It’s easy to see what is making America miserable: The Left has a firm grip on a lie while the church has a loose grip on the truth.

The left told America to turn her back on God. How’s that working? Every metric of quality of life in our nation shows the same trend: acute loneliness, emptiness and despair.

Liberals told America there are many ways to truth.  But, instead of enlightenment, it brought deeper darkness, deeper questions, and a growing inability to know truth.

Few Americans can make it through a day without alcohol, a toke, a pill, powder or a needle. Our children are taking their own lives over shoes, pictures on Instagram, and bullies at school.

Is this what happens when you tell God to leave? Did God leave the Democrat party after they booed Him at their convention?

The Left doesn’t want to own up to the misery of the inner cities they have controlled for 50 years. The left chants, “keep taking government money it will give you a future. Keep believing you are a victim, and you’ll stop being a victim.”

The left must keep a tight grip on a the lie of calling America racist.  Even if Obama’s election proved it is a lie.

The Left says they must silence opposing views. Weaponize heckling. Make it a veto on free speech. They’ve created young minds full of self-pity and fear.

The left says America is evil for not opening their borders. Wait what?! America is the most welcoming nation on earth. The overwhelming majority of the people on earth believe in strong borders. Most nations have much stricter border policies. But the lie must live on because democrats need new voters.

We are a nation at each other’s throats.  The left loves it that way.  Mobs not jobs is a totally justified accusation against the left.

They have a firm grip on a lie, but the church has a loose grip on the truth.

Did God also leave those entertainment worship centers that filtered out the Holy Spirit in favor of marketing?  The Left has no answer but shouts as if they did. The church has the answer and is silent as if they didn’t.  Leftist’s go on talk shows and spout madness with conviction. Christian celebrities go on the same show and can’t (or won’t) define sin.

Superstar Christian speakers said there are many ways to win a generation to God. We no longer need repentance, Bible preaching, or reliance on the Holy Spirit.  No matter what they boast the fact remains, they didn’t win lost souls so much as they moved gullible Christians away from Godly pastors into the shallows. Instead of making disciples they provide quarter for those who want a faith without works.

The Holy Spirit is not welcome in this place. They fear holiness the way snowflakes fear Ben Shapiro. They dread the power gifts of the Holy Spirit. They omit the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  The nation pays the price for their lukewarm faith.

America became miserable in part because some preachers told us not to judge. We ended up not being able to discern! Millions of so-called Christians vote for abortion and same sex marriage. We were powerless in America’s hour of need—too disoriented and morally ambivalent to push back on immoral laws. The Great Commission was plowed under the priority of church growth.

Both the left and lukewarm have this in common: they gave America false promises.

Stuck in the middle between the radical left and the lukewarm church are tens of millions of Americans who just want truth. They are paying taxes, raising kids, obeying laws, and they still love America. They are vulnerable to the raw power of the Gospel.

Also stuck between the radical left and the lukewarm church is the remnant of God. These are pastors, and regular Christians who are praying to go deeper. They are busy saying to each other, “the sideshow is not God, there’s more! No way can Satan win if we take our stand on the authority of the Cross!”  They are ready to deliver that raw power of the Gospel.

Woe onto you God haters and lukewarmers. Two radically wonderful groups are about to meet each other in the midst of this misery. God will see to it that the Americans who want deliverance and a life worth living will collide with the holy core of God who only want to obey the Holy Spirit.

A company of God’s people with a firm grip on the truth will loose many from the power of Satan.

Daniel 11:32  “Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”