Life, offers thought-provoking and practical life lessons that empower the reader to succeed in life.
Source: http://elijahlist.com/