Dear Struggling Saint:
Here is a word for the coming new year … I am not generally given to the dramatic, but this morning I awakened feeling, not only mildly but wildly dramatic. It began, long before daylight with a blessed bombardment of what I call “double superlatives” from all over the Scriptures. Multiple Instances are gathering in my mind at the speed of thought with such extreme language that it begs for attention far beyond the moment. The air around me is filled with these statements from Scripture with each demanding to be considered:
It’s not just “good,” found seven times in Genesis, Chapter One but when Eve was given to Adam it was “very good,” not just “good,” a single superlative,
but “very good,” a double!
What I am about to say to you in print may sound melodramatic, which is defined as “emotions that are exaggerated.” But here it is: What you are reading could change your life, both now and forever!
Before I present to you the central thrust of this treatise, allow me to list a few of the double superlatives to clarify what I am trying to say: (Watch the italics!)
“It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” (Luke 12:32).
“I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is exceedingly abundant …” (1 Timothy 1:14).
“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think … “ (Ephesians 3:20)
Now, please pay rapt attention to the words of Jesus, obey the command, claim the promise and trust the Holy Spirit to make it continuously real in you from here on. Be very careful to obey the command and engage the promise:
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness,and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)
You would be interested to know that I have recently taken this Scripture as my verse of the day and of the year for the remainder of my life!
Allow me to break down this all-important, life-transforming passage from the lips of Jesus and then offer you the deal of a lifetime, challenging you to say a resounding “YES!” to this high command and promised result:
“Seek first …” Continuously search out, evaluate, desire, pursue, aim, making it top priority!
“The Kingdom of God …” God’s government, His rule and His desire to have total control over your life!
“And His righteousness …” Simply God’s gift of “rightness” purchased by Jesus’ death and empowered by His life!
“And all these things shall be added unto you …” God’s response to your decision to “Seek first …!”
In effect, God has said, “You seek my rule and I will provide all things!” 
A loving caution to my reader: It is not enough to seek the Kingdom, it must be sought FIRST. What does that mean? An explanation is not sufficient, your decision is to SEEK THE KINGDOM FIRST will “blow your mind to Kingdom Come” and the Kingdom System, empowered by the Holy Spirit, will make an explanation unnecessary. You will then find yourself, Kingdom-filled, Kingdom-centered, Kingdom-empowered, Kingdom-anointed, and Kingdom-caught, captured and consumed. And it all begins with a resounding “YES!” Will you?
If mystery is surrounding you right now, it is God’s invitation to a LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS in the kingdom of God! As you say, “YES!” this fourfold prayer is for you and comes pre-answered: I pray that you will experience:
  • Accelerated Kingdom-Understanding
  • Elevated Kingdom-Anointing
  • Precise Kingdom-Discernment
  • Accurate Kingdom-Articulation
All this will initiate continued Kingdom demonstrations and Kingdom sightings all around you.
Jack Taylor
Dimensions Ministries
Melbourne, Florida
2019 Spring Sons & Daughters Gathering
March 11-15, 2019
Park Avenue Retreat Center
Titusville, FL
Jack & Friede Near You in January 2019
January 13-16 – Christian Life Assembly, Columbia, SC – WSP
January 18-20 – Legacy Church, New Braunfels, TX
January 20 (PM), Kingdom Life Church, San Antonio, TX
January 27-29 – Beltway Park Church, Abilene, TX – Word Spirit Power

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